Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 184: Insert


"Leader stay, don't have to send it off!"

"Those few go slowly!"

Mo He was very happy to send a few government officials to leave Qingmeiguan, watching their backs walking down the mountain, Mo He still had a faint smile on his face.

For this reward, Mohe finally chose to ask the dynasty for a wooden path technique.

With Mohe’s cultivation base reaching the realm of Yinshen and possessing the legacy of his previous life, Mohe does not lack the way of water travel, and has two ultimate moves: Tianhe water and Xingguang Shenshui. On the way of water, Mohe leads the way. It's bright.

However, the "Qingmu Shangyuan Jing" practiced by Mo He is, after all, a wooden exercise technique. After breaking through to the realm of Yin God, Mo He lacks a wooden exercise technique that can be used. Opportunity, ask the imperial court for a powerful wood-walking technique, so that his strength can be improved.

After breaking through to the Yinshen realm, Mo He already felt that it was not as easy to improve his cultivation level as before, and his cultivation speed has not slowed down, but since breaking through the Yinshen realm, he feels that he is far from the Yinshen realm. In the mid-term, the distance is still very far away.

The further you practice, the more difficult it is to improve your cultivation level. It requires years of practice and an understanding of Tao. This is very clear to Mo He.

After a period of time ago, Mo He planned to practice a few more magic techniques while continuing to practice, to see if he could improve his knowledge of the magic techniques to deepen his understanding of Tao, even if No, it can also improve one's own strength.

The officials from the government office left Zi'an County not long after they left Wangyue Mountain, but not all of them left. One official from the government office was left to deal with the affairs of Zi'an County temporarily.

This time the matter has come to an end here, and some follow-up questions afterwards are matters within the dynasty system and have nothing to do with Mohe.

Mo He practiced in Qingmei Temple every day, teaching worry-free, and waiting by the way, when the royal rewards would be delivered to him.

"Zi'an County, a county veteran died, colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty!" Xia Xian sat on a table in a hall of the imperial gods, looking at a memorial in front of him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then for a moment. Fleeting.

"I didn't make an inch of merit before death. After I died, I wanted to be a god. I was stopped by a Taoist official. I wanted to reward this Taoist with a wooden way. That's it!" After reading this memorial, Xia Xian directly An instruction was given, and just after the writing was stopped, a waiter gently walked in at the door, and then reported.

"Your Majesty, Master Liu is here!"

Hearing the voice of the waiter, Xia Xian looked up at him, and then said: "Let him in!"

Compared with the sound of the speech, Xia Xian's voice is much thicker than before, giving people a sense of heavy and majestic, completely different from the feeling he used to speak.

When the waiter heard the words, bowed and walked out, and then soon, a middle-aged man in an official uniform walked in. It was the Mr. Liu next to Xia Xian.

Although the official uniform is on the body, the chic temperament on his body is still intact, as it was before.

"Mister is here!" Seeing Mr. Liu coming in, Xia Xian stopped the movement in his hand, closed the memorial in his hand, put it aside, and then slowly stood up.

"Your Majesty, this is the list of the three people who will serve as the prestige of Yunling Mansion in Yunzhou, please make your decision!" Mr. Liu looked at Xia Xian who stood up, and immediately presented the memorial in his hand.

Seeing the memorial in Mr. Liu’s hand, Xia Xian smiled on his face and accepted the memorandum, but did not look at the content on it. Instead, he put it on the table and said to Mr. Liu: I'm a little lacking in handling government affairs. It just so happens that the husband hasn't played chess with Gu for a while. I don't know if there is Yaxing today, and I can play alone with him?"

When Mr. Liu heard the words, he looked up at Xia Xian with a smile on his face. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. After a respectful salute, he said: "Since'His Royal Highness' is so elegant, the minister must be accompanied!"

When he said this, he changed his name to Xia Xian from His Majesty to His Royal Highness, and there was no problem with his tone of voice, as if he had just spoken it inadvertently according to his previous habits.

"My husband was wrong, he should be called Your Majesty now!" Xia Xian smiled and corrected.

"The minister is used to it for a while, please forgive your majesty!" Mr. Liu respectfully saluted again, as if he had just made an unintentional mistake.

"It's okay, the name of the sir reminds me of the past." Xia Xian waved his hand indifferently.

At this time, the waiter had placed the chessboard on the board, and then stepped back, and the two of them sat on both sides. Only then did Mr. Liu continue speaking.

"What did your Majesty think of?" When he said this, he held a white piece in his hand and dropped a piece on the chessboard.

"I remembered that when I was in this study before, I was not qualified to sit. At the beginning, I could only kneel and be there!" Xia Xian dropped a son, then pointed to the one in front of the book table. Location, continued.

"Later, Gu can stand, and later, Gu can raise his head and look at the father who is sitting in that position, and now Gu sits in that position."

"Your Majesty is cherishing the memory of the impermanence of the world and sighing the ups and downs of life?" Hearing Xia Xian's words, Mr. Liu paused with his hand about to fall.

"Mister still understands loneliness. Among the father's many heirs, loneliness is definitely not the best. Not to mention the six emperors, among other brothers and sisters, there are also those who can far surpass the loneliness, but they can finally sit in this position. But it is such a prince who is not taken seriously, and all of this depends on Mr.'s help!" Xia Yuan raised his head and glanced at Mr. Liu, then continued to lower his head to drop a son.

"Your Majesty said and laughed." Mr. Liu also looked back at Xia Xian, then lowered his head and dropped a piece on the chessboard.

"This is not a joke. Even now that I was on the throne, it was thanks to my husband who helped me deal with these tedious government affairs, so that the laws of the dynasty could be quickly stabilized and become so organized. For my husband, I am very grateful! "Xia Xian continued to say as he settled down.

"Assisting your majesty in dealing with the government affairs of the dynasty is the duty of the courtiers. Your majesty said it seriously." Mr. Liu did not look up this time, but the force of the drop was significantly increased, and the voice pressing on the chessboard was very loud.

And after he finished saying this, Xia Xian didn't continue to speak any more, as if focusing all of his attention on the chessboard, and began to play this game of chess with him seriously.

About half an hour later, this game of chess has been divided into winners and losers, and Mr. Liu, who holds the white piece in his hand, completely overwhelmed Xia Xian.

"Haha, Mr.'s chess power is still so high, and loneliness is not as good as loneliness, but Gu is now the emperor of the people, and the gentleman does not say that he is merciful, leaving a little face for Gu." Looking at the chess game in front of him, Xia Xian held his hand. Put one of his chess pieces back, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty's chess skills have improved a lot. Wherever you need to keep your hands, I am afraid that in some time, your Majesty will find your ministers to play chess, I am afraid that the ministers will no longer be your opponents." Mr. Liu finally complimented Xia Xian at this time.

"With Mr.'s character, he can get a compliment from him. It seems that Gude's chess skill has really improved a little." Xia Xian smiled and nodded.

"Your Majesty, now that the game is over, will your Majesty take care of the government affairs? Confirm the position of the Yunling Mansion and who should be in it." Mr. Liu glanced at the memorial on the book table and reminded Xia Xian.

"Mr.'s words are extremely true, but government affairs are important!" Xia Xian immediately returned to the book case upon hearing the words, picked up Mr. Liu's memorial just now, scanned it quickly, and then said to Mr. Liu.

"The three candidates recommended by your husband are all very good. They have enough cultivation qualifications. I can see that Lin Gao is the oldest of the three. He has also served in Yunzhou for many years. It is better to let him take the post. It’s the place of the Yunling Mansion."

"Your Majesty Shengming." Mr. Liu nodded immediately.

"That's it. In the morning of tomorrow, your husband can raise this matter, and the orphan will appoint him to be the Yunling Mansion House Lord in the court hall." Xia Xian looked at Mr. Liu and handed back his memorial.

"So, the minister resigned." As a result, Mr. Liu immediately resigned and left with the memorial Xia Xian handed back.

The moment he walked out of the room, Xia Xian immediately took a piece of paper from the desk, picked up the pen, wrote down the three names just now, and then put the paper back in its place.

And at the moment the piece of paper was put back to its original place, the handwriting left on the paper just disappeared at this moment, and it became a blank piece of paper without any content.

Xia Xian sat there with no expression on his face, and continued to deal with his own tasks, but in his eyes, his eyes were extremely cold.

"The hand is really long, and there are enough hands!" Xia Xian looked at the new memorial in his hand, but was thinking about what happened just now. It was not until a long time later that he really began to look at his hand. The content of a new memorial.

"Look at him a little Sitting in the position of the emperor, it made him think a lot." After Mr. Liu walked out of the hall, he stopped slightly when he reached a position. After a moment, he spoke to the person hiding in the dark.

"Is it too early to expose the manpower we have placed in the dynasty to him now?"

"It is indeed a bit risky, but now is the best time. If we wait for a month, I am afraid it will not be so easy. Don't worry, I will not expose all of our people. I will give him the list. Most of them are It is the people of the dynasty. It is not so easy to find ours among these people."

"Xia Qi's body, do you still need to keep staring at it?"

"Let me keep an eye on it, and you can't let it go for a moment. As long as you don't see Xia Qifeng God with your own eyes, don't let your guard down."



A silent exchange ended without anyone noticing, and he did not show the slightest strangeness until the moment when Mr. Liu left the palace.

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