Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 187: The first emperor

The enthronement ceremony of the new emperor is almost over. The atmosphere in the entire human race is now very good. The people are full of joy, celebrating the new emperor’s enthronement. At the same time, they also have beautiful longings. From then on, the dynasty will become better and the lives of the people. It can also be better.

Looking at the scorching sun rising from the horizon, Mo He was still thinking about the scene just now. Mo He always felt that the new emperor was enthroned and everything would not be so stable.

"The remnants of the previous dynasty moved frequently, and the emperor died. They all resisted it. On such a big day as the new emperor ascends the throne, they will not be able to resist it. If they want to do something, there should be nothing more than this. Is it a good time?" Mo He thought in his heart.

The Goudi I have seen in Cangzhou, the ghost repairs in Zi'an County, and the second dynasty divine court in the underworld. These remaining forces of the second dynasty, no matter which one of them, are very unkind to the current dynasty, if not Mo He didn't believe it at all when he jumped out to do something.

"It seems that they have chosen the time to do their hands at the time of the emperor's position!" Mo He guessed in his heart.

"Human Sovereign Xia Qi conferred a god, how many ranks will it be granted?" Thinking of this, Mo He became a little curious about the **** position that Human Sovereign Xia Qi was about to acquire.

The Shinto system is divided into nine ranks, from the lowest rank nine gods to the fifth rank gods, corresponding to the peak of the Taoist realm to the pure sun realm.

The gods of the sixth and fifth ranks are equivalent to the pure Yang realm, but the gap between them is still quite large. The sixth-rank gods are only equivalent to the ordinary pure-yang realm masters, and the fifth-rank gods are equivalent to saving the three calamities. The pure Yang peak master, on the top, the fourth-grade god, that is already a real immortal level.

As for the gods who have reached the fourth rank or above, in the history of the entire human race, not many have obtained such a seal. Nowadays, most of the fourth rank gods rely on their own accumulation and a certain amount of luck. , Reaching this level, instead of directly getting the seal.

According to the experience of the second dynasty, the emperor who is generally very mediocre will get the emperor of the fifth-grade god, and those who are diligent in governing can obtain the deity of the fourth-grade god. Human emperors who have made outstanding contributions and are worthy of special mention in the history books can only obtain the third rank emperor after death, which is also the highest deity educated by the human race.

As a founding emperor, Xia Qi's life experience, one of the biggest achievements, of course, is to change the dynasty, and it is very likely that he will be awarded the three-rank emperor.

Mo He thought like this in his heart, and Xia Xian, who had finished his enthronement ceremony in the Imperial Capital, had already begun to receive all the guests who came to observe the ceremony.

The relationship between the dynasty and these big powers is still very close. Now that there is a different emperor, they also need to deepen their understanding of each other.

The disciples sent by these sects or big forces are already very experienced in this matter. Almost every two hundred years or so, they will experience this kind of thing once, and sometimes even shorter intervals.

Until a few hours later, Xia Xian had a gentle smile on his face, and he couldn't help feeling a bit of fatigue when he sent these guests away.

"Your Majesty looks a little tired!" Mr. Liu's voice sounded beside Xia Xian, making him look back at the other party.

Today's Mr. Liu's dress is as solemn as everyone else, but the elegant and chic feeling on his body has not changed because of his clothes.

"Yes, these sect masters who came to observe the ceremony are all true primordial gods and true immortals. They have just ascended the throne, and they still feel a little guilty in contact with these senior masters!" Xia Xian said. .

"Your Majesty will hold on for a while. There are still things to come. The funeral ceremony of the first emperor is about to begin. The other princes and princesses are almost ready, and your Majesty is almost time to pass." Mr. Liu still said with a smile.

Xia Xian is destined to be busy today. From last night to the present, he has not rested for almost a moment, and then, it should be difficult for him to have time to rest. Even after the funeral ceremony of the emperor, he still needs to deal with those brothers. Sister, it is difficult to have time to rest.

"Thank you, Mr., for reminding, I'll be here!" Xia Xian nodded slightly, then turned and walked towards a palace.

Mr. Liu stayed with Xia Xian until Xia Xian entered the palace and was about to change all the clothes he wore when sending the emperor to the funeral. He turned and walked outside.

"It's almost time for a good show to watch. Don't make any mistakes at this time. Xia Qi's coffin must be closely watched." As he walked outside, Mr. Liu and the people in the dark began to communicate silently. .

"It has been confirmed, at least the corpse of Xia Qi who is lying in it now is undoubtedly!"

"That's good, tell us the manpower, as soon as the time comes, they will immediately instigate the border officers and raise troops at the same time."

"Then, do you want to inform the ghost cultivators of the first emperors, they are also a powerful force, if they can be added, it will be a boost to us."

"There is no need to notify them, a group of ghost repairs can do some conspiracy and tricks, but to restore the orthodoxy, we need to use the upright and bright teacher to play our banner and inform them. It is harmful and useless." Mr. Liu heard the words of the secret person, his face did not move. Sensual, but secretly vetoed it.

The time of the day is actually very short. When you are really busy, you will find that in the blink of an eye, the time of the day passes.

The setting sun slanted to the west, and I saw the twilight sunset, but in the palace, the courtiers in full dynasty, plus the descendants of the first emperor, all dressed in plain clothes, neatly lined up the line, with a look of grief on their faces.

"The first emperor goes out for funeral, go out!" The ceremonial officer who presided over the new emperor's enthronement ceremony during the day, then began to preside over the funeral ceremony of the first emperor. After shouting, the neatly arranged team began to slowly move towards the palace. Walked outside the door.

This timing is very particular. Choosing this twilight sunset symbolizes the passing of a generation of emperors, just as the sun sets in the west, followed by the night, expressing respect and grief for the emperor, and at the same time as the emperor ascended the throne. Corresponding to time, it also symbolizes the alternation of the old and the new, and the continuous inheritance.

Except for the coffin of the first emperor, everyone in the team sending the first emperor to the funeral was on foot. Even Xia Xian, who is now the new emperor, also walked.

At the moment when the team walked out of the gate of the palace, the sound of courtesy and music sounded, and the voice was low and sad, but majestic, with sorrow and majesty.

This is the "Emperor Funeral" of Lijia Li, Yue, and Le. It was composed by the first emperor in ancient times when he was in the funeral. After continuous improvement, it has occupied an important position in the etiquette of Lijia. Now this sad music, It is already the exclusive funeral of the emperor.

Of course, this name is not appropriate to play this sad music at other times.

The team that sent the first emperor to the funeral soon came to the imperial mausoleum. This is the imperial mausoleum of the third dynasty. Although it has the name of the imperial mausoleum, no emperor has been buried in it so far. Today it will be Ushered in the first emperor.

After arriving here, the sunset on the horizon is already close to the mountain, and it will soon be set down on the hillside.

After the ceremonial officer arrived, there was no delay, and he immediately proceeded to the next ceremony.

"At the end of the spirit emperor's year, the dynasty has no way. The emperor enlightened at the end of the day, holding the world's common people's thoughts and raising troops...!"

Seeing the ceremonial officer took out a sacrificial text and began to chant it loudly, Mr. Liu, who was bowing his head in the crowd of Xia Qi's deeds during his lifetime, showed a disdainful expression at the corner of his mouth, using a kind of almost nothing. The voice murmured.

"Rebellious thief!"

With the voice of the ceremonial officer, the atmosphere on the scene became more and more solemn, until he finished reciting the short ritual in his hand and threw it into the fire. All the descendants of the previous emperor, including Xia Xian , All took a step forward, personally supported the coffin of the emperor, and then lifted the coffin and placed it in the burial pit of the emperor's mausoleum.

At this time, the ceremonial officer was holding a jade box in his hand, and when he came to Xia Xian's side, he opened the jade box, took out the edict inside, and handed it to Xia Xian.

"It's going to begin!" Mr. Liu below noticed this scene, his hands couldn't help being slightly clenched into fists. Next, it was the critical moment of the matter. As long as everything went according to plan, then when the emperor Xia Qi received the edict, That's when they rallied to set things right.

Xia Xian spread out the edict in his hand and glanced at the two of the first princes. One was the eighth princess Xia Wu and the other was the nine prince Xia Lian. The two of them were also looking at Xia Xian at this time.

Withdrawing his gaze, Xia Xian looked at the edict in his hand and read aloud: "Human Emperor Xia Qi, who has risen at the end of the era, saved the people of Li from water and fire, overthrew tyranny, rebuilt law, diligent and caring for the people, meritorious service in the present age, benefits for the future , Human Emperor Xia Qi's second-grade god, honorable title-Emperor Wuchang!"

As soon as Xia Xian's words fell, the edict in his hand instantly turned into a golden light, which shot into the coffin of the emperor, a bright golden light soared into the sky, and a clear figure emerged from the golden light.

Looking at this figure, all the emperor’s sons have an indescribable feeling in their hearts at this moment. The figure wrapped in golden light is no longer rickety, but very strong. His appearance is not Not too handsome, but his face is very tough.

This figure is the emperor in their memory, the mighty and domineering emperor Xia Qi who overthrew the Second Dynasty's 30,000-year rule.

However, unlike the reactions of the princes and heirs of these people, all the courtiers below, except for a few, the courtiers who had been known beforehand, the expressions of the other courtiers changed one after another at this moment, and someone directly exclaimed.

"Second Grade God, how can this be?"

"How can it be a second-tier god? How much dynasty's luck would it cost? What should I do next with the emperor of the frontier soldiers?"

The path of cultivation, no matter which path is taken, the more difficult it is as you go forward, the greater the gap between a level, and although there is only one level difference between the second-rank and third-level gods, the gap is still in heaven. Differently.

The third-rank gods are equivalent to the true gods of the Xuanxian realm, and the second-rank gods are equivalent to the Jinxian realm.

What is golden immortal, golden person, immortal also.

Just as there was an uproar below, Mr. Liu's mouth was filled with a smile, he knew, it was done!

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