Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Sudden kobold tunnel battle

"Ha~Haha! Those brash men who only have brute force, it was a mistake to let me escape, so that you all took the opportunity to press me down and watch me go to the lord of the city to secretly report, let you all die! Hahaha! Nothing makes me more happy than their regretful look afterwards!"

The cautious captain who fled in a panic from Yun and them ran on the street with a wicked smile, but now there are some dead players on the street, and he didn't care about them and ran into an alley. Go in.

   (It’s a way to go from here! Hahaha! I have seen those losers!)

Just when the captain was complacent, he was tripped on the ground by something. With the sound of "Bang Dang" and his pig-killing wailing, the others turned their backs on their backs and landed their faces on the ground. There was a profound contact with Mother Earth.

   "What the **** is he who tripped me up! Huh? Ah~ Ah! Don't come! Don't come! Come and save me!"

Unexpectedly, the captain raised his head cursingly, and when he saw clearly what tripped him, he was already very panicked and ready to crawl and run away, who knew that the heavy armor made him get up for a while. Do not come.

   "Human~kind! Human!"

I saw that in this alley that looked like the mouth of a sewer, suddenly many kobold warriors in metal light armor climbed out. The level of lv15 above their heads and the hideous look had already regarded this captain as a target. .

Flicking the weapon in his hand at the captain was a torture and killing. It didn't take long for the captain to become a cold corpse under this brutal attack, and just before these kobold fighters were still happy, a girl's tip The call attracted their attention.

   I saw that at the entrance of the alley, there was a girl who might have heard the captain's rescue. She was vomiting on the spot with a look of fear. She had obviously forgotten her current situation!

   "Female~sex! Female! Female!"

   These kobold warriors saw the girl like a hungry wolf that had been hungry for a long time, with scarlet eyes shining with fierce light, and directly surrounded the girl.

   "Don't... don't! Help!"

When the girl realized that she was surrounded by monsters, she had already panicked and leaked a light yellow liquid from her lower body. She burst into tears and shouted to the sky. This action attracted the attention of all decadent players on the street. .

   But the scene they saw next was too stimulating, and they couldn't help but start to get scared. The girl was torn to pieces by these kobold warriors, and in this state of fruity dew, she was publicly xx.

   While the rest of the kobold warriors who couldn't hold back, they began to hunt players separately, and began to capture female players alive. The most serious thing about those female players who resisted was that their limbs were alive and amputated by that cold and ruthless weapon.

   After they were burnt with torches and condensed into burned scabs, they carried them into the sewer while xx, and it seemed that these female players who were captured alive were going to be transported to a designated location.

   For a time, the streets of the entire starting town were filled with flames and billowing smoke, and the sound of hacking, screams, and weapon collisions filled the town.

Of course, this situation was also known by the Town Self-Defense Force and Yun, and the first action was from the Town Self-Defense Force. After the street was invaded, they took the patrol team that had been kept on alert to the incident. The location began to fight back.

   is on the side of the cloud. It was obvious that the news came a bit late. After all, they did not have a special intelligence organization. It was also when the indigenous people suddenly discovered that wolf smoke and a large number of players were fleeing, only to realize that the other party had begun an invasion.

   "What's the situation? Why is it so noisy outside?"

   first realized that what was wrong was Kirito, who was closest to the window. He looked out the window with some unpredictability, and saw a large number of players fleeing outside, which made him more uneasy. He hurriedly opened the wooden door and went to the street.

   "Wait for us! Kirito-chan!"

   Yun, who also realized that something was wrong, took Aisha and the medical team, and hurriedly followed Kirito to the noisy, mixed street.

   The raging flames and the thick smoke in the distance, coupled with the unique battlefield sound that can only be heard during the war, made Yun and the others swallow, and their heads were already covered with a lot of cold sweat.

"is that a lie?"

   "It's **** on earth!"

Everyone present finally realized that the other party was impatient in waiting, just as expected. Sure enough, there will be a big movement in the last few days, but I didn’t expect the other party to come back so quickly, and they didn’t know they used it. What kind of means actually succeeded in a sneak attack from the center of the town.

"Everyone is ready to fight! Brother Agil! All Klein! Aisa, Sister Casey, and the medical team will be handed over to you! It's time for us to be the vanguard of Kirito-chan! Sister Aisha, Sister Casey! And the medical team gave us buffs and auxiliary operations of the blessing system!"

   Cloud quickly divided up the labor among all! (Leave it to us!

Everyone also responded to the distribution of the cloud for the first time, and began to arrange the formation, with the assistance headed by Aisha as the center, and the surrounding guards of Agil and Klein, and Yun and Tong as the pioneer The man drew out his weapon, and a charge greeted him from side to side.

(Damn it! I wanted to wait for the troops to get more materials for defense and long-range weapons consumption! I didn't expect them to come first at this critical point! The plan can't keep up with the changes! Even if we mobilize two missions now, they can't keep up. ! Just use the current lineup to support the return of the reinforcements!)

  Yun looked at the kobold warrior who was nearly ten levels taller than him in a cold sweat, and couldn't help gritting his teeth, at this moment! With a few rays of light. The buff of the new blessing system is superimposed on them.

   "Guardian Poetry" enables all friendly units centered on the caster to obtain a fixed amount and a percentage amount of defense enhancement effect! Note: This buff can stack up to three layers at the same time.

   "Battle Poem" enables all friendly units centered on the caster to obtain a fixed amount and a percentage amount of additional damage and boost effects! Note: This buff can stack up to three layers at the same time.

   "The Ballad of Swiftness" enables all friendly units centered on the caster to obtain a fixed amount, a percentage amount of movement acceleration and sword skill forward swing shortening and improving effects! Note: This buff can stack up to three layers at the same time.

   "The Rhythm of the Berserker" enables all friendly units centered on the caster to obtain a fixed amount and a percentage amount of hp stealing and peace attack, and sword skill mp with recovery and improvement effects! Note: This buff can stack up to three layers at the same time.

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