Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 23: Confirmation of cooperation and beginning of battle

"If you can help us fight against foreign enemies, it is not impossible for us to solve the civil strife in the town! I think if we cooperate, there will be a great chance of survival, or else we will fight separately. It will only cause both sides to lose, and it is the orcs of the foreign enemy who really profit in this way!"

   Diss has been watching Yun's speech and behavior with serious eyes. Although the feeling of being stared at is uncomfortable, Yun also responded calmly to him.

"We have been trying to survive from the beginning, and we have encountered this life-and-death problem when we first arrived. It is naturally a great honor to be able to combine the strength between us! But even if the battle wins... you should do more than just Survive? Lord Diss?"

Yes, right now, Yun and the others are facing internal and external troubles, but Lord Diss can see that he also has what he wants. In addition to survival, it is Yun, the commander of a hundred-man army, for a man who does not have much strength. As far as the lord is concerned, it is the most desired military power, how could Yun not know why they came from?

   (Awesome! Two people are verbally competing with each other for it! It feels like we are not of the same level at all!)

   Although Kirito and the others are not as capable as the two, they have learned a lot under the pressure of the reality, and the analysis of the pros and cons is also the result of it.

   (Interesting... It seems that being able to be the position of hundreds of people is not just a mere appearance and luck! He is an interesting and thinking person!)

   "I don't know what Yun Bairenjiang's words mean?"

Diss is also a person who has been in the position of lord for a long time. Naturally, it will not be pure cooperation for surface purposes. He appeared at this critical moment. He smiled and asked Yun, and Yun couldn't help but smile when he saw this answer. .

   (Obviously so young, I did not expect to be an old fox who has been around for a long time!)

"Ha~Haha! Missing! Missing! Originally we were planning to do our best to defeat foreign enemies... But I heard that there was a disturbance in the city, and some people even said that our Lord Diss is an incompetent decoration... I don’t know. Is it groundless?"

   Yun See how Diss likes to play, so Yun can play with Diss, but time is tight, so I can only use gossip to try it!

   "You are rude..."

And the people around Diss are not stupid, how could I not hear that Izumo was mocking his lord’s incompetence, and Diss also calmly reached out to stop his subordinates' reckless words and deeds, and Diss smiled. Nodded.

"Ha~Haha! Let's put aside the detours! We don't have time to play these conspiracies now! Tell you the truth! If you don't solve the foreign enemies, everyone and us will have to die, but as long as you can go with peace of mind Solve the foreign enemies, I will help you kill those silly grasshoppers! Other things will be discussed slowly after the war is over! I know that Yun Bairen will be a wise man, and I will know what it means by seeing the weather today!"

And Diss also realizes that there are a lot of things in bargaining, and he also knows that this time is a once-in-a-lifetime moment for the other party, so he took the initiative to propose a proposal to help Yun solve the civil unrest, otherwise they will die in these only for some irrelevance. Important things, but in the hands of selfish people who took the opportunity to make trouble.

   (What a discerning person, that’s all... Even if you fight for me now, it doesn’t make sense, but you must not have a heart to harm, but you must have a heart to defend against others...)

   "In fact, I don't need Lord Diss to say that I will defend this place desperately, but if there is a sentence from Lord Diss to solve problems, I will be relieved to join the frontline battlefield!"

  Yun smiled and stretched out his right hand to show respect.

   (Also... it's better than wasting unnecessary time here! It's dead or alive and it depends on whether we can do what each other needs!)

   "Then~ please Yun Hundred People General! I will help you solve the problem of civil unrest!"

   Diss also smiled and shook hands with Yun friendly. And just as the two laughed at each other'hahaha', the communication ability that belonged to the skills inherent in the official position reached Yun and the four lieutenants. They couldn't help but frown at the same time.

   (Report! A large number of kobold and wild boar troops appeared in the fog in front of the front door. Now they are starting to charge our city gate with tried-and-tested crowd tactics! Boss, please!)

   The news of the war immediately reached Yun and the others. Sure enough, the opponent who arrived as expected was already unable to hold back their hands. Then Yun and the others should naturally act accordingly.

   "Lord’s true... the enemy has begun to attack the city! Please come as you have agreed, or we will be ready to perish! Please!"

Yun told Diss the worst information. Case frowned and nodded, and quickly left the big room. When he closed the door and confirmed that Case and they were all gone, Yun started. Give orders.

   (The whole army obeys orders and uses defense mechanisms! Rolling wood, stone, hot water, boiling oil, spears, giant crossbows, and bows and arrows are waiting! Remember to light a brazier with rocket fire arrows! Let them regret it for a lifetime!)

   (Yes! Boss!)

Following Yun’s quick instructions, the personnel on the other side responded loudly and started counterattack Now we are acting as planned before, and they are back to their posts. Kirito, Asuna, and Aisha follow me forward. Line to fight, and El Gil! Don't be too relaxed even with the help of Lord Keys! The inside of the city is left to you! "

   Yun turned around again and arranged their own affairs. After a few people nodded, they followed Yun out of the big room and started to split up.

   "Pour the hot oil down on me!"

At the city gate, when the kobold and boar troops were still making a fearless charge, preparing to climb the city wall and hit the city gate, the cloud army on the city wall began to show off various defensive weapons. Using boiling hot oil to continue to water the approaching enemies, a lot of wild boars and kobolds were scalded all at once, tumbling and struggling to death.

   "Fall arrows! Shoot these invaders!"

In the next second, the arrows that landed on the rockets were released, and the ones that fell on them ignited the grease and burned them. All of a sudden, a sea of ​​flames formed around the city walls and gates, making the wild boar and kobold troops. Had to be forced to stop, he was instinctively afraid of flames to a certain extent, but the screaming sound of his companions pulled them back to reality.

   "Those who fall back die! Charge me forward!"

And the Kobold Lord who first appeared with his hands brandishing a big knife, and alive to behead the personnel of the two tribes who were a little afraid of it, and on the spot, forcing the army of these kobolds and wild boars to move forward and follow the momentum. In the sea of ​​fire.

   "Damn it! These **** humans do some tricks! Looks like it should be mentioned! You four, come out for me!"

  Kobold Lord saw this method of fighting that he had never seen before, and he called out the four giant warriors who were his hole cards...

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