Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 40: The retreat of the 2 clans and the teachings of the cloud


The sun was shining during the siege in a cloudy state, and there were two red blood men on the grassland at this moment, exhausted and panting on the red-stained grassland.

And because of the death of the lord of the kobold just now, the entire army of the two clans of the siege was obviously slow and blind. They all stopped their movements and turned their heads regardless of the initial attack on the city wall. The Boar Lord, who had finished the conversation, had lost the leadership of the Kobold Lord, and he was the only commander left.

(The two leading figures of mankind are really powerful. Just catch this short moment of mistake and easily kill my father. Now we have lost the source of ignition. If we continue like this, we will win. ...And there are no extra troops to manage and maintain order! This battle has failed in a strategic sense... But the most important goal between me and the Boar Lord has been achieved! It is not a complete failure. ...)

Looking at the corpse of the lord Kobold that has gradually become cold, the mood of Colum as a son is a bit complicated. At this time, he should be happy when he is free from the control of his father... but he has no such feeling at all. ...Only a touch of sadness...

(Is this the end result of the road of destruction? It’s very tragic... Lord Kobold... But your death made me understand what the end of advocating force is! But we are actually different ways, and we still hope Don't blame me!)

"Listen! Brave people of the two races!"

At this time, it can be said that the Boar Lord, who fully understands where his path should go, has also done what a race leader should do, and his loud shouts! It also allowed the soldiers and players who were still ready to take the opportunity to continue to reduce the number, and collectively stopped the offensive under Aisha's order.

(Aisha... why not chase after victory?)

At this time, all players are asking questions full of questions. Now this one is on the forefront of the battlefield! The only lieutenant who is truly responsible for command rises.

(Judging from the habits of Yun and Tongrenjiang, people think that the leader of this wild monster should also make a corresponding already has wisdom...just watching from the beginning The kobold lord of his own partner, and never wanted to personally intervene in this siege...)

Aisha calmly analyzed all the current situation objectively, and convinced Yun's subordinates and the players around him.

"No! Their previous sneak attacks are already intolerable. Even so, their siege is unforgivable! We can't just let them go! This kind of feminine kindness will kill people in our entire town. Can't let them go!"

The multiple players couldn't forgive the opponent's behavior, so they prepared to continue shooting with arrows, but were brutally pressed on the ground by the soldiers around them.

"Sorry! We will only obey the orders of our superiors! We can't let you do whatever you want!"

And the soldiers who held the players apologized.

"You guys!!! Okay! Let's wait and see! We'll see at that time! Who is right and who is wrong! Huh~huh!"

Players also feel that these soldiers who obey the master's orders like dogs are somewhat dull and unreasonable.

(Why don’t we understand what you said? But if there is no rule, we can't make a circle. If the superior orders us to execute it, this is our boss’s most trusted cronies. Since the boss believes in the judgement of Master Aisha, we must be resolute. Support, we entrust life and death to the boss! This is the loyalty of us soldiers to the boss!)

The soldiers are also a little uncomfortable to accept the misunderstandings of the players, but this is also a matter for them to defend their generals. What if they don't support their generals at this time? When will it be?

(Thank you……)

Aisha watched Yun's subordinates selflessly helping herself to maintain order, and she didn't know how to express her inner respect besides thanking her.

"Go back! There is no place for us! The craziest rule of force is over! It's time for us to return to our homeland! And the new king of the kobolds is Coron! Return to our home for the birth of a new king Right!"

The Boar Lord held the white Colum in his hands and swept in mid-air for a while, then turned and stepped on a regular pace, and left this meaningless and wild corpse battlefield first...

Seeing that my lord had announced this, the tribes of the two tribes, who had no brains, didn't think much, and followed the direction where the leader left.

"Aisha! Hurry up while they are running away! Now is another chance to annihilate in one fell swoop! Let us go! We have to learn about these beasts by ourselves!"

"Yeah! Let us go chasing them! Kill them by surprise!"

Seeing this great opportunity now, the players around began to persuade Aisha to kill her forever, and never end her troubles!


Seeing this situation, Aisha also hesitated! After all, she turned her head and saw the town that was almost destroyed by the other party behind her, and she couldn't help but shake when she remembered the tragic and murderous behavior in the place at that time!

(Master Aisha...)

The team members around him also looked at Aisha collectively, their eyes full of complex expressions...

(What to should I choose...what would I do if it was Yun or Kirito-chan?)

Aisha slowly closed her eyes and began to recall how Yun and Kirito dealt with the incident...

"Although you can't be soft in dealing with the enemy! But you also need to know something you must know!"

Yun told Aisha and the others about the situation last night.

"That~that? What kind of situation should be paid attention to? Peter?"

And it was Aisha herself who asked this question! After all, she is the least important existence, except for logistics and related auxiliary and blessing abilities, she seldom can help her own pet, so she always feels a little self-blaming! So I want to learn as much as possible! It has become particularly active to help the cloud share more things.

"Ha~Haha! It seems that my lovely girl has become like learning! Good question! Many times we have to analyze each other's purpose in every battle!"

With a smile, Yun held the small wooden stick in his hand as a pointer and pointed towards Aisha! Emphasize it to others!

(In other words...Do we need to know why the enemy came? Hmm...)

Aisha lowered her head slightly to think and remember! Although sometimes the enemy is a sign of defeat! There are several possibilities! the first! The other party really failed! second! For what purpose did the other party retreat strategically! third! May lure us into a trap or trap! "

Yun was pacing back and forth in front of Aisha and the others, while holding a small wooden stick in his hand, spinning in mid-air!

"So's really troublesome..."

Aisha gently pinched her chin with her white jade hands and nodded slightly.

"And after you have judged the local purpose! You can act according to the scene! But remember! Do what you can! And don't chase the enemy! If the opponent is driven into desperation! Once the opponent has no life, it may be put to death! Later life! In that case, we will not only have not won a big victory or a slight victory! But the loss of personnel will become huge! This situation is not worth the loss!" Sword Gray Wheel Dancer

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