Guard With a Knife

Two: UCLA crisis

Darren Collison was temporarily out of the dormitory. He found a lame excuse to ask coach Ben Holland for leave. He said that he stepped on soap in the bathroom while taking a shower, and then broke his calf and damaged his thigh ligament. Tear, need to rest for three weeks.

What else can Ben Howland say?

He didn't want to say anything, even if he knew that Darren Collison was lying, that's not what the medical records sent by the hospital said.

However, Collison is the absolute core of the Bruins after all.

Moreover, the NCAA game is still in the group stage, and his rest will not have much impact on the Bruins. So, turn a blind eye.

During Darren Collison's absence for three weeks, Russell Westbrook kept bringing good news from the practice facility.

On the first day, he told Doug, I could finally dunk.

The next day, he told Doug, see? My height and wingspan have increased.

On the third day, he told Doug, I led the bench to play a very strong offensive today. Mr. Ben Holland is already considering me as a starter, and he may even play double with that bastard Darren Collison in the future. Point guard tactics.

day four...

fifth day...

Day 12, "Hey, Snoopy. Did you watch the game last night? We beat the University of Washington, I got 16 points and 11 assists, I gave three reporters interviews, and I gave eleven Personally signed. I have seen the NBA beckoning to me. Mr. Ben Holland told me that if I keep improving, I can even become a five-star player."

Thirteenth day, "Nah, Snoopy. Here's your Big Mac beef burger, and you've eaten 18. You should get out and exercise more. Come on, look at this Sports Illustrated, it has My report, you should learn how they praise me, they are saying that I am Derrick Rose in Los Angeles. Derrick Rose, what a superstar he is, he can declare for the NBA draft at any time A super-big guy entering the lottery.”

Twenty-first day.

Before Russell Westbrook could speak, Doug let out a huge burp. For three weeks, he has been eating almost all the time, supplementing food like crazy. No one counted how much he ate.

However, when he stood up, Russell Westbrook found that this small man who was only 1.75 meters was a little taller than himself at 191. Most importantly, he was much more handsome than before. The puppy used to have a baby face, but now the whole face looks like it was chiseled out with a knife and an axe. The facial features are extremely three-dimensional, like sculptures. Not only is it handsome, but it is also handsome in an artistic way.

"I say Snoopy. Your height growth rate is amazing, even the real Snoop Dogg can't grow so high in three weeks. You know, I have grown from your height to now Being so tall, I spent the whole summer vacation of my sophomore year." Westbrook shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, I have to admit that I didn't eat as much as you for three weeks during the whole summer vacation."

Duge stretched his waist, his body finally stopped rattling like it was ten days ago, a little 'softer', and no longer so rigid!

In the past 21 days, apart from eating, I was adapting to this new body whose internal structure had suddenly changed completely.

He found that if he lay still, the joints and muscles of his body would become rigid.

However, if you keep moving, you can slowly become more fluid.

Therefore, he felt that he should go to a professional trainer for consultation.

"Can you take me to your gym to train tomorrow?"

Du Ge said suddenly: "I feel that my body needs to be recuperated."

Russell Westbrook patted his chest: "Of course there is no problem, I am the main player now!"


next morning,

Sure enough, Russell brought Doug to the exclusive gym in the training hall.

And introduce him to the team's chief trainer, Leon Bob.

Leon Bob has been proud of himself recently, because his scientific training has turned Russell Westbrook from a rookie when he first joined the team to the devil's muscular man now. At present, many NBA teams have offered him contracts with an annual salary of more than 500,000 yuan.

Therefore, when Russell introduced a friend to come over for a professional training program, he quickly agreed.

He didn't even care about why this Chinese boy's English name was Snoopy. Isn't Snoopy a dog in cartoons?

When he shook hands with Snoopy for the first time, he found that Snoopy had very slender fingers and a big palm.

Later, when testing hard data such as height and weight, another surprising thing was discovered.

He is 193cm tall and has a wingspan of 208cm.

This kind of height and wingspan ratio is considered S level among blacks.

Among the people of the yellow race, they are one in a million.

He couldn't help taking a look at Du Gegao: This body is naturally suitable for playing basketball.

Then, when Doug stood on the weight pounds.

Bob's eyeballs almost fell out.

Doug doesn't look fat, even a little thin. However, the number displayed above turned out to be: 95 kg.

Westbrook is only 81 kilograms now, and Westbrook has significantly more muscles than him.

At that time, he suspected that his weight was broken, so he hurriedly stood on it himself, and after confirming that he was still 88 kg, his hands were shaking.

He wrote down Doug's weight on the physical form.

Then he circled Dug three times and patted his body, which seemed as hard as poured out of steel.

It's all bones.

He secretly exclaimed: This skeleton is so good. The boxing coach must have drooled when he saw it.

"Snoopy, come here, let's try this."

Bob pointed to the bench press and told Doug.

Doug reclined on it.

"We'll start with 60kg, and I'll watch from the sidelines, and if you can't hold it, just call me."

Bob wasn't sure if the thin Doug could lift 60kg.

But soon, Doug gave him a surprise, he lifted it up easily, and emphasized: "It's a bit too light, I can't feel its weight."

Bob once thought that the Chinese kid was talking too much, but when he saw Doug easily completed 20 and easily answered with himself, he dispelled this stupid idea.

He increased his strength to 84 kg.

This is the weight of daily practice for perimeter players.

However, Doug still easily completed five groups.

"I think we can add a little more."

Duge's request was no longer unreasonable to Bob, and he also wanted to know how much weight this thin Chinese boy could lift.

So, he kept putting on pounds.

Up to one hundred and fifty kilograms.

Duge finally said that this strength is very comfortable.

He did ten sets of bench presses.

Bob was so shocked that he couldn't add it. This data broke the bench press record of an active player. Moreover, it is also the top existence in the NBA. Usually only inside players can complete this level of bench press, although there is still a certain gap compared with natural monsters such as Shaquille O'Neal, Karl Malone, and Ben Wallace. However, he is only nineteen years old, he is not an athlete, but a top student at Anderson School of Business.

"OK, let's go to the court to test the dynamic response ability."

Bob said to Doug.

He took Dooger to the corner of the court and set him up with stakes to test his movement speed.

Soon, the results will be out.

1 minute 21 seconds!

The reaction is too slow.

Whether it's lateral movement or changing direction in a small space, it doesn't do very well.

Bob couldn't help shaking his head: "Snoopy, your limbs are uncoordinated and your flexibility is too poor."

He suggested: "Next, you need to strengthen your training in this area."

Doug nodded, realizing it himself.

Since he was hit by a meteor that night, his appetite has greatly increased, his height has risen rapidly, and his skeletal muscles have become stronger and stronger. This has brought the benefits of increased strength, but also the disadvantage of decreased coordination.

However, he found that coordination can be adjusted slowly through a lot of training.

At least, today is better than yesterday.

He picked up a basketball and started slapping it.

He played basketball before, and he played well, and this "good" only ends at the amateur level.

But now, he found that when he was shooting the ball, he had a weird feeling of being one with the ball.

The other parts of his body became as hard as iron, but the palms of his hands became more flexible. I don't know if it was because of following the principle of "harder is harder, softer is softer" in the physics world.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Here he slapped the basketball like a butterfly wearing flowers.

Suddenly there was a loud bang from the stadium. Looking closely, a tall and strong black center fell to the ground, and then screamed while clutching his knees.

Bob ran over quickly.

All the players and staff also gathered around there.

After a while, the medical staff brought the stretcher, and within ten minutes, there was the sound of an ambulance outside the basketball hall.

Several players carried their teammates out with mournful expressions.

Everyone in the uniform team and the coaching team looked helpless.


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