Guard With a Knife

Four: Please, let go

Doug agreed, but he applied: "I hope to come here to train every day. It would be even better if your gym can be opened to me for free."

"Absolutely no problem."

Ben Howland agreed happily: "You can use all fitness equipment for free now, and the top trainers of our school team will also formulate the most detailed training plan for you. You are already a member of the Bruins team. You should get the courtesy that a full-fledged player should get, although we still need about three days to submit the application to the school and the NCAA league."

Doog immediately became amused by the commitment.

This is a very profitable deal for him.

To enjoy the fitness equipment of the basketball team and the service of the top training team without spending a penny, he felt as unreal as a dream.

"Hey, Russell. Is this what you mean by electrotherapy?"

He turned to ask Westbrook on the other massage table.

The two received the services of professional physiotherapists after intensive training.

When the weak current penetrated into the body, Duge clearly felt that his blood, muscles and bones were becoming more active.

Westbrook was thinking about another thing at this time. He asked Kevin Love on the other end: "Kevin, you said that when Darren came back from the hospital and saw that Snoopy became a Bruins player, what would he do? What kind of expression is it?"

"I don't know, maybe it's another fight with Snoopy."

Kevin Love turned around and gave a serious warning: "Listen, Snoopy, we can help you in the dormitory. But in the team, he is the boss, and he has a hardcore brother, Luke Bummore Te and Holiday are under his orders. You must be 100% vigilant at all times now."

Le Fu said very seriously.

Doug was easy.

In the past, when he was 175 tall, he dared to confront Darren Collison. Now that he is 193 tall, he is even less afraid of him.

Many people say that Duge's character is like his mother Lan Feilin, gentle and peaceful, never impatient with others.

But in fact, he is more like Du Kefeng at critical moments. Du Kefeng has a stubborn personality. Although he is not highly educated, he dares to go all the way to the dark. Never cause trouble, but never be afraid of trouble.

After the physical therapy, Westbrook couldn't wait to go on a date with Nina.

Nina is Russell's number one fan. When Westbrook could only play 6 minutes a game in his freshman year, Nina fell in love with him. Now Westbrook is getting better and better, and the relationship between the two is getting stronger. thicker and thicker.

In this matter, Doug envied him.

Thinking that he has found true love, the 19-year-old sometimes fantasizes: When will my love appear?

As for Kevin Love, he clearly has no concept of love, despite the word 'love' in his name. Compared to women, he would rather spend his time in World of Warcraft.

As the son of a former NBA player, he is an out-and-out son of the wealthy white class. He has no dandyism in him, never boasting, and he doesn't like to show off. He is just a pure game fat house.

This is why Doug became good friends with him.

They jointly created a guild in World of Warcraft. Whenever they join the battle group, there will always be violent waves in the continent of Azeroth. Whether it is an encounter in the wild, an arena, or a battlefield, they can always easily carry the entire field .

"Listen, Snoopy. We should bring this chemistry to the court. We're going to play those USC bastards next Tuesday. If you help me hold the meat in the paint, I'll keep hitting the free throw line. , you must know that I am the best mage in Azeroth!"

After a hearty victory, Kevin Love emphasized to Doug loudly.

There are many loopholes in his sentence, Duge was about to complain about him,

An unfriendly voice came from outside: "Hey, Kevin, are you too optimistic. You actually believe that this guy can hold Taj Gibson?"

Power forward Luke Mbah a Moute from Cameroon walked in, followed by Bruins No. 2 point guard Jrue Holiday.

They are all part of Darren Collison's team.

They are also the team's four-star players, and they have the opportunity to enter the NBA.

"This is our dormitory, please go out." The puppy turned his head, he didn't want to give face to the two seniors of the school team: "Also, please remember to knock on the door next time. Students should have the most basic manners."

"I invited them in, do you have any objection?"

Darren Collison came over, and he didn't seem to have any abnormalities.

But when he saw Du Ge, his expression still couldn't hide his anger.

"I heard you joined the Bruins."

"Perhaps Mr. Ben Holland should see an ophthalmologist, or a psychiatrist."

"But no matter what, as the captain, you are welcome to join."

Darren Collison holds out his right hand.

Doug could see that he was posturing, but he held out his hand anyway.

As soon as the two hands touched, Duge immediately felt a stream of mucus sticking to his hands.

He was about to let go when Darren Collison clamped him tightly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mbah a Moute and Holiday laughed heartily: "Poor rookie, you are finished."

Darren Collison's smile also turned into a smirk: "Snoop Dogg, welcome to the Bruins team. This is a greeting gift from the captain."

"This time, stop jumping up and down like an East Asian monkey. It's African glue."

As soon as Darren Collison finished speaking, he immediately increased his grip.

In the past, every time Doug fought him, he couldn't catch Doug. Every time Duge dodged flexibly and counterattacked.

This time, he followed Holiday's advice. I specially asked Ba Mote from Cameroon to "refine" this kind of plant superglue... There is no side effect. However, Snoopy the puppy can't break free anymore.

Darren Collison swears that this time he must crush Snoopy's dog's paw until it deforms, otherwise how can he eliminate the "humiliating" examination and treatment he received in the hospital?

He gritted his teeth and exhausted his breastfeeding strength, and Duge's right hand was squeezed and rattled by him.

He was very relieved.

However, there was also a trace of regret, because Du Ge didn't make a sound of pain.

"It's very tolerant."

Just as he was about to increase his strength.

Doug stood up.

It was only then that Collison realized that the puppy was almost as tall as him after not seeing him for 20 days.

Can't help being a little surprised.

"I think your meeting ceremony was a bit unenthusiastic."

Doug chuckled.

His expression is very relaxed.

But, click!

Collison immediately heard the sound of his bones and knuckles fraying, and then severe pain like tearing spread from his fingers to his mind.


He couldn't bear it anymore, screamed, and quickly said: "Let it go, let it go, let it go!"

"You're stuck with super glue, you can't put it off."

Doog was still smiling all over his face, and at the same time his right hand began to rub.

Immediately, Collison felt as if his right hand was stuffed into a millstone and rolled, his fingers connected to his heart. He was so painful that his body was bent, and he was dripping with cold sweat!

"Stop pushing, please, stop pushing."

"What? I can't hear you."

"Please...please, stop pushing..." Darren Collison was on the verge of tears.

But the puppy still shook his head nonchalantly: "I can't hear you!"



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