Hardy Empire 1945

Chapter 57: : The real organization

     Bill is going to be discharged from the hospital.

   This guy stayed in the hospital for three months and finally recovered. Hardy brought Sean and Ryder to pick him up. When Bill saw Hardy's car, his eyes suddenly shined and he looked around the car several times.

   "Packard, Hardy, you drove such a good car."

   Hardy smiled and patted Bill on the shoulder, "Don't worry, you will also drive this kind of car in the future. Get in the car and take you to a place."


   "I'll know when you arrive."

   The car didn't return to Bill's house, but directly drew him to the HD security company's premises. There was a gun guard at the door, and they saluted Hardy and their car.

   came to the office building.

   There are still security guards armed with guns in the lobby.

   "Where is Hardy?" Bill asked cautiously.

   "Hadi Security Company." Hardy said.

   Bill was taken aback for a moment, looked at Hardy and asked, "Hardy Security, the security company you opened?"

   "Yes, here are all veterans, many of them are Marines, and now more than 20 people have been recruited."

   "Go, and show you the supervisor here. Do you remember Major James Lanster? He is the person in charge now."

  In the office, Bill saw Lanster. Lanster was much more energetic than before. He was wearing a straight suit and the artificial legs were replaced with new prostheses, instead of simple wooden sticks.

   If you don’t know about it now, you can’t see that he is a disabled man with a prosthetic leg.

   "Bill, congratulations on leaving the hospital." Lanster gave Bill a hug.

   "Major Lanster, I didn't expect you to come." Bill happily said.

   Lanster spread his hands, "I didn't expect it, but I think it was right, and it was a bit late."

   After speaking, look at Hardy.

   The three sat down to chat.

After chatting about some family affairs, Lanster said to Hardy: "Some of the latest information from the Spanish gang will report to you. They have a new army division, Charles Simon, who is of Hungarian origin. He used to help Dani manage finances and loan sharks. business."

   Spain helped a soldier Burstein, who was killed by Hardy and the others at the dock during the drug deal.

   "We found that the Spanish gang was raising money, and Dani was handling a mortgage loan, using his invested stocks and securities as collateral, and even settling his house to the bank."

   "The price of cocoa powder on the market has risen a lot. Our analysis is mainly due to the decrease in shipments from Spain. Last time you robbed the Spaniards, they ran out of stock. This phenomenon will happen."

"Dani’s contact with Colombia is obviously frequent during this period. Three telegrams were sent in five days and received twice. The specific content is unknown. These clues are all combined, and the war research office analyzes that Dani may be preparing to buy Colombians again. , He is raising money to prepare the purchase price."

   After hearing the information, Hardy thought silently in his heart.

   The Spanish gang’s biggest business is cocoa powder. After they robbed them last time, the influence on the Spanish gang was very great. Now Dani is raising money and frequently contacting Colombians, guessing that it is not difficult for him to prepare to buy goods.

   With bank mortgage loans, the money is legal. Just now Hardy heard the information and was thinking about making another wave of small fortune. Now it seems that it is not enough. He brought cash checks in the past and saved money laundering.

   "Lanster, keep an eye on this line, the Spanish gang will definitely make a big move, maybe we can find opportunities from it." Hardy said.

   "Okay, I will keep you informed if there is a situation." Lanster nodded.

   Bill listened to the conversation between Hardy and Lanster next to him, and he was shocked. He was only hospitalized for three months, and Hardy has developed to this level.

   I robbed the Spanish gang twice before. Are you planning to rob them again?

   left the security company,

   Several people returned to Bill's house.

   It has been cleaned up by someone.

   Bill looked at Hardy, and said with some emotion: "Hardy, I have been in the hospital for three months, and I feel that I am completely out of date."

   "You are developing so fast."

   Hardy poured two glasses of wine, handed Bill one, and said angrily: "In the hospital for three months, you had three girls in the hospital. If I hadn't asked the doctor, you guy would not be discharged."

   Bill took a sip of wine, his face was sore.

   "No way, the handsome guy is too attractive, those girls can't help but rush on me, by the way, just listened to Lanster's tone, you are monitoring the Spanish gang, what are you going to do?"

   Bill asked.

   "I want to swallow the Spanish Gang." Hardy said bluntly.

   "Cough cough cough~!"

   Bill was choked.

   raised his eyes and looked at his old friend in surprise.

   He originally guessed that Hardy was only going to grab the Spanish gang one more time, but he did not expect that he was so ambitious that he wanted to swallow the third largest gang in Los Angeles in one bite.

   "Do you think it will work?"

   Bill's tone was a bit incredulous.

   "I was a little worried before, but it doesn't seem difficult now." Hardy said confidently.

   Before setting up a combat research room, Hardy was not completely sure, but now Lanster used the war mode to deal with a gang, and he immediately felt that the difficulty dropped by several orders of magnitude.

   Height determines vision.

   When you look at a problem from a higher angle, you will find that it is not as difficult as you think.

   "What happens after you swallow it?" Bill asked.

   "You should know Mr. Siegel, the real boss of the Jewish Gang, right?"

"of course I know."

   "I saw him some time ago. He admired me very much and promised that if I can swallow the Spanish gang, he will allow me to build a gang independently." Hardy said.

   Bill's eyes widened instantly.

   Build a gang, which is a great temptation for a gangster.

   Hardy took a long sip of wine excitedly, "Hadi, I know I was right with you, boss, why do you want to give me a boss in the future."

   Hardy smiled.

   "Hehe, I have decided on your position a long time ago, second boss, starting tomorrow, you will be fully involved in dealing with the Spanish help."

   "Second boss!"

   Bill trembled with excitement.

   hugged Hardy and shouted loudly: "Boss Hardy, I am willing to give everything for you. If you need it at night, I will crawl into your bed by hooking my fingers."

   "Go away~I like women~www.wuxiaspot.com~hahahaha~~"

   Bill's ability is actually very strong.

   With a flexible mind, he can behave and do things, he is ruthless when he should be ruthless, he loves money but is not greedy. The only drawback is his preference for women.

   Hardy thinks this shortcoming is shared by all men.

   As long as things don’t go wrong, it’s fine.

   The most important thing is that Bill is his best friend and brother. He used to be in the army. It was also he who brought Hardy to the gang. He was also the most suitable in terms of qualifications.

   So in Hardy's mind, Bill is the best candidate for the second boss.

   The next day, Hardy took Bill to the security company, summoned everyone at home, and announced the personnel decision in public.

   This is also his deliberate decision these days.

   just wait for Bill to be discharged from the hospital,

   The timing is right now.

   Hardy appointed Bill as the second boss, and Sean and Ryder continued to follow him while forming an action team.

  No one here is dissatisfied with this appointment. After all, Bill came earlier than them. It's just that they were injured in the first dozens of chapters.

   Lanster is the head of the security company and the action consultant.

   Richard is the head of the sniper team of the security company,

   Henry is the head of the security company’s intelligence team,

   Neal is the head of the blasting team of the security company.

   Matthew, Leo, and Kerry are the combat team leaders,

   Everyone has a helper.

   As for the positions of military division, economic adviser, and legal adviser, these positions are temporarily vacant and will be reappointed when suitable candidates are available.

   Hadi had already recruited more than 20 people, and Hardy felt that there was a lot of manpower, but now that he sorted it out, he obviously felt understaffed.

   Hardy ordered again.

   Continue to recruit people vigorously!


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