Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 398 Logic and Thinking Ability

"Rotten... backward?" Dumbledore asked with a smile, "This educational method at Hogwarts has been implemented for more than a thousand years -"

"It's been more than a thousand years and nothing has changed." Tiera interrupted, "It shows that the magic world has quite a big problem."

"I think you must have noticed, Professor Dumbledore." Tiera asked, "In recent decades, the academic performance of young wizards born from Muggle families has tended to be better than that of children born into wizarding families. , not only me, Hermione, excluding the issue of study attitude, but also the always playful and playful Colin Creevey and his younger brother, Denis Creevey, have better grades than Harry and Ron in the same grade."

"What do you want to express?" Dumbledore stroked his beard in confusion.

"Have you never thought about the reason behind this?" Tiera asked.

Dumbledore shook his head, then leaned back in his seat as if he was listening.

"Basic logic and thinking skills, as well as personal cultivation." Tiera said, "To put it bluntly, Hogwarts lacks the most basic cultural courses and ideological quality education."

"With all due respect, most students from wizarding families are home-educated before entering Hogwarts, right?" Tiera asked.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded.

"I asked Ron," Tiera said. "I asked Ron how he received family education at home when he was a child, and he answered me."

"He had no family education at all. After Mrs. Wesley taught him how to read, she left him to Patsy, George and Fred." Tiera paused and continued, "In other words, he , and even several of his brothers did not receive any education at all before entering Hogwarts. If my guess is correct, in Hogwarts, except for big family members like Malfoy, there are probably other young wizards from wizarding families. Is it a similar situation?"

Dumbledore nodded silently.

"That's it." Tiera said with a genuine expression, "And what about the little Muggle wizards at this time? Eleven-year-old Muggle children have already completed fifth grade or even sixth grade, which means that at this age Muggle children, under normal circumstances, have received training in basic reading comprehension and writing skills, basic algebraic computing skills, and simple functions of arithmetic algorithms, have a certain understanding of common sense about society, history and geography, and have developed study habits."

"Although the courses in the Muggle world are very different from those in the magical world, the learning methods are generally the same. Good understanding is the basis of all learning. Education in any subject must go through the process from being introduced by a master to practicing in the world. Personal stage. Taking Hermione as an example, she has listened carefully to classes at a British Muggle school for several years. She has developed a skilled response to the process of "understanding what the teacher teaches in class and the knowledge in books". I, I, Now you should understand the important role of Muggle primary education in magical learning, right?"

"Understood." Dumbledore nodded and said, "But, Tiera, according to my investigation, you have never attended elementary school or received a Muggle education. From the age of six to the age of eleven, you entered school. Either wandering on the streets or working in a Chinese restaurant, how did you develop your logical thinking ability?"


Can we stop worrying about this little thing about me?

"I am very talented and a genius," Tierra said without changing his face or heart.

Dumbledore: ...

"Looking at Hogwarts," Tiera added, "I won't comment on the teaching level of the teachers. After all, according to you, these are 'traditions'. I'm just talking about homework. We at Hogwarts The homework is always to write a paper of any length. This is even more obvious. To write this kind of paper, the ability of logical thinking is very important, and few wizards who come from wizarding families and have not received a systematic Muggle primary school education have this ability. With this kind of logical reasoning ability, it’s not hard to imagine why Hermione, me, and other young wizards from Muggle families always get high marks in their homework.”

"Hmm," Dumbledore said.

"Secondly, common sense education is actually very important for the development of people's way of thinking." Tiera said, "Professor Binns is dead when she dies. You can just let her die. What classes should you ask her to teach?" ah?"

"Besides Defense Against the Dark Arts, the only course involving ideology is the History of Magic class, right? What's the result? What's the result?" Tiera clapped her hands and asked, "It turned out that the magic class was boring, taught hypnosis, and the students were You are also outrageous in using History of Magic to catch up on your sleep. You know clearly that the history class is relatively boring, but you still don't change to a better professor and let Professor Binns continue his sleepy teaching methods. You will not let him go until he dies. "

"A ghost teaching history class sounds interesting. It seems that Hogwarts pays great attention to humanistic care and respects Professor Binns, but in fact it is irresponsible to the students. I even wonder if Hogwarts does not want to hire any more The new professor paid an extra salary, so he caught Professor Binns trying to plunder the wool." Tiera said, "This class could have chosen an interesting teacher, increased the amount of reading, and cultivated the logical thinking ability of the little wizards. Really, even if it were the original Gilderoy Lockhart, he was handsome, sweet-tongued, and addicted. To be honest, if his original role-playing teaching method in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was used in the History of Magic class, Maybe it can really arouse the interest of young wizards. You can even take a few History of Magic classes in person occasionally. You don't need to teach anything else, just talk about the Dark Lord's Rebellion twice. , let’s talk about how miserable ordinary wizards were during the two Dark Lord Rebellions, how many wizards were wiped out, how many wizard families were wiped out, and some news photos from the time. You can even ask Professor Moody to show it. A little bit of the dark history of the parents of the so-called "pure-blood nobles" in Slytherin. For example, so-and-so was a Death Eater, so-and-so's father, and so-and-so's grandfather were tried after the fall of Voldemort.

How did you escape in the end? "

"Seriously, if you had been doing this since the fall of Voldemort, you might have cultivated Slytherins who are generally upright and scornful of the pure-blood theory." Tiera said, "What's the result? The result? What? What’s the result?”

"Well...this is indeed my mistake..." Dumbledore pondered, "But will this have a psychological impact on the children of the Death Eaters? I have always maintained that the grudges of the previous generation should not continue to the next generation. Generation, will this cause the children of Death Eaters to be discriminated against or bullied at Hogwarts?"

"Oh, you mean to say that my dad can kill people, set fires, and massacre people, but the victims' children can't accuse me, otherwise it would be discrimination, right?" Tiera said with a mocking smile, "So, Principal Dumbledore, I advise you to read less about the history of white-skinned monkeys and more about human history."

"If there is a conflict between the descendants of the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix in Hogwarts, it depends on the management level of you and the Hogwarts professors." Tiera said, holding her chest, "How to make the food The descendants of the Dead Apostles realize their mistakes deeply and from the bottom of their hearts, and join in the great task of liberating all intelligent life. This is more important and meaningful than simply covering up this period of history, isn't it?"

"Well, yes," said Dumbledore, "Any more?"

"That's all for now. After all, there are ten thousand words..." Tiera said, "I'm just a fifteen-year-old wizard."

Tiera shrugged and said.

"Okay, very good, very good." Dumbledore smiled and clapped, "Since you have the determination and perseverance to be the principal of Hogwarts and implement educational reforms, then I think you won't mind embarking on your first step as the principal. One step, right?”

"What?" Tiera asked a little surprised, and at the same time she had a vague premonition in her heart.

"This -" Dumbledore smiled evilly as he summoned the phoenix Fawkes, took a letter from Fawkes's feet, and slid it in front of Tiera, "Now the Ministry of Magic has a rather difficult matter, you shouldn't mind. Would you like to take a walk on my behalf?"


This old fox...


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