Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 418 Ethical issues of human cloning

"First, please ask Miss Romanoff to come up and accept the sorting." Professor McGonagall said, "Then we will conduct the sorting ceremony for first-year students."

Hathaway Romanoff nodded, coolly and noblely pushed aside the first-year kids, and walked up to Professor McGonagall——

"Which house do you think she will be assigned to?" Neville, who was sitting next to Ron, asked the trio of deducted points with his head raised.

"Who cares." Ron replied as he took another leg of lamb from the public plate and chewed it, "I hope it's not Gryffindor. She looks like she's not easy to get along with."

"Oh, my dear brother!" George sighed in a sinister tone, "Do you only have chicken legs and mutton chops in your eyes? Don't you appreciate the beauty of women at all?"

"This is the most beautiful woman in Durmstrang!" Fred said sadly, "Is the youngest boy in our family going to be single for the rest of his life?"

"Oh, my poor brother -" The twin brothers seemed to be talking in a double talk. After Fred finished speaking, George immediately took over, made a very feminine gesture of holding his forehead, and then said exaggeratedly, "We The youngest Weasley boy is going to live with his chicken legs and mutton chops for the rest of his life!"

"He may never find a girlfriend again in this life!" Fred also said.

"Nonsense!" Ron angrily threw the mutton leg bone on the dining table and retorted angrily.

"Bill is said to have fallen in love with Fleur Delacour, who came to the competition last year." George said, "Charlie is almost engaged, and even that idiot Patsy has hooked up with Penello."

"George and I also have girlfriends." Fred added, "Even Ginny has had two boyfriends. What about you?"

"I, I, I, I..." Ron blushed, "I have Harry and Hermione! Why do I need a girlfriend?"

After saying that, Ron angrily took another piece of chicken leg and started biting it.

At this time on the stage, the Sorting Hat was finally placed on Hathaway Romanoff's head.


"Hmm... um... um..." The Sorting Hat said "hmm" for a minute, and then said, "Your thinking looks familiar——"

Tiera, who was sitting on the teacher's bench pretending to be Dumbledore, had her eyelids twitching suddenly, and then a wisp of will came down from the divine dimension——

"Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat suddenly shouted.

The Slytherin table erupted in long and warm cheers, while disappointed "boos" came from several other houses.

After all, not everyone is Ron. It is a very flattering thing for Durmstrang's most beautiful woman to be assigned to her own academy.

"Because I dated Krum last year, I looked up some information about Durmstrang." Hermione said, "Durmstrang does not admit Muggle-born students, and dark magic can be taught openly in the school. So I'm not surprised at all that she went to Slytherin."

"Hmph, you can tell at a glance that he is a guy who likes to play with dark magic just like Malfoy." Harry suddenly remembered that Hathaway Romanoff had been pestering Tiera last year. Harry agreed, "From now on He must also be a dark wizard."

Meanwhile, at the Slytherin table.

"Hello, my name is Malfoy." After Draco Malfoy saw Hathaway Romanoff walking towards the Slytherin table, he immediately pushed Goyle who was sitting next to him to the side and pushed out a After the seat became vacant, he waved Hathaway Romanoff over.

"My name is Draco Malfoy." After Hathaway Romanoff sat down, Malfoy extended his hand politely.

Hathaway raised her eyebrows and was about to say some harsh words——

"Now you can use the charm." Tiera's voice came to her ears again.

"Hello, Hathaway Romanoff," Hathaway said.

"I knew you would definitely come to Slytherin, Patrick!" Draco Malfoy's face turned red and he said with inexplicable excitement: "As a prefect, I welcome you on behalf of all Slytherins!"

All the other Slytherin students looked here, smiling foolishly.

"Very good, keep it up." At this time, Tiera's voice appeared in Hathaway Romanoff's ears again, "In this situation, becoming the eldest sister of Slytherin will make you grow up. Be an important anchor, captivate them and make everyone fall in love with you.”

Tiera could make the rebellious Hathaway Romanoff so obedient to him. Obviously, she couldn't just rely on the small program she added in her mind.

As a successful senior who became a god, Tiera promised that as long as Hathaway Romanoff did what she asked, she would help her get the Sky Gold, the Liquid Silver, and the Copper Pillar, and help complete the transformation. Arrangements for divine rituals.

So Hathaway Romanoff, who was already mentally ill, fell into the trap immediately and became Tiera’s exclusive tool——

In fact, Tiera once struggled with whether to take advantage of a beautiful girl in her prime.

In fact, Tiera was originally unwilling. Although he was evil-minded, he still had his own bottom line. He was just a villain, a devil, not a salty control freak kidnapper.

But then Tiera reacted again——

Hathaway Romanoff was originally an artificial life form created by Madam Rosier based on herself.

In other words, the meaning of her birth is to be used.

——This involves the ethical issue of human cloning.

Do clones count as humans?

Is Hathaway Romanoff an independent individual or a subsidiary of Mrs. Rosier?

And that night, after Tiera revealed her chaotic divine form, Mrs. Rosier bowed her head and bowed, saying that she had never seen Taishan before, and that she had waited too long for things like artificial life forms. This scene was made out of sheer boredom. It means that Hathaway Romanoff just wants to do whatever she wants. She just wants to follow the successor of the great leader to do a great cause, and finally seek the position of high priest, and nothing else - —

So Hathaway Romanoff was pushed to Tiera.

Tiera didn't have a good solution for the moment. If the Ministry of Magic hadn't assigned Umbridge, Tiera could have Hathaway Romanoff fill the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

After all, he also wanted to see if the person who became the god of death would really not die.

But since Umbridge has decided to find her own way, Tiera has no choice but to place Hathaway Romanoff in Slytherin first and let her do what she likes. The charm spell helps Tierado attract high-quality germplasm resources from the population.

After Hathaway Romanoff completed the sorting, the normal sorting ceremony began.

(There will be another update soon)

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