After Umbridge left, Harry, Ron and Hermione watched her walk into Hogwarts Castle, and then they took off the invisibility cloak and knocked on the door of Hagrid's cabin.

"Hagrid, it's us!" Harry shouted into the keyhole.

"Should have thought of it!" A rough voice came from the room, and it could be heard that Hagrid was very happy.

Then there was the sound of the door latch being pulled, and the door creaked open, revealing Hagrid's long-lost big plush head from the crack in the door.

"Come in, come in quickly." Hagrid said. His hair was messy and covered with blood clots. His left eye was swollen to a slit, blue and purple, and his face and hands were scarred, some of which were still bleeding. , he moved very carefully, and Harry suspected that his ribs might be broken.

Hagrid had obviously just arrived home. A thick black traveling cloak was draped over the back of the chair, and a large backpack that could hold several children was leaning against the wall. Hagrid, who was twice as tall and three times as wide as a normal man, limped to the stove and placed a copper kettle on the fire.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked, dancing around them and licking their faces.

"It's okay." Hagrid deliberately changed the subject, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Forget it," said Ron, "Look at you! It's like you ate George and Fred's riddled candy."

"I'm telling you I'm fine." Hagrid straightened up as he spoke, turned around and smiled at them, but winced in pain, "Ah, I'm so happy to see you. Your summer vacation went pretty well, didn't you?"

"Hagrid, have you been attacked?" Ron asked.

"I say it for the last time, it's okay!" Hagrid insisted stubbornly.

"If one of our faces turns into a ball of meat, would you say it's okay?"

"You should show Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid," Hermione said anxiously. "Some of the wounds look dangerous."

"I'll take care of it, okay?" Hagrid said majestically. He walked to the huge wooden table in the middle of the hut and took off a tea towel on the table. Underneath was a strip of bloody raw meat, green and slightly larger than an ordinary car tire.

"You won't eat that, will you, Hagrid?" Ron leaned over and took a look, "It seems to be poisonous."

"That's what it looks like. It's dragon meat," Hagrid said. "I'm not going to eat it."

He picked up the dragon meat and applied it to his left cheek. The green blood dripped onto his beard and he groaned with satisfaction. "It's better, it's analgesic."

"Tell me, Hagrid." Hermione asked as if she was interrogating a prisoner, "What's going on?"

"It's really okay, it's really——"

"Dumbledore sent him to negotiate with the giants." Hagrid wanted to deny it, but was interrupted by a sudden voice coming from the big mirror beside him.

Hagrid followed the sound——

"Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, Tiera?" Hagrid's reaction was the same as that of the little wizards, almost exactly the same. He was surprised like a fat kid who weighed less than 300 pounds and started at 400 pounds. , "This, this, this, what's going on?"

"You, you, you, you became, became a ghost?" After all, Hagrid is the same age group as Voldemort. He has experienced the Dark Lord's rebellion, joined the Order of the Phoenix, fought against Death Eaters, and also eaten The person who passed it immediately guessed the most likely wrong answer.

"No, to be precise, I turned into a demon." Tiera sighed and told Hagrid what she had told Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Hagrid nodded frequently. Although he didn't understand, he was greatly shocked and finally accepted the fact that Tiera was "resurrected".

"Professor Dumbledore has heard about this matter." Tiera said, "He has given me full authority to handle this matter."

"Negotiating with giants?" Hermione asked in confusion, "How to negotiate? Have you found them?"

"Honestly, they're not that hard to find," Hagrid said. "They're quite big."

"Where are they?" Ron asked.

"In the mountains." Hagrid answered vaguely.

"Then why don't Muggles-"

"It's not that they didn't," Hagrid said in a low voice, "It's just that the cause of their death is always said to be mountaineering accidents, right?"

He moved the dragon flesh around to cover the worst of the wounds.

"Hagrid, tell us what on earth you did?" Ron asked, fearing that the world would be in chaos, "Anyway, we are all our own people here, so just tell us, you don't know that we are boring in school this semester. died."

"Okay, okay." Hagrid still couldn't resist Ron, Harry and Hermione's expectant looks. After throwing the dragon meat on his face to Fang, he sat back on the stool and said, "Let's go up Set off as soon as the semester ends——"

"You?" Ron interrupted, "Who else besides you?"

"Hagrid and Madam Maxime are the giant...half-giant headmistress from Beauxbatons last semester." At this time, Tiera interjected, "Hagrid and Madam Maxime, my funeral was the same last semester. After it was over, Hagrid pretended to be in love and accepted an invitation from Madame Maxime to travel to France to avoid possible stalkers from Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic.”

"Huh? Um... um... um..." Hagrid's face instantly turned red and he began to hesitate.

"Of course, now I have reason to believe that Hagrid may not be pretending, but really has a crush on Madame Maxime." Tiera said teasingly.

"You, you, you, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?" Hagrid's face seemed to turn redder, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he argued, "This, this, this is all, this is all for Completing the mission is all about not being followed by Death Eaters and those idiots from the Ministry of Magic."

There were some messy words in succession, such as "Dumbledore", "Voldemort", "Death Eater", "Orim", "not afraid of hardship", etc., which made people feel confused for no reason.

"Hahahaha——" Tiera was the first to smile happily.

Harry, Hermione, and the dullest Ron also laughed, and the atmosphere inside and outside the cabin was filled with joy.

"If you like her, go after her boldly, Hagrid." After laughing, Tiera said sincerely.

Tiera remembered that Hagrid seemed to be three terms younger than Voldemort, which meant that Hagrid was now in his sixties. Although giants generally lived longer than wizards, Hagrid could be considered middle-aged at this age. It's time to think about your life-long events.

"No...I...I...I..." Hagrid faltered again.

"I'd better tell you about what I encountered while searching for giants!" Hagrid abruptly changed the subject, "I'm going to tell you that I met two trolls on the Polish border, and they were in a bar in Minsk. We even had a little trouble with a vampire inside."

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