Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 668 Campus Violence

"Oh, my gosh, I really hope I've listed everything right!" Lupine replied seriously, as people huddled at the front door, eager to get out to the sunny field, and the four Marauders The group also walked into the crowd, "First, he is sitting in my seat. Second, he is wearing my clothes. Third, his name is Remus Lupin."


Sirius Black and James Potter laughed heartily.

Only Wormtail didn't smile.

"I, I wrote the shape of the mouth and nose, the pupils of the eyes and the furry tail." Pettigrew said anxiously, "But, but I can't think of anything else-"

"Oh, Merlin, why are you so stupid, Wormtail?" James growled impatiently, "You have to run around with a werewolf once a month -"

"Merlin, James, can you please keep your voice down?" Lupine begged.

Harry looked behind him again worriedly. Snape was still not far away, still immersed in looking at his exam questions - but this was Snape's memory, and Harry was sure that if Snape decided to go in another direction as soon as he reached the outside field If he took a stroll, he—Harry, would not be able to follow James any further. However, what made him heave a long sigh of relief was that when James and his three friends strode across the grass and down the slope towards the lake, Snape, who was still studying the test papers, followed them. Clearly not sure where he was going. Harry kept a short distance in front of Snape, trying to keep a close eye on James and the others.

"Humph, I think those test questions are a minor problem." Harry heard Sirius say this, "I think I can at least get an 'Excellent' in the exam, otherwise there will be ghosts."

"Me too," James said, then he put a hand into his pocket and pulled out a struggling Golden Snitch.

"Oh, Merlin! Where did you get this?"

"Stolen," James said casually. He started to play with the snitch, letting it fly almost a foot away and then catching it again. His reflexes were excellent. Wormtail looked at him in awe.

They stopped in the shadow of the beech tree by the lake—

Under that same tree, Harry, Tiera, Ron and Hermione once spent a Sunday finishing their homework and then lying on the grass chatting.

Harry looked back again, and was pleased to see that Snape was sitting on the grass under the thick shadow of the bushes, and as before, he was still studying O. W. LS exam papers, so Harry could sit freely on the grass between the beech trees and bushes and look at the four people under the trees.

The dazzling sunlight shines on the calm lake and on the shore, where a group of girls who have just come out of the auditorium are sitting. They laugh happily, take off their shoes and socks, and dip their feet in the lake water to cool down.

Lupine pulled out a book and began to read.

Sirius stared at the students wandering around on the grass. He looked very proud and bored, but he also looked very handsome in this way.

James was still playing with the Snitch. He made it jump further and further away, almost escaping, but he always managed to catch it at the last moment.

Wormtail looked at him, his mouth closed. Whenever James made a very difficult move to catch the snitch, Wormtail would gasp and applaud.

Five minutes passed like this. Harry didn't understand why James didn't let Wormtail catch the snitch himself, but James seemed to like enjoying the attention.

Harry noticed that his father had the habit of mussing his hair. He never seemed to want his hair to be too neat, and he always looked at the girls by the water.

"Put that thing away, okay?" After James made a beautiful catching move and Wormtail let out a cheer, Sirius finally said, "Otherwise Wormtail will wet his pants with excitement. "

Wormtail blushed slightly, but James grinned.

"Excuse me?" he said, stuffing the snitch back into his pocket.

Harry had a distinct feeling that James would only stop showing off in front of Sirius.

"No, I just feel really bored." Sirius said with a smile, "It would be great if there was a full moon today."

"Can you put some thought into your studies?" Lu Ping said gloomily from behind the book, "We also have to take a test on Transfiguration. If you feel bored, you can take a test on me. Here you go..."

He handed over his book.

But Sirius snorted: "I don't need to look at this rubbish, I know everything there is to know."

"Oh, well, maybe this can cheer you up, Padfoot." James chuckled softly, "Look who that is..."

Sirius turned his head. He suddenly became motionless, like a dog that has sniffed a rabbit.

"Great," he said softly, "Snotlout!"

Harry turned to see what Sirius was looking at.

Snape continued walking and was stuffing the O.W.Ls examination papers into his schoolbag. When he left the shadows of the bushes and tried to cross the grass, Sirius and James stood up.

Lupine and Wormtail sat motionless: Lupine was still staring down at his book, but his eyes did not move and he frowned slightly; Wormtail looked at Sirius and James, and then at Sirius. Nap's face showed an expression of eagerness to see the expected thing happen as soon as possible.

"Hey! Are you okay, Snotlout?" James said loudly on purpose.

Snape's reaction was quick, as if he had anticipated an attack.

Snape immediately threw off his schoolbag and thrust one hand into his robes, but he had only raised his wand halfway when James yelled——


Snape's wand flew twelve feet into the air, landed softly in the grass behind him with a pop, and Sirius laughed briefly and crisply.

"There are many obstacles!" He said and pointed his wand at Snape. Snape was rushing towards his lost wand, but was knocked down halfway.

The students around them turned to look at them.

Some students slowly stood up and came closer. Some looked suspicious, others found it amusing.

Snape lay panting on the ground. James and Sirius approached him step by step, raising their wands. As James walked, he glanced back at the girls by the water. Wormtail stood up, watching with interest, and moved to the side, away from Lupin, to get a better look.

"How did you go on the exam, Snotlout?" James asked.

"I kept staring at him. His nose even touched the parchment." Sirius said harshly. "There must be large oil stains all over the parchment. They can't even read a word clearly."

Several spectators laughed loudly——

Obviously, even in his student days, Snape's popularity was not very good.

Wormtail chuckled shrilly.

Snape wanted to stand up, but the spell was still working on him, and he struggled as if bound by invisible ropes.

"You - just wait!" Snape retorted with a red face, raising his eyes and glaring at James with an expression of complete hatred on his face, "You - just wait!"

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