Diana cleared her throat and continued: "What we are pursuing is not the integration of the magical world and the Muggle world, but the peaceful coexistence. I believe that magic and technology can complement each other, and we can use modern technology to improve the life of the magical society. quality, rather than seeing it as a threat to tradition.”

Her words are gentle and wise.

"Our magical society should not regard Muggles as hostile forces, let alone inferior people, but should cooperate with them to jointly solve the challenges we face."

"Muggles are also a very creative civilization. Their civilization is a completely new world. We should never look at them through colored glasses. This is a wrong view and attitude."

"We should focus on environmental protection, the development of magical education, and the prosperity of the wizarding community. Only through peace and unity can we achieve long-term prosperity."

This is a very clever move, commonly known as changing the subject and adding to the pie.

Her speech was well-received by a portion of the audience, but Voldemort stood his ground.

"Ms. Diana, have you forgotten the historical persecution and discrimination against us in the Muggle world?" Voldemort's voice was full of sarcasm, "They have never been willing to accept us and regard us as monsters and aliens. We should not ask for help. Such a world and such a civilization bows its head.”

Diana responded calmly: "I have not forgotten history, Mr. Riddle. But we cannot fall into hatred because of past harm. We must learn to look at problems from a developmental perspective."

"For example, who you were in the past and who you are now? Mr. Riddle?"

"So will the Muggles of the past still be the Muggles of today?"

"The world is not static and unchanging, everything in the world is developing."

"And our first batch of Muggle immigrants were the parents of Muggle wizards. These Muggles have magical potential and are our natural allies." Diana continued.

"Some Muggles hate us, but what we have to do is reduce the number of these Muggles to a minimum!" Diana said.

Diana's speech was revised by Tiera.

That’s why she can now put forward the argument of “looking at problems from a development perspective”.

The entire hall was filled with an atmosphere of tension and controversy, and everyone was filled with expectations and anxiety about the future. In debates, each candidate does their best to express their opinions and ideas.

"Since Lady Diana knows so much about Muggles, you must know the history of Muggles, right?" Voldemort raised his wand and waved at the curtain behind him——

A photo and vivid scenes appeared on the curtain.

In the concentration camp, the pale-faced prisoners lined up to walk into a bathroom-like place, and finally met a painful death under a green poisonous gas. However, the officers standing outside the glass window, brightly dressed and watching, Wearing a special gas mask, we walked into this cemetery, opened the mouths of the deceased, pulled out the gold teeth in their mouths, and roughly pulled off the necklaces around their necks.

There were also rows of prisoners standing in the deserted quarry, being shot row by row by soldiers holding long rifles.

Even the wizards who were secretly studying black magic in the audience couldn't bear to watch such inhumane scenes and turned their heads.

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