So this is a politician

Tiera couldn't help but sigh.

Politicians everywhere are the same. Long before the war begins, they have already begun dividing up the spoils.

"Tiera, I think we should pay close attention to the actions of Muggles. They are not fools. There will always be very alert Muggles who notice some changes in our wizarding society and take some measures to stop our plans." Severasley suggested.

"Yes, Muggles are not fools. Even because of the huge population base, the smart people among Muggles can drown us one by one." Tiera agreed.

"So Mr. Tiera, this is what we have to do while defending. I think we need someone who can sneak into Muggle society. We need to be keenly aware of the various Muggle countries and different groups of people. Feng Sheng, I don’t know Mr. Tiera, do you have any recommendations?”

"I heard that Gregory Labaud is a very good researcher in Muggle studies. He has a deep understanding of the Muggle world. Maybe he is a suitable candidate." Arthur Weasley said.

"No, Mr. Weasley, I think you may not understand what I mean." Irena said helplessly, "What I mean is that if Mr. Tiera has some magic, it can help us monitor the Muggle world. "

"No, Elena, you think too simply." Tiera smiled and said, "Magic monitoring is not enough. We need real people to experience the Muggle world."

"But who should we send? I mean, most of us don't know much about the Muggle world. I'm afraid if we go there rashly."

"Mr. Weasley has decided." Tiera interrupted gently, "As a reward for Mr. Weasley's hard work during this period, and also out of the need to understand the Muggle world, I have It was decided that after the final exams at Hogwarts, Mr. Weasley and his family, as well as Harry and the Muggle-born witch Hermione Granger, would be sent to travel to the United States and European countries to relax. At the same time, we will examine the customs and customs of the Muggle world."

"Mr. Weasley is indeed the most suitable candidate. Even when I was far away in Belgium, I heard that Mr. Weasley is a very famous Muggle expert in the British wizarding world." Irena complimented.

Now everyone can see that the Weasley family is very important to Tiera.

Although in the past, Irena looked down on such wizards who were close to Muggles.

But now the situation has changed. Their great leader has begun to adopt a soft policy towards Muggles. As a professional politician, Irina certainly doesn't mind saying a few nice words.

"What?" Arthur Weasley blushed. He didn't know whether it was because he drank a little wine or because he was praised in person.

"But will Mr. Weasley and his family and friends be a little powerless to deal with this kind of thing?" Irena asked, "I mean, as you said, the Muggle world is a far bigger place than ours. The wizarding world is a much wider world, and I’m afraid if it’s just Mr. Weasley’s family.”

"I understand what you mean, Irena." Tiera said with a smile, "Mr. Weasley's mission is not the spy-like activity you imagined. It is just a consolation reward for an employee, and...compilation of a This is just a travel guide to the Muggle world."

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