During the summer vacation, Paz looted the goblins and obtained some iron tools made by the goblins, but the quantity of such things was really limited.

If a wizard needs fairy iron, he will usually hire fairies who can make fairy iron at a high price to make it directly.

As for grabbing a few goblins to help make goblin iron, that was impossible. These stubborn guys were so stubborn that they refused to cooperate. Even the use of the Imperius Curse was useless. Paz could only give up part of his original plan.

The stolen fairy iron was used by Paz to make some important parts of the aircraft, along with all the magic silver Paz had. It took him several days to create the outer frame of the aircraft.

The aircraft being assembled now floats in the open space in front of the wizard tower under the effect of the automatic suspension device.

Its outermost layer is made of alloy obtained from Muggle factories. Paz used magic to deform it, join it and reinforce it. It looks decent, like a flat shuttle, slightly larger than the reminder of a fighter jet, but the space inside has been expanded by the Traceless Telescopic Spell. , can hold a lot of things.

The aircraft is a little different from the spaceship made by the Grand Arcanist. The style is more like this plane. In fact, it is also because it is very troublesome to complete all the parts of a spaceship.

The thing made by Paz is simple to control and drive. To a certain extent, it is like a large flying broomstick, and the principle is very similar.

At the end of July, the adjustment of the flight area has been roughly completed, much faster than expected, and the appearance does not look like a low-quality product. It is coated with anti-curse varnish and treated with a polish as hard as diamond. Look. It has a very metallic feel.

However, to a certain extent, he is just a big toy. Apart from the functions of storing items and flying, most of the functions are still lacking.

There is no way to judge altitude, no way to predict wind direction, and it lacks all the functions that airplanes have.

Of course, this thing can fly and consumes no fuel. Its power comes from a power furnace made of a mixture of fairy iron and magic silver, which can provide stable and long-lasting propulsion and can reach more than 200 miles per hour.

Of course, this magical aircraft is equipped with a lightness charm to reduce its own weight, and a defensive shield that can activate the iron armor charm.

On the day of the test flight, Paz sat in the driver's seat, activated the invisibility magic, made the magic aircraft enter the invisible state, pulled the floating lever, let the aircraft float high into the sky, and then activated the thrusters to fly towards the distance, very fast, and the scenery in front of him He is retreating behind him.

In fact, there is no glass on the aircraft, but a magical silver coating that is enchanted with magic. The magic on it is the same as the roof of Hogwarts, allowing you to see clearly what is going on outside.

The good times didn't last long, but the outside of the aircraft shook violently. Was it attacked? The invisibility magic has failed?

Paz frowned slightly and glanced at the glass plate on his right. There were two more black spots on the map where the tracking magic was released, which were most likely Muggle fighter planes.

This is also true. Paz has already seen two fighter jets attacking him from both sides, seemingly intending to force the aircraft to stop.


Paz activated the Iron Armor Charm and tilted suddenly to the left and right. The two approaching fighter jets were immediately unlucky. Their wings were collided, damaged and then crashed.

However, the invisibility magic on the aircraft also disappeared due to the collision.

When it passed by the suburbs of the city, many Muggles saw the aircraft flying across the sky.

Of course, many British officials believed that it was developed by a certain country. He just went to his own country to monitor it.

Returning to the Wizard Tower, Paz looked at his aircraft. His face was not very good. The right wing was blown off by the explosion.

This thing completely relied on magic to levitate. The principle of flying is different from that of a Muggle fighter jet.

However, how was it discovered by a Muggle plane?

Afterwards, Paz still investigated the matter and found that he was flying over a Muggle military area and was spotted by a certain kind of aircraft. Something was scanned by the radar.

At that time, when the aircraft passed over the aviation military zone, there was a sudden burst of chickens and eggs below. Then, the aircraft was affected by the activated surface-to-air missiles, and then the same scene as before was played out. Muggles They probably wanted the invisibility technology on the aircraft.

Unfortunately, they ran into trouble and lost two expensive fighter jets.

Invisibility magic is not omnipotent. Just like a chameleon that makes things invisible, there is still a chance of being discovered by Muggles..

The result of everyone hurting each other was obviously the failure of the Muggles. It only took a few minutes for Paz to use magic to repair the aircraft, and the two crashed fighter jets were worth a lot of money.

Outside, I was drinking iced drinks and flipping through Muggle newspapers. This incident was mentioned in it, and it caused great panic.

Experts in the U.S. believed that UFOs invaded the United States. Showing off military prowess,

Paz flipped through his words and landed on another article, which contained information about a man named Bright. The photo looked slovenly. , people who didn’t know thought he was a lunatic who escaped from a lunatic asylum.

Paz folded the newspaper, put it in his backpack, drank the juice on the table, got up and left. A fighter jet was captured.

The monitor was tampered with, and when the patrolmen rushed over, it disappeared without any warning, and no one knew where it went.

According to the report, the Aviation Military Region. The person in charge wrote this. Of course, no one believed his lies.

Even if someone secretly drove it away or transported it, there would always be some movement, but after in-depth investigation, they found that the fighter jet had indeed disappeared out of thin air. Thinking of it, Paz had borrowed the plane. When they came to investigate the situation, they took one away and prepared to go back for disassembly and research.

If they knew that someone used expensive fighter jets as toys and dismantled them into a pile of scrap metal, they would probably do it. He would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Paz also made use of the waste, got something from the fighter jet, modified it with magic, and installed it on his own aircraft. It turned out that his move was very effective. Indifferent, they are hunting the legendary Bright.

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