In the auditorium, the Sorting Hat had just finished singing a new song that he had thought up over the past year. After the applause, Professor McGonagall took the parchment and began to read the names for sorting.

Terry Butt became the first new student in Ravenclaw. Robert even pretended to shake hands with him amidst the cheers of the Ravenclaw students.

On the other side, Qiu Zhang and Paz chatted about summer vacation. Most of the time, Qiu asked questions and Paz answered casually.

However, many students are curious about what the Ravenclaw genius is doing during the summer vacation

"Travel around."

Most people thought that this person would continue to conduct magic research, and never thought they would get such an answer.

But they cannot use magic at home, and they were notified when they left school in the first grade.

"No, students from wizarding families can use magic. It only depends on the parents’ conscious decision."

"But how do they know if we're using magic?"

"This...I don't know either"


"Maybe, Lannister knows, you can ask��Roger suggested

"Do you know why?"Everyone turned their heads and looked at Paz.

Even Terry Butt, who had just joined this college, suddenly felt like he was a high-class person. He was indeed a Ravenclaw, and the things discussed were so technical.

"The Ministry of Magic has used a talisman on you, the so-called trace thread, which is actually a clever tracking charm."

"If you are not in a wizarding family, once someone uses magic around you, the Ministry of Magic will think that you have used magic."

The nearby Ravenclaw was stunned after hearing Paz's explanation.

"Meaning, if someone uses magic near my house, I'm going to be blamed?"A Muggle wizard said

"Yes, I'm afraid, they won't be able to figure out who cast the spell. Of course, they can use the flashback spell to confirm afterwards."

Then the wizard was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Then did you do it, block the traces?"

"Why do you think I blocked Tracer?"Paz looked at Marietta

"I don't think you're a peaceful guy"

"Can we do it too? asked Eddie

"You need to use strong shielding spells and confusion spells so that no one will notice that your traces have disappeared."

"After all, there are actually a lot of underage students. As long as you block the tracking spell on your body, no one will know where you are, and they won't be able to notice it for a moment."Paz said nonchalantly.

In fact, this is somewhat similar to the effect of Weasley's map.

"Hermione Granger!"

"Gryffindor!" shouted the hat

"Sure enough she got into Gryffindor. Marietta said to Autumn

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that."Qiu doesn't care where Granger will be sorted. After all, the two parties have only met once.

The sorting is still going on. There seem to be more students entering Ravenclaw, and everyone is very happy.

"Harry Potter!" When McGonagall called out the name, there was a sudden buzz in the restaurant.

"Potter, is she calling Potter??"

"Is that Harry Potter?"

Everyone was curious about this savior. They had heard about Harry Potter's deeds since they were young.

"Is this the savior? Looks like he's not having a good time. Marietta looked at Potter curiously,"Where do you think he will be assigned?""

"Gryffindor, after all, Dumbledore is also in Gryffindor. Qiu thought for a while and said.

I heard that he must have a bad life living with Muggle relatives. You see, he is as thin as a monkey.

Some gossip about Potter was unearthed by Ravenclaw students. , many people thought that he must have a bad life, because Potter looked thinner than other children of the same age.

"Forehead?"Paz's eyes flashed with blue light, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the so-called savior. What's so strange about this guy?

There is actually a small piece of soul fragment, which seems to belong to the idiot Voldemort.

Of course, Paz scorned the so-called savior.

In the end, Harry Potter was sorted into Gryffindor, which was expected.

"We have Potter! We have Potter!" the Weasley twins from across the table were shouting.

"Harry Potter feels different than I imagined."

This sentence was echoed by everyone

"How are you feeling, Harry Potter?"Qiu asked Paz

"A very hard-working person"

"why would you say so"

"After all, the Messiah is busy saving the world, isn't he?"Paz said

"Oh my God!"Marietta covered her cheeks with her hands and looked at Paz in feigned shock.

"What's wrong Marietta? Qiu Zhang asked

"Haven't you noticed?"Marietta said exaggeratedly:"Lannister actually has humor sometimes."

Suddenly, everyone was amused. In their impression, Lannister did not look like a person who could joke.

He looked indifferent, and gave people a feeling that he should not approach strangers.

"But we’re not bad here, are we?"Robert blinked at Paz, not caring where Potter was. He did not forget to introduce Paz to the other freshmen, and then a bunch of freshmen ran to shake hands with Paz.

Before the banquet started, Dumbledore The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was introduced. Of course, Paz had actually discovered Quirrell early on.

It seemed that Voldemort had not found the Sorcerer's Stone.

That's right, Dumbledore knew that someone was trying to get the Sorcerer's Stone. Maybe it would be stolen?

The food was quite abundant. Everyone was chatting while eating, and the freshmen introduced themselves as usual.

Before the banquet ended, Dumbledore warned the freshmen and others not to enter the Forbidden Forest, let alone enter the Forbidden Forest rashly. The corridor on the right side of the building.

Paz returned to his dormitory. The house elf had cleaned the place, and there was no sign that anything on the shelf had been touched.

This year, Hogwarts seemed to be very lively, thanks to Deng. Director Blido's savior versus the dark lord, who will win?

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