Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 46 My Hope, Your Despair

The youngest Golden Globe Award for Best Director in history!

Dunn Walker's name once again resounded in the headlines of major media across the United States.

When the spokesperson of the Golden Globes was interviewed by the media, he also pointed the finger at the Oscars, "The selection of the Golden Globes strives to be open, fair, and just. There is no seniority or age discrimination here. As long as you can bring outstanding works, you can win the grand prize!"

The Golden Globes have stated many times that they are not Oscar's vassals, but this time they made a strong statement, using Dawn Walker as a coat, and directly challenged Oscar.

Many media have speculated whether Oscar would dare to break the rules and award the best director award to a 20-year-old child?

Prior to this, the youngest best director at the Oscars dates back to the first Oscars, when 32-year-old Louis Milestone won the best director of a comedy Oscar for his "Deep Palace".

But what era was that all about?

The system, film volume, and philosophy at that time now seem to have many absurdities. But even under such absurdity, the youngest Oscar director can only be 32 years old.

Can a young man under the age of 20 win the Oscar for Best Director?

"Oscar + Twain" has become the hottest topic in the United States in the new year, even surpassing the Asian financial crisis.

However, Tang En didn't pay much attention to these media reports. What he liked was a report in the "Boston Globe" that feared that the world would not be chaotic.

"Last year, "Titanic" directed by Don Walker and "Jurassic Park 2" directed by Steve Spielberg collided fiercely in the box office market. Everyone knows the result, " The global box office of Titanic exceeded 1.8 billion US dollars, sweeping the entire 1997! But what about "Jurassic Park 2"? The global box office of 590 million US dollars is not even as high as the North American box office of "Titanic".

"Steve Spielberg, who has been unstoppable in the box office market for the past two decades, finally ushered in the first crisis in his life. He was defeated by a 19-year-old kid! However, this is just the beginning!"

"Just yesterday at the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, Steve brought his heart-wrenching masterpiece "The Lockdown" to intercept Tang En's "Titanic" head-on, in order to avenge the disastrous failure in the box office market last year. But I didn't expect that at such an important awards ceremony, Dunn Walker and his "Titanic" became the biggest winners once again!"

""Titanic" not only won many awards including the best film in the drama category, but also successfully defeated Steve Spielberg's resistance and won the crown of best director! Following the last box office market After losing to Twain, Steve lost again at the awards ceremony!"

"The newly talented director Dunn Walker is ascending to the throne with a gradual momentum, and the former genius director Steve Spielberg can only be used as a background board for watching Dunn's continuous success! Spielberg The demeanor is no longer, in the future, it is destined to be the world of young people!"


Seeing such an article, Tang En slammed the table angrily.

He has been working hard to repair his relationship with Spielberg, and this is a good thing. The media has added fuel to the fire. How can this Jewish tycoon who has been famous in Hollywood for 20 years bear it?

There is no doubt about Steve Spielberg's love and enthusiasm for movies. Twain would rather contend with the capitalists who hold huge sums of money than offend this respected film artist.

It's just that the current situation... doesn't seem very good!

At this time, market analyst Andrew O'Hare walked into his office with a look of excitement, "Boss, the TV series copyright of "The Dark Tower" has been taken down!"


Tang En's eyes lit up.

Now, Tang En Pictures has successively won the movie copyrights of "The Girl Who Moves the Soul", "A Beautiful Mind", and "A Week with Marilyn Monroe" at moderate prices.

But Stephen King's "The Green Mile," with a asking price of $3 million, directly scared Manola Daggis away.

Unexpectedly, Stephen King's most popular and best-selling work "The Dark Tower" could successfully win the copyright.

Andrew O'Hare laughs: "The price...is a surprise, $19."

"How much? US$1.9 million, right?" Tang En thought he heard it wrong.

Andrew O'Hare shook his head with a straight face, "It's $19! After the TV series is filmed, Stephen King will enjoy an additional 3% profit share."

"That's not right, isn't this too cheap?" Tang En couldn't believe it.

Andrew O'Hare explained: "In fact, the film copyright of "The Dark Tower" was bought by Imagination Films Entertainment many years ago. The price is also 19 US dollars, but there is a 5% dividend. The novel "The Tower" will be made into a TV series, and each season will cost at least 50 million U.S. dollars, which is too difficult, so the request for cuts has been reduced."

Tang En smiled, "It seems that this Stephen is not an eye-catcher, so what about "A Song of Ice and Fire"?"

This is the focus of his concern. The copyright fee of "The Chronicles of Narnia" of "10 million US dollars + 10% profit sharing" cannot be paid at all now, so he can only look for opportunities in the future.

"George Martin... is a stubborn old man." Andrew O'Hare smiled wryly, "He was originally a film screenwriter, but because the film could not realize his magnificent world structure, he switched to writing novels, so the film copyright... he did not Not for sale."

Turning "A Song of Ice and Fire" into a movie was beyond Tang En's imagination, but with Andrew O'Hare's market judgment of 97 points, he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

"Andrew, do you really think "A Song of Ice and Fire" is suitable for film adaptation?"

"It's appropriate!" Andrew O'Hare said as a matter of course, "Now that the first "Game of Thrones" has been published, we can already see some signs, 'ice' refers to the ghosts of the northern ice field, and 'fire' refers to It's the fire dragon of the southern island. The battle between ice ghosts and fire dragons, the struggle between humans and zombies, the confrontation between justice and evil, these are all huge guarantees for the box office of the movie!"

Tang En understood Andrew's thoughts a little bit, "You mean...don't shoot the main drama, but the side story?"

Andrew O'Hare thought Tang En's wording was a bit funny, "Yeah, the main drama...is too long, boring and boring, and making a movie will only pay you back. It's more appropriate to make a movie...a sideshow, or a prequel. The fantastic battle between good and evil, unprecedented visual enjoyment, is absolutely eye-popping."

Then he sighed, "But George Martin's stubborn temper...it's not easy to convince him."

"Okay, then we'll just buy the TV rights."

Tang En chose the next best thing. The TV series adapted from this work almost changed the pattern, status and influence of American TV series in the world by himself!

Andrew had a bitter expression on his face, "He doesn't sell TV drama copyrights either. He said Tang En Pictures is too weak and there is no TV station. He wants to find a more powerful partner."

Tang En rolled his eyes angrily, "This old guy, you look down on people! Forget it, keep track, keep watching, this novel, movie copyright, TV copyright, I want it all!"


That afternoon, Dunn Walker went to CAA, re-signed the contract, and became a signed director under CAA.

Although he had an unpleasant experience before, Brian Lord has regained Twain's goodwill, and will cooperate fully in the acquisition of Marvel in the future.

Especially the "Blade Warrior" crew, I heard that the budget cost has been pushed up to 65 million US dollars...

Marvel's hopes are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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