Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 135 Endless Sadness

Chapter 135   Endless Sadness

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The nine chiefs disappeared from the spirit boat in a flash, and in the next moment, they appeared on the left side of the battle table. Facing the dazzling array of spiritual wine and spiritual fruit on the jade table, he remained indifferent.

Shen Qingqiu looked up very respectfully, and the nine chiefs on the seat bowed deeply, "The great elders of the outer sect, leading the elders of the outer sect, have met the nine chief elders!"

"I'm waiting for the elders of the outer sect, and I've met the nine chiefs!" The twelve elders behind Shen Qingqiu all bowed in agreement.

At this moment, more than a million disciples of the outer sect knelt down and kowtowed, shouting in unison, deafeningly loud, "Disciple pays homage to Chief Elder Nine!"

At this time, the chief of the Holy Soul lineage: the Taoist of the Holy Soul, waved his hand calmly from his seat, "Excuse me."

"Thank you, chief!" Amidst the roaring shouts of the disciples, all the disciples got up one after another.

The thirteen elders of the outer sect also stood up straight.

"En." The holy soul Taoist nodded, and then, with hopeful eyes, the deep voice spread to every corner of the huge venue:

"Qingqiu, in order to train the disciples of the outer sect, our sect did not hesitate to waste a huge amount of spiritual stones. First, it opened the space-time tunnel leading to the Meteor God Canyon, and then opened the Mustard Seed Time-Space Tower for the training of the disciples."

"Now that the disciples from the trial have returned, this chief and the other chiefs are looking forward to it very much. Let the disciples from the trial come to the stage soon."

Hearing this, Shen Qingqiu responded, looked back at Tan Yun and the others, and ordered: "Trial disciples obey the order and immediately go to the battle table."

"Student obeys!" Tan Yun and other trial disciples disappeared from the stage, and immediately appeared on the battle list stage neatly.

"Huh?" The holy soul Taoist glanced at Tan Yun and the others, his white eyebrows frowned, "Qingqiu, there are more than 3,000 trial disciples, but now there are only 861 here. Could it be that other disciples, don't you know that this chief and all the chiefs are here?" ? Haven’t summoned them to the stage quickly!”

When the holy soul Taoist found out that there were only so few people, his first thought was that there must be some disciples who were being tested, and they were not all there. rather than dying.

The same is true for the other eight chiefs.

Even though the nine chiefs sit in the inner sect, they still know very well that the strongest monsters in the 980,000-mile trial area of ​​the Meteor God Canyon are only second-order adults, which is not enough to make two thousand Many trial disciples died.

Furthermore, it has been tens of thousands of years since the disciples of the outer sect were tested in the Meteor God Canyon, and in all the trials, the number of disciples who died in one of the trials did not exceed 500 at most.

Therefore, it is expected that the nine chiefs will not show up for the disciples who have returned from the trial. Therefore, the Chief of the Nine Great Academy looked at Shen Qingqiu, slightly displeased.

He had withdrawn from his busy affairs and came to the outer sect, and actually asked himself to wait for the trial disciples to arrive. This was obviously Shen Qingqiu, the leader of the outer sect, who was not doing his job well.

Seeing the displeasure of the nine chiefs, Shen Qingqiu's turbid eyes flashed with fear, and hurriedly bowed to explain, "Reporting to all the chiefs, there are a total of 861 disciples who have returned from the trial in the Falling God Canyon, and all of them are here."

"What did you say? Do you mean that the other disciples are all dead?" The holy soul Taoist pierced Shen Qingqiu's eyes like a sword.

Shen Qingqiu bowed his head and couldn't get up, and said bravely: "Reporting to the chief, some of the other disciples died at the mouth of monsters, so there are only so many people left."

Shen Qingqiu deliberately did not mention Tan Yun's murder. It can be seen how much he protects Tan Yun.

Hearing this, the other eight chiefs had different expressions, but they did not say anything.

On the other hand, the holy soul Taoist seemed to have thought of something extremely terrifying, his old body shook, and he suddenly got up from his seat, a powerful aura surged out from his body, covering more than a million disciples in the audience.

The next moment, the holy soul Taoist withdrew his spiritual consciousness, his old body trembled slightly, and stared at Shen Qingqiu with a sharp and anxious tone, "Shen Qingqiu, quickly answer this chief, where is my great-grandson Changkong?"

"Chairman calm down." Shen Qingqiu's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he said in panic, "Reporting to the chief, your great-grandson unfortunately died during the trial in the Falling God Canyon."

"Distressed... Died..."

These three words kept echoing in the depths of the holy soul Taoist's mind, like thunderbolts bombarding his body and mind!

The holy soul Taoist first trembled with his wrinkled hands, and then his legs and even his whole body trembled violently. Drops of muddy tears flowed from his eyes and slid down his wrinkled cheeks.

He was in tears, and he looked up to the sky and sighed, "More than two years ago, Changkong came to the inner door to find me, saying that he bet with Murong Kun and lost 98 million low-grade spirit stones."

"I even hit him and said a few words, I didn't expect... I didn't expect that it was my great-grandson and I, the last time!

"Heaven! Why are you being so unfair to me? Changkong is the only blood of my Linghu family!"

The holy soul Taoist burst into tears, and the grief in his eyes was beyond words.

Looking at the grief-stricken appearance of the holy soul Taoist, it was surprisingly consistent that none of the other eight chiefs in the seat stepped forward to comfort him. Not even a word of condolences!


Because since the patriarch was enthroned fifty thousand years ago, Huangfu Shengzong has been divided into nine factions from the holy gate to the inner gate.

The nine major factions all consider themselves to be the orthodox Huangfu Shengzong. Over time, the nine major factions of the Inner Sect, Immortal Sect, and Holy Sect came into being in the same line and stand on top of each other.

Even the current suzerain cannot eliminate the disputes between the nine major factions and complete the unified situation when the patriarch was alive!

Therefore, the sorrow of the holy soul Taoist, the other eight chiefs, turned a blind eye.

Immortals are ruthless, Heaven is ruthless, and that's the only way.

At this time, only the elders of the outer sect, who were the lowest level, expressed their comfort one after another:

"A person cannot be brought back to life after death, so I ask the Chief to express his condolences."

"Yes, chief, it's important to take care of your health."


The comforting voices of the elders of the outer sect echoed in his ears, and the Taoist holy soul sighed, and immediately gritted his teeth and glanced at Tan Yun and other 861 trial disciples, and roared: "Tell me, the chief, the sky was captured by some monster!" Kill, this chief will crush that damned monster to its bones and bones!"

The anger after the grief deeply stimulated every nerve of the holy soul Taoist!

Endless anger, he needs to vent!

The object of catharsis is the culprit who killed his great-grandson!

Facing the roar of the holy soul Taoist, Tan Yun's heart shuddered, but Mu Mengyu, Zhong Wu Shiyao, Xue Ziyan, and Rong Rong turned pale and bowed their heads in silence.

The other 856 disciples in the fetal soul state pursed their lips, fearing that Tan Yun would retaliate in the future, so they looked hesitant!

"Why are you hesitating!" The holy soul Taoist was furious, "Answer this chief!"

"Plop plop..."

Immediately, 856 disciples knelt down in fright, one of them closed his eyes tightly, his body trembled, and his voice trembled violently, "Reporting... Chief, Brother Linghu was not killed by a monster, but by... Tan Brother Yun killed, killed, killed... to death."

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