Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 890 Humanoid murder weapons are dispatched

Chapter 890 Humanoid Killing Weapons are dispatched (page 1/1)


When all the dark elf warriors on the battlefield in central London were eliminated, and Malekith and the undead warrior Krell were also surrounded by various forces coming to support, the sky above the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters that was originally suspended at high altitude The aircraft carrier is descending rapidly.

"Captain! The core energy is still 3% short of reaching the warning line!" When the aerospace aircraft carrier descended rapidly, an operator on the central podium of the command center shouted loudly.

After Malekith on the ground was surrounded, the aerospace aircraft carrier stopped its huge and useless energy strikes. However, in just such a period of time, this high-altitude battle fortress also consumed a terrifying amount of energy, which shows the powerful devouring power of ether particles.

"Stop reporting this kind of thing! What we need now is not an energy strike, but a quick descent to cooperate with other allies to fight and drive the intruders out!" Hearing the operator's shouting, Rogers frowned in response. road.

Although the core energy of the aerospace aircraft carrier is indeed approaching the edge of danger, the situation below is even more dangerous. Moreover, as long as the aerospace aircraft carrier is given some time, even the core energy source can be quickly replaced with a new one. However, they no longer need the energy strike of the aerospace aircraft carrier.

"Yes!" After receiving Rogers' response, the crew controlling the aerospace carrier in the background loudly agreed.


Then, the battle fortress fell faster, almost reaching its maximum descent speed without affecting its structural stability. The surrounding clouds flowed upward like a white waterfall. Everyone in the space aircraft carrier felt a strong sense of weightlessness at this moment, but they quickly adjusted through internal gravity.

When the space carrier was falling rapidly, a man walked up to Rogers silently, it was Dr. Banner. After learning that there was an invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations in London this time, Dr. Banner set out with the aerospace aircraft carrier. Dr. Banner is still very interested in extraterrestrial civilization.

"Captain Rogers, if necessary, I can let Hulk out today." Standing next to Rogers, Dr. Banner said seriously while looking at the undetectable upper limit energy value marked in central London displayed on the screen in front of him. .

Since the aerospace aircraft carrier arrived over London, they have detected the special powerful energy below, which is obviously ether particles. Moreover, according to the energy level, the initial value of the ether particles far exceeded the value they set, and it was impossible to judge how powerful that energy was.

After Thor and the others came to Earth and brought them the real situation about the invaders, Rogers realized that the matter was much more serious than he imagined. This time is not an invasion by extraterrestrial civilization at all, but the dark elves' plan to destroy the entire nine planets and even the entire universe. Therefore, Rogers knew very well how serious the situation they faced this time.

"Hulk? Dr. Banner, are you sure?" Rogers asked quickly after hearing Dr. Banner's words.

"In the current situation, even if you are not sure, you should try it!" Seeing Rogers' eyes, Dr. Banner replied in a serious tone.

Dr. Banner, who has joined the Avengers, also knows the true situation of the dark elf invasion, so he cannot just watch the other party use ether particles to destroy the circle universe. After clearly discovering extraterrestrial civilization and knowing that extraterrestrial civilization is connected to the earth, Dr. Banner's scientific research ambitions became stronger. Even if he wanted to explore the universe, he could not let the dark elves' plan succeed.

"Then... please!" Seeing Dr. Banner's serious tone, Rogers took a deep breath and said.

Hulk, this is also a terrifying existence that cannot be understood. Although the Hulk was revealed once when Dr. Banner returned last time, the Hulk obviously did not show much strength that time, and even hit the Phantom Knight and seriously injured him.

In the space portal incident in Siberia, no one knew what Dr. Banner encountered on the other side of the space portal. Anyway, he returned to Earth safe and sound.

From what Rogers later learned from SHIELD's internal information and top-secret information obtained from the military, no one can evaluate the Hulk's strength. His strength seems to be impossible to measure numerically. It can be said that the appearance of the Hulk was a complete accident, a theoretically impossible situation. However, he appeared, bringing invisible pressure to everyone.

"Don't worry, this time I'll let you see what the real Hulk is like." Dr. Banner said with a smile after hearing Rogers' words.

Then, Dr. Banner turned and walked directly outside the command center. The aerospace aircraft carrier dropped to a low enough altitude in a short while. Now that Dr. Banner is ready to unleash the Hulk, he certainly needs a different appearance. None of the people surrounding Malekith and the immortal warrior Krell below are ordinary people, so Dr. Banner cannot let his momentum weaken.

Seeing Dr. Banner leaving quickly, Rogers' eyes flickered and he said nothing. Rogers still had expectations for Dr. Banner's initiative to release the Hulk. However, when it came to this moment, he still hesitated. However, after thinking about the news that Tony had sent to him before, Rogers no longer hesitated.

After Dr. Banner left the command center, Rogers immediately ordered the people around him to prepare to release another humanoid killer weapon besides those energy weapons on the aerospace carrier. Rogers believed that Dr. Banner would not let him down.


Standing on the lowest deck in the center of the space aircraft carrier and looking at the deck specially opened for him, Dr. Banner took two deep breaths. Then, without hesitation, he jumped out of the landing hole originally prepared for the mobile suit team.


"Hulk! Today I will let you release the anger that has been suppressed for so many years!" Feeling the whistling airflow around him, Dr. Banner, who was falling rapidly, shouted loudly in his heart.

"Hooray!" Where no one could hear, the Hulk's excited response came from Dr. Banner's mind.

When the high-altitude aerospace carrier descended rapidly, Dr. Banner had already jumped directly from the aerospace carrier. On the ground, the city center of London was in ruins, and the first shot of the siege against Malekith and the undead warrior Krell, supported by the Earth side and the Asgardian warriors, was finally fired.

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