We are close to the location of the cliff trap, everyone be careful!

The generals walked to the edge of the cliff together and carefully observed the surroundings.

They found that many of the cliffs were covered with patterns and symbols that seemed to be clues to the puzzle.

It seems that the symbols on these cliffs are part of the puzzle and we must decipher them in order to move on. Wang Ziming said.

The generals brainstormed and tried to decipher the meaning of each symbol and find the rules in it.

They observe carefully, think patiently, and collide with each other's thoughts in the hope of finding answers.

The symbols represent different actions, and we just have to follow the sequence to solve the puzzle. One of the generals said excitedly.

The generals quickly moved and moved according to the sequence of symbols they found.

As they proceeded one by one, the lines and symbols on the cliff gradually disappeared, and a path appeared.

The generals encouraged each other to walk through this path with firm steps towards the next challenge.

They knew that only by passing the test of these puzzles could they move towards the position where Li Keyong was.

The generals passed through the passage and came to the most dangerous area in the Jiuqu Mountain, the Dark Temple.

The Dark Temple exudes an eerie aura that is terrifying.

We need to face our deepest fears and extract true courage. Zhang Side said solemnly.

The generals nodded silently, and walked into the Dark Temple with determination in their hearts.

As soon as you enter the dark hall, the light around you suddenly disappears, leaving only darkness and silence.

The generals clenched their weapons tightly and looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, there

was a cold laugh from the darkness, which made people feel uneasy.

Do you think you can save Ricke? He already belongs to me, and no one can escape. The cold voice echoed in the darkness.

The generals' hairs stood on end, and they knew that this was their inner fear.

We will

not be intimidated! We are here to save Li Keyong, he will never belong to you! Wang Ziming's voice was resolute.

The generals encouraged each other, and they clung to their beliefs and used them to overcome their fears.

Blurred figures gradually appeared in the dark hall, and they were facing their deepest fears.

Visionary scenes appeared before their eyes, and everyone saw a different vision.

Some are past failures, some are

alone for help, and some are ...... of family members leaving

These scenes captured the most vulnerable parts of the generals' hearts, making it difficult for them to control their emotions and fears.

I...... Can't I continue?' a general asked in a trembling voice.

The others encouraged him, wielding their weapons vigorously to protect his surroundings.

No! We can't retreat, and only by facing fear can we find true courage!" Li Siyuan shouted angrily.

The generals took a deep breath, concentrated their spirits, and calmly resisted the wavering in their hearts.

As time passed, they came to understand more and more that these scenes were just a part of their own hearts, regrets and hurts from the past.

To find true courage, one must face up to these fears and transcend them.

The generals brandished their weapons, defeated the illusory illusion, and moved forward step by step.

They are getting closer and closer to the core of the Dark Temple, and they are getting closer to their goal.

Finally, they made their way to the deepest part of the Dark Temple.

In front of him was an altar on which Li Keyong's body was placed, and he looked pale and weak.

We've finally found you, Li Keyong!" Zhang Side said excitedly.

But at this moment, the Dark Temple suddenly ignited a dark fire, enveloping the generals in it.

They found themselves unable to move, as if they were firmly bound by the forces of darkness.

Do you think you'll be able to save him, stupid fellow, he's been devoured by me!, a cold voice came from the dark fire.

The generals gritted their teeth with hatred, and their eyes revealed a thick determination.

We will never give up! Even in the dark, we will still fight until the last moment to teach you a lesson!" Wang Ziming roared angrily.

The generals concentrated all their willpower and struggled to break free from the shackles of darkness.

They encouraged each other and found their last courage in the darkness.

Suddenly, a dazzling light emanated from the generals, dispelling the dark fire in an instant.

The generals regained their freedom and bravely rushed to the altar to rescue Li Keyong.

We have found you! Li Keyong, stay strong, we are here to save you! Li Siming shouted excitedly.

Li Keyong opened his eyes slightly, and said reluctantly: Thank you, my friend, you came at the right time.

I've been trapped here for too long, and now I need your strength to get me out.

All the generals stepped forward one after another, and instantly lifted the shackles on Li Keyong's body.

All the generals worked together to carefully lift Li Keyong up.

The group quickly left the Dark Temple and returned to the location of the Fountain of Eternal Life.

At the Fountain of Eternal Life, they meet again with a mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure had a look of surprise in his eyes, and they succeeded in rescuing Li Keyong.

You did a very good job, saving Li Keyong and completing the trial of Jiuqu Mountain. The mysterious figure said with relief.

The generals were excited, and they made great efforts to succeed in the end. However, it was found that Li Ke had used a spell and killed everyone indiscriminately, and everyone finally subdued him to the mysterious figure speculated, this spell and Liu Yueying, and Li Siyuan, who had two guns, decided to stay and take care of Li Ke

The generals watched with great sorrow as Li Keyong was taken away by Li Siyuan with two guns, and they understood that this was a decision to protect everyone.

The mysterious figure nodded to the generals and motioned for them to follow him on.

The generals followed, and their hearts were very heavy along the way, and they hoped to find the witch Liu Yueying, and undo the spell so that Li Keyong could return to normal.

Walking through the Dark Hall and the Blurred Forest, the group came to an eerie hut.

The mysterious figure stopped, then knocked on the door of the hut.


I'm a mystery person, I've brought something about Li Keyong, and we need your help. The mysterious figure said lightly.

The door slowly opened, revealing a woman in a black robe, her gaze like lightning, revealing a mysterious and fierce aura.

Are you here to ask me to break the spell?" asked the witch Liu Yueying.

Yes, Rick fell under a spell and went crazy and started hurting people. We need your strength to break this spell and save him. Wang Ziming said sincerely.

The witch Liu Yueying was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

I understand. But unlocking this spell requires some special materials, and you'll need to help me collect them. The witch Liu Yue said indifferently.

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