High Above

Chapter 637 Exoskeleton Armor and the Weight of Inheritance (7800)

Obviously, this is a collaboration.

The dead king's ability to snatch souls is essentially an ability to target the souls of those 'subjects' who recognize his consensus. After death, he can take those artificial souls into his own body and form various structures.

After evolution, this soul-grabbing ability evolved into the 'receiving ability' in the future of the spiritual disaster path, in the age of the gods of Terra.

At that time, no matter where the deceased was in Terra or for whatever reason, as long as he signed a contract with a certain dead king during his lifetime, or believed in a certain spiritual god, then after his death, his soul would be The power of this spiritual god is protected and sent into the spiritual core of the spiritual god.

However, those who are not believers, have no consensus, and have not had their souls molded on the path of spiritual disasters. Because their souls show original irregular shapes, they cannot join the kingdom of any spiritual god. ', just waiting to float in the virtual world and nature, waiting to naturally dissipate.

At that time, people often accused the gods angrily, why the souls of the unbelievers were not protected, and the gods just watched them disappear indifferently...

To be honest, this is purely a technical reason.

Let’s not talk about how human souls have been dissipated in the past countless years. In the age of gods, if you choose to follow the consensus of a spiritual god, that is, believe in this spiritual god, you will gradually transform your soul into one that matches that spiritual god. The appearance of spiritual unity.

In this way, they can join each other's collective after death and fit together to form the structure of the Kingdom of God that will not dissipate.

This is a hard condition. It's like a jigsaw puzzle. The shapes don't match up. Is it possible that it was forced into something?

The souls of unbelievers have no shape and cannot fit into the structure of any spiritual god. You know, because of similar consensus among spiritual gods, believers can actually keep each other temporarily for a period of time, waiting for the time to transfer to each other. Yes, this is also the reason why many subordinate gods and great god systems will take shape in the future era of gods.

By the way, it is also a belief to firmly want to build a better future and lead the people to live a better life. It is also a consensus to even firmly reject the existence of gods and believe that the generation of gods is a mistake.

Some spirits are rushing to get them.

In the future of the spiritual disaster path, the souls of Terran people have basically been standardized. Just from the shape of the virtual realm spirit body, you can tell who is a believer and who is the approver of which consensus. There is basically nothing. What Ian sees now are these 'ownerless ectoplasmic aggregates'.

But now, big guy, even Ian's soul is like this.

And the new capabilities of the silver chip...

"This is the first time I've encountered a masterless source of matter."

Ian thought thoughtfully: "Perhaps it originally had such power? It's just that I've never triggered it, so it's only showing up now?"

It's possible, but it's not important.

The two 'computing units' and 'supply units' that appeared in front of Ian formed a triangular structure. They were linked together to form the simplest 'auxiliary computing module' to assist Ian in accelerating the calculation of various problems. .

Because it comes with a supply unit, this module does not even require Ian to spend strength to maintain it on weekdays, as long as he occasionally finds some psychic materials to charge it.

"My computing speed...well, although it is not as good as my main control terminal back then, it at least has the computing power of an average high-end intelligent host and can carry rudimentary artificial intelligence."

Ian immediately began to study it with great interest.

The computing unit modified from the silver chip is essentially a pure spiritual calculation structure. It is very sophisticated and complex, and has high requirements for the quality of spiritual matter. The second energy level is the minimum bottom line.

Even so, among the three second-level powerhouses that Ian killed, one had a soul whose quality was not up to standard and could only serve as an energy supply unit.

Its computing power is actually very low compared to the second-level sublimators used as raw materials. After all, they are two second-level sublimators! That adds up to just one high-powered smart host?

Ian suspected that the Setal Empire had already been able to produce hosts with similar computing power. Otherwise, it would not have been able to develop its own combat artificial intelligence.

In terms of pure computing power, there is no advantage except that it can directly assist Ian's brain acceleration in the soul state.

But Ian noticed that this computing unit came with its own set of logical calculation methods...

In other words, its algorithm is extremely advanced and can handle many problems that would cause ordinary intelligence to crash - at least, it will not be like the combat intelligence of the Setal Empire, where even the enemy cannot tell the difference.

Moreover, Ian discovered that this computing unit seemed to be able to be brought into the physical world.

As long as an ordinary spiritual environment is created in the material world and transformed by the silver chip, the computing unit with a very stable structure can exist for a long time, and with a supply unit to supply energy, it can even serve as an extremely useful mobile computing power provider. device.

The problem is... If it were Earth, such a portable main-level computing device might have many uses, but on Terra, what else could use its computing power?

Ian has the perfect answer to this question.


The young man muttered to himself in the virtual realm: "The third-generation artificial intelligence I copied in the armor training base...because it cannot be miniaturized, there is still a difficult auxiliary combat artificial intelligence in actual combat!"

"And now - I solved the problem sideways!"

Ian suddenly realized that this was a perfect match! Whether it's the Dead King, artificial intelligence or silver chips, maybe they all come from the same source from the beginning!

Obviously, both the computing unit and the supply unit are parts manufactured by Silver Chip to assist itself in calculations and completing tasks.

If according to normal logic, if he wants to improve himself, then Ian should continue to hunt the existences of the second energy level and turn their souls into his own parts.

But to be honest... isn't this the dead king?

This is why Ian felt a little weird at first, and subconsciously felt that this ability matched well with the Dead King... because the two are actually exactly the same!

Rather, it’s because the developer of the Dead King’s technology, Archduke Thorin, originally inherited the Spirit Fire Project from his master Inaga II, and Inaga II was the previous generation’s silver chip holder…

"The silver chip is the prototype of the Dead Lord and the Spirit God, and the Dead Lord can even be said to be just a poor imitation of the silver chip."

The silver chip converts the ownerless soul spirit into special units, just like manufacturing raw materials into corresponding chips and industrial products, while Archduke Thorin's artificial soul just turns ordinary people's souls into regular stones. Conveniently piled up into a castle.

However, the raw materials of the former are extremely rare, and even if the emperor wants to get too many, it will not be easy.

The latter has developed technology that allows all intelligent life in the world to have souls.

The two complement each other and it is difficult to say that the two are not related.

That's Ian's take, and that's probably true.

Inaga II must have noticed the power of the silver chip a long time ago, but he also knew that even if he killed everyone in the world except himself, he would probably only have enough souls to break through the Prison of Prisoners.

After all, during the spiritual disaster path, Ian raised the souls of everyone in the entire continent of Terra, and the power of the evil in the void did not fly out.

With the souls of the beings on Terra decades ago, this ability was completely meaningless.

So Inaga II used the power of the silver chip as a prototype to design the Fire Seed, a fire spaceship plan.

But he obviously did not solve the technical problem of how to transform ownerless spiritual matter or soul into related 'units' without relying on silver chips.

Moreover, the most important source of the unit, that is, the problem of ownerless spiritual matter has not been resolved.

Grand Duke Thorin inherited Inaga's unfinished last wish and used artificial souls to mass-produce souls that had been molded into corresponding shapes in advance, bypassing this technical problem and achieving the 'death king'.

Therefore, the fact that the soul-grabbing ability that comes with the Dead King's ability can be combined with the silver chip... may not be a coincidence.

It is a legacy that has been passed down for two generations, or even more generations, and finally gathered in Ian's hands...

technological breakthrough.

At this moment, Ian really felt the weight of inheritance - it was precisely because of generations of predecessors' research and accumulation of relevant results that he, the successor, could stand on the shoulders of giants. , looking at the more distant world.

He was silent for a while.

Then, Ian quickly shifted his thoughts back to artificial intelligence.

As long as Ian can develop the link port problem between the computing unit and the core structure of Terra's artificial intelligence, then he may be able to solve some of the problems that artificial intelligence cannot be miniaturized.

In contrast, he can also optimize Terra's artificial intelligence through the structure and algorithm of the computing unit.


Ian even suspected that the artificial intelligence and subsequent development bodies completed in the hands of Inaga II were probably not purely mechanical artificial intelligence, but psionic artificial intelligence with a part of the ectoplasm structure... just like the spirit of the same spirit. Tinder simulates the unit combination ability of the silver chip, and artificial intelligence is likely to be an intelligent computing module that simulates the combination of a large number of computing units!

If this is really the case, then optimizing artificial intelligence through computing units will be surprisingly simple!

However, there are definitely corresponding technical difficulties in this area. Ian has never received any study or education in this area before. It may be troublesome for him to learn and start over.

But that's not really a problem either.

"Adlbert! He has a complete set of psychic research materials from Archduke Thorin!"

Ian immediately thought of the overly moral deceased king. This gentle young researcher must have related technologies in his mind on how to imitate the silver chip to change the soul structure, and he must also have a full set of psychic related technologies - himself I don’t know. It is foreseeable that the various technical problems and difficulties he will encounter are probably problems that he has already solved long ago and is even quite technically proficient in!

When the anonymous opponent also arrives at Nanling, the two sides can join forces and quickly create the psychic artificial intelligence that Ian envisioned!

"Now the planning of territorial order may not require as many people as imagined..."

Ian stared at the ectoplasmic computing module in front of him. He murmured softly, with an inexplicable excitement in his tone: "If it can really be completed, with the auxiliary artificial intelligence, I will be able to achieve perfect planning and control of the territory's resources. Distribution...the construction speed will be increased by several levels!"

"And don't talk about the future, just the present."

“With the support of host-level computing power, I can create more things!”

Computing power does not only represent pure calculation speed, but can help Ian reduce the energy consumed in pure number calculations, better focus on accuracy, and create some creations with relatively high precision requirements.

In this way, with the operational precision of the sublime, there is also the alchemy workshop of Ryan...

"Perhaps, I can advance the plan a few months or even half a year..."

"Create an exoskeleton powered armor!"

The night passed quickly.

This night in Lian City was not quiet. The soldiers of the White People patrolling around the castle stood on the top of the castle. Their scarlet eyes and their bright black armor all night long announced that this place was about to undergo great changes.

As for the middle-level people, whether it is the former Laian City Guards who are about to be disbanded and are in mourning, or the various chambers of commerce who are working overtime to prepare for opening warehouses and stocking food in the morning, it is impossible for them to have a good night's sleep. .

For ordinary people, the mere existence of the new lord is enough to make them think about the future with uneasiness.

The former's uneasiness was consumed by busyness and fear. Gur observed several members of the guard who complained the most and forcibly took them away overnight, without even having time to take their families with them.

Anyway, if the person is still alive, it will not be difficult to move in the future. But when the person moves his head, there will be no future.

He was a smart man, but he didn't dare to really wait until morning - if they waited until morning to leave, the result would probably be similar to those of the rebellious mountain people who were ignited by a beam of light just after escaping from the city.

The adult just said that they were allowed to leave... but he didn't say whether it would be in the form of flesh and blood or ashes!

He did make it out alive. Two small groups of six White People soldiers who followed them late at night did not shoot, but came back to report the matter to Ian.

For the latter, this simple uneasiness about the future was quickly erased.

Because Ian started to distribute food.

Terra 773, October 25, 11:25 noon. Because the whole city needs to be notified, and it is really troublesome to mobilize food from various warehouses, transport it and sort it, so the time to release food is unavoidable. The ground is lagging behind.

Seeing that everyone worked hard and did their best to follow the instructions, but failed to complete the requirements just because of lack of ability, Ian was tolerant and did not kill anyone. Instead, he called all the senior executives of the chamber of commerce and reprimanded him, and then told They are a bunch of losers, please work harder next time, otherwise, stop being stewards and just go to the fields to farm.

And next time, they can still be scolded, which is actually a good thing for the worried people to breathe a sigh of relief - they are really afraid that Ian will directly point a charged rifle at them without saying a word. Give your head a try.

And to be honest, being scolded by Ian...may not be a particularly uncomfortable thing.

Today, on Xiahui Avenue where many damaged buildings have been demolished - the avenue that leads directly from the city center to the Castle of Leon - there are four or five teams of White People soldiers patrolling, and in the small square on one side of the avenue On the street, there are mountains of grain loaded with wooden boxes and barrels, and there are even many cooks stewing porridge, pancakes, and broth directly on the side of the road.

The aroma is wafting, each person can only get one piece of cooked food, and a family of three can only get one bucket of flour for free. If you pay, you can buy a sorted grain combination box with bacon, cheese and oil at a discount price. Pancakes, dry noodles, flour and a small piece of butter can only be purchased once per household.

[It is strictly prohibited to jump in line, take too much, or take repeatedly. Violators will be whipped]

A sign hung at the front of the square, and a chamber of commerce employee held a loudspeaker and repeated it loudly every half minute to warn latecomers.

Of course, his voice was not as loud as the screams of those behind him who were trying to sneak around, jump in line and sell more, and were being whipped hard by soldiers with whips.


"I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare anymore!"

"I will never do it again next time, please spare me——"

Compared to notices and warning signs, screams are more alarming.

It's like the warning sign by the river has said ten thousand times not to fish or swim, but there are always fishermen and drowning boys passing by, just like there are water monkeys...

Only the real and immediate pain of others can make human beings vigilant from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, among those who were whipped, some were really mean-spirited and deserved to die if they didn't get some advantage...

There are also some that sound loud, but actually have no power at all.

All in all, under the noon sun, amid the noisy screams and notices, the residents of Laianling happily welcomed the food at a discounted price.

--happy? President Xilin’s head was replaced.

As for the quality of the food purchased... can this kind of thing, which was obviously temporarily taken out from the warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce, be edible...

The cook next door who was cooking on site ran out of supplies, so he just took a box from the box behind as raw materials, cut up large pieces of bacon, and then threw it into the pot to stew, or chopped it and threw it in. Inside the wheat cake, it was obviously chosen at random.

Maybe the bacon was a little old, and the wheat cakes were unevenly coated with oil, and some were even not coated at all.

But in general, it’s this time, and if you still expect to eat good meat, noodles, and rice, it’s more or less a stain on your head and it won’t work.

You know, you can actually afford meat here!

It is impossible for a place like Terra to have a lot of expensive goods with unknown ingredients pop up just because the quality of the free food is mediocre, and scream that it cannot live or be eaten - even a spy from Feiyan cannot do this. Doing it makes people suspicious. Although the guards here may not kill people for such a trivial matter, it is indispensable to pull them down and hang them up and give them a beating.

Ian and Scott were standing on the roof of a building not far away, watching this scene.

"If this continues, it will be impossible for every household to have one box."

Flicking through the data sheet, Tie Zhimin looked at the gap on it with some worry: "Everyone may be a little scared today. The people who come are all brave adult men or old men and old ladies - but tomorrow it is estimated that everyone in the city will Come."

"The food stored by the Xilin Chamber of Commerce may not be enough today. He did store a large amount of food, but his storage is still far behind what a city needs. Because of the war and food disaster, Ryan received Residents will definitely retaliate by buying large amounts of grain as savings..."


Ian nodded slightly. He watched as another sneaky person who wanted to get another free lunch was caught by the guards, hung up and whipped ten times. He couldn't help but sigh: "When people are hungry, they will commit crimes. Look. That guy looks well-dressed, and he will definitely not take advantage of him like this when there is food."

“Only when people are full can they have room to be moral.”

He turned his head and looked at Ryan leading the road to the Agate Stone Plain, and said in a calm tone: "I know what you said. In fact, I had already made preparations in the Imperial Capital and entrusted the channels of the Platinum and Iridium Workshop to work in the Great Plains. I bought a whole fleet of food, enough to feed the whole city for half a year."

"Originally I thought it would be used as a supplement to the poor harvest and as a reserve for the future. Now during the war, it is just used to win people's hearts."

Not only to Scott, but also to the soldiers of the White People and those from the Chamber of Commerce, Ian has always said what he has to say.

He never intends to do anything on the surface. After all, even the most ordinary residents of Ryan City can see that the new lord wants to win people's hearts - but the problem is that with Ian's personal image, even if it is not Buying people's hearts may give you a favorability bonus, let alone spending food to buy people's hearts?

It even has a little more of the straightforward cuteness of young people.

"The convoy has arrived in Nauman City, and Colonel Mayowa has sent someone to escort it. If nothing else happens, the batch of food will arrive tomorrow."

Ian's eyes are profound. He can always see things in the future and make corresponding preparations in advance so that the plans are closely linked without any omissions: "Today I will tell everyone in Ryan City that I can bring food. If it can bring stability, you can say that today’s share is over after you give it out, and you have to come back tomorrow. If you want to get it again, hang it up and beat it, and it doesn’t matter if you beat it to death - although I don’t think any fool would do that.”

If he really wanted to die, there was nothing he could do about it even if he didn't want to kill anyone. If he didn't listen to the lord's warning during the war, big problems would arise if he didn't kill.

He gave instructions to Scott: "After making sure that every household in the city has corresponding grain reserves, take out a batch of special sales from the inventory every ten days to stabilize the price of grain in the city, and find an opportunity to catch a typical killer." He was publicly executed in the square to tell everyone not to challenge the bottom line of the food policy during the war."

"I can't find a typical example. I'm going to catch a Feiyan spy and tell them that they plan to burn the granary to promote the show. After burning an empty warehouse to arouse people's anger, you can publicly execute him."

"This trick is very useful. Viscount Grant should use it often, right? You will definitely do it."

"Yes, sir!" After hearing this, Scott was no longer sleepy - he was familiar with using flying flames as a target!

Viscount Grant basically kills him once every one or two months, and the effect is very good. The public execution of Feiyan's spies in Nanling is a serious modern sacrificial ceremony. It can really boost morale, and maybe even more Can increase output.

"If there is a corrupt staff member."

Ian continued: "Don't rush to catch us now. When our policies may cause public protests, focus on publicizing them before killing them. This can hedge against opposition to radical policies."

"Remember, everyone has value, including moths. Killing them directly on the spot will not be able to recover the damage. Viscount Grant only relies on instinct to throw the blame away, and we must use this effect scientifically."

He is cultivating Scott's ability to handle matters in this area - the other person will be his deputy in the future, and he must know everything from fighting to people's livelihood. There is indeed a gap in talent in this area, but most of it is through training. Yes, he believes in Scott's ability.

"I understand, sir!"

Scott nodded quickly and wrote these down in his notebook. The handwriting was fast and steady, neat and beautiful.

As Scott wrote his notes, Ian stared at the long lines of people lining the street, lost in thought.

Although Nanling's grain production has decreased, because there is so much grain in the Great Plains of the Imperial Capital, it is basically impossible to have a famine as long as freight is flowing... The problem in Laian City is actually not that there is no food, but that the freight transportation channels are cut off.

Moreover, there are indeed people like Xilin who hoard goods.

The Ascendants may not do such boring things, because in their view, the people themselves are their property, and there is no need to use this method to squeeze out wealth - but ordinary people will also exploit ordinary people.

It doesn't mean that with the Ascendants, the rich will stop exploiting ordinary people, and the reverse is also true.

But compared to existences like sublimates who are far away from the lives of most ordinary people, the exploitation of similar people may be a little more serious.

These are two different problems.

But there is a benefit in Terra, which makes Ian quite happy.

——If you can’t solve other sublimated people, you can’t solve it?

In Terra, it's too easy to hang people's street lights.

Merchant organizations such as chambers of commerce must rely on sublimators. Even if you become rich and become a sublimator, your identity will automatically become a merchant and become a sublimate. Your way of thinking will no longer be the same, and the property value accumulated in the past will also lose its appeal. The alienation of capital will be completely covered by the greater alienation of the sublimator.

In addition, the technology tree is too crooked. Industrialization, assembly lines and professional industrialization have already existed from the beginning, and are controlled by a national organization composed of top sublimators, making it impossible to create excess private capital.

So from the beginning, there was no possibility of capitalism sprouting in Terra.

"I don't know if it's good or bad. Forget it, different worlds shouldn't follow common sense in the first place. Since there is artificial intelligence and various pre-era technologies... maybe it should develop by leaps and bounds from the beginning."

This is the answer Ian finally came up with - step by step in Terra is simply hilarious.

And this time the warehouse was opened to release grain, there was no doubt that it was a great success.

For such a generous Ian, the residents of Lean City said, 'Long live the lord! ’.

yes. Due to the transformation of the previous era, the people of the Terra continent generally have good intelligence and basically have no innate intellectual disabilities. They can all see that their new lord began to win over people's hearts after he ruthlessly reorganized the city management. .

As for whether he is really rich in background or just trying to show off his face... they don't care.

Anyway, buy it first, they are really hungry.

To put it bluntly, Ian is actually quite grateful to people like Xi Lin.

After the reform of the Black King, there was a large granary in the central plain. It was too difficult for the empire to simply starve people to death. If it wanted to win over the people with the simplest method of food, it really had to thank the profit-driven businessmen.

Otherwise, Ian really can't think of any way to impress the well-fed people of the Leian Territory and make them subconsciously recognize their legal right to rule.

But now, everything is going well.

A good beginning is half the battle.


Thinking of this, Ian said: "Next, lead the team and we will go to the workshop area to arrest people."

"Yes! Sir!"

Scott responded without any hesitation, and then without saying a word, he just looked at Ian with a calm face and a little expectancy, waiting for instructions.


Ian turned his head helplessly: "Don't be so obedient at this time - at this time in the future, you should ask me 'Why am I arresting people'... Oh, this is indeed not good. But at least you should say something.' Go catch someone?"

"Yes, sir." Scott said, "Who are we going to catch?"

Ian answered smoothly: "Go and arrest the workers in those workshops and blacksmith shops. They have stopped working for a long time, and now it is time to arrest them all to work."

"Yes, sir."

This time Scott learned: "But what work?"

Ian nodded with satisfaction: "Of course we are building some cutting-edge equipment that you can use. The next thing we have to do is to stabilize Ryan City, wait for the enemy's counterattack, and the real development after the attack, so we must be under the enemy's control Before the counterattack comes, we must strengthen our side as much as possible."

"Huh." Scott really didn't understand this time: "Welcome a counterattack? Have the rebel mountain people's power around the Lean Territory been basically wiped out?"

"We have killed so many people, don't you think there is no counterattack?" Ian shook his head slightly: "With the support of Feiyandi, the rebel mountain people can barely be regarded as a whole now, they will definitely react."

"Just wait, in two weeks at the earliest and a month at the earliest, most of the rebel mountain people... are about to come!"

Just a little more at night!

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