History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 70: Shen Meinan is unparalleled in wit and deceit! Will only die worse!

Tian Heng is dead?

so suddenly? !

When Shen Lang heard the news, he was really astonished.

"Are you sure it's Tian Heng?" Shen Lang asked.

Jin Hui thought for a while, recalled carefully, and then nodded.

It was really him, whether it was temperament, appearance, or even the burst of martial arts aura, he was undoubtedly Tian Heng.

Shen Lang directly found Shen Shisan (Tian Shisan), who was recovering from his injuries.

He is writing Tian Heng's related crimes, one pile after another, all of which are murder cases.

There is evidence for everything, and every body can be dug up.

Of course, he, Shen Shisan, was also involved in many things. If he really did a thorough investigation, he would die as well.

However, Shen Shisan didn't care anymore.

As long as his parents are safe, he can die or not.

"No need to write, Tian Heng is dead." Shen Lang said.

Suddenly Shen Shisan was startled, and said, "Liu Wuyan and Zhang Jin killed him?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "You used to be Tian Heng's closest and most trusted person, do you know if he has a substitute?"

Shen Shisan thought for a while, and said, "Never seen it, never heard of it."

A substitute is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

Shen Lang believes that some super big figures will have doubles, but Tian Heng is not up to that level.

At least not even a person of the level of father-in-law has a perfect substitute.


Afterwards, Shen Lang kept frowning, recalling every scene of getting along with Tian Heng.

After coming to the Earl's Mansion, Shen Lang laughed almost every day, either playing a hooligan or looking like a hooligan.

Facing Shen Lang like this, Mulan was really not used to it.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Mulan said, "Tian Heng's death is completely good news for you. The name on your wall should be painted with a red cross."

Shen Lang said: "Lady, do you trust your intuition?"

Mulan pondered, and began to search for related intuition memories, but there was no answer for a while.

Shen Lang said: "Besides, the more beautiful a person is, the more accurate his intuition will be."

Immediately, Mulan didn't want to answer him anymore.

Shen Lang said: "This is based on science. A beautiful person will attract more people's attention. He will be very keen, and his intuition will also be very sensitive. For example, I am such a person. Every time I walk on the street When walking by, even from behind I can feel people pointing at me, calling me handsome from behind the window."

Mulan didn't even want to answer him.

But before she knew it, she had gradually been brainwashed, and she also felt that there was probably no man more handsome than her husband in the world.

Shen Lang said seriously: "I think Tian Heng is not dead, but there is no evidence, it's just a hunch."

Mulan said: "Husband, Jin Hui is a very strict person."

Indeed, Jin Hui is very strict, and every word he says is very responsible.

Shen Lang said: "That's why I'm confused. A very realistic substitute can be met but not sought after. A person of Tian Heng's level has not yet been able to find a substitute that is extremely similar to himself."

"Jin Hui saw him kneeling in the hall, and saw him crash into the pillar and die. Moreover, the dialogue before he crashed to death was indeed full of grief and indignation. Jin Hui said that such emotions are difficult to fake. "

Mulan said: "Husband, do you think Tian Heng's death is unreasonable?"

Shen Lang said: "If I were Zhang Jin, I would immediately and decisively execute Tian Heng in secret. Because Shen Shisan fell into our hands, Tian Heng's heinous crimes are all under our control. Some of the crimes involved many important figures. The consequences are simply unacceptable.”

"And as long as Tian Heng dies, all of this will be settled." Shen Lang continued: "So, killing Tian Heng should be done. But there should never be a public trial or public execution.

It is entirely possible to create the illusion that Tian Heng committed suicide in prison. "

Mulan said: "The City Lord's Mansion can sentence a prisoner to death, but it has to go through the verification of the Governor's Mansion. It takes at least ten days and a half a month to go back and forth, so if Tian Heng wants to die quickly, he can only commit suicide by himself. "

Shen Lang said: "Tian Heng can be committed suicide, but committing suicide in full view of the public is very unreasonable, as if he died specifically for... us to see."

Immediately afterwards, Shen Lang said: "Lady, is Tian Heng's body still there?"

Mulan said, "I'll take you to see it."

Then, Mulan lifted Shen Lang onto the horse again, and galloped towards Xuanwu City.


Shen Lang was still a step late.

Tian Heng's body was burned and turned into charred charcoal, completely indistinguishable.

Shen Lang concentrated his eyes and scanned the scorched body with X-rays.

Especially scan the location of his lungs.

There is a needle in Tian Heng's lung, Shen Lang has seen it before.

Even if the body was burnt, the needle should still be inside the body, and Shen Lang's X-ray eyes could easily scan it.

Soon, Shen Lang actually scanned a thin silver needle.

Awesome, it's so subtle to pretend!

But I'm afraid Tian Heng didn't know that the silver needle in his lung was already bent due to the pressure of the blood vessel.

But the silver needle inside the corpse in front of him was straight.

Can a hot girl straighten a crooked guy? cannot!

Can fire straighten a bent silver needle? also can not!

So now the truth is basically revealed, Tian Heng is not dead.

In this world, it is not easy to hide from Shen Lang's eyes, and it is even more difficult to hide it from his heart.

Immediately, Shen Lang showed a sneer and said: "Interesting, interesting! But that's good too, it's more interesting to kill yourself than indirectly"

Then, he said to Mulan, "Lady, let's prepare well, there will be a really good show tonight."

"Although the good show hasn't started yet, I've already seen the end!"

"Well, sometimes people are too good, and it's really a sin."

Mulan could bear it no longer, she turned and left.

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes as he watched his wife's twisting waist and hips when she was walking.

Left and right, left and right.

The night is dark and the wind is high, killing night, tonight must be very interesting.

"My lady, wait for me. I will work hard on you again tonight. After the matter is over, can I give you something to eat for my husband?"


An underground secret room in Xuanwu City.

Xu Qianqian held a wooden mask in his hand, and the concave surface of the mask was coated with strong acid.

The Xu family is very professional in dyes, and sulfuric acid is used in many places.

In ancient China more than a thousand years ago, many Taoist priests had produced crude sulfuric acid.

The majestic Tian Heng sat on the chair, his whole body was trembling slightly, his eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent.

His brother is dead!

Tian Heng and his younger brother depended on each other since childhood, and the two grew up in a Tianlong bodyguard bureau in Peiguo, practicing martial arts.

Ever since he was a child, his younger brother has obeyed Tian Heng's orders and regarded him as his only reliance.

The two are truly inseparable.

At the age of thirty, Tian Heng took charge of his own affairs and became a leader of the Escort Bureau, leading a team to escort important property.

Once, the escort was so precious that Tian Heng really couldn't restrain his greed, so he killed all the bodyguards, took the money and fled, and fled thousands of miles to the country of Yue .

Since then, the brothers have changed their names.

Not only that, but Tian Heng's younger brother never showed up in front of anyone again, living in darkness forever.

Because of that, there will be two Tian Heng.

It is equivalent to Tian Heng having two lives.

And now, his brother is dead.

He lost one of his two lives.

This makes Tian Heng not hate, how not murderous.

"It will hurt a little, but it can completely destroy your face." Xu Qianqian said.

Then, she slammed the mask covered in sulfuric acid on Tian Heng's face.

In an instant, there was a sizzle.

However, Tian Heng only twitched slightly.

There was no scream, not even a sound.

When a person's anger and hatred reach the extreme, he will not feel pain, but instead will feel a kind of self-abuse.

Xu Qianqian said: "From then on, Tian Heng completely disappeared from the world. You can do many things conveniently, such as..."

Xu Qianqian didn't finish, because there was no need to finish.

Then, she turned and left directly.

City Lord Liu Wuyan stood beside him and said, "Tian Heng, are you going now?"

Tian Heng gritted his teeth and said: "Shen Lang caused me to lose my younger brother, and he never delayed his revenge from morning till night, why should I wait?"

He stood up abruptly from the chair and said, "Don't he love his parents and younger brother very much? I also let him taste the feeling of losing a loved one. How can revenge be the most enjoyable? Of course, kill his whole family!"

"I can't wait for a quarter of an hour, and I will do it tonight." Tian Hengdao: "My lord, are you ready for the scapegoat?"

Liu Wuyan said: "The preparations have already been made."

Tian Heng said: "Song Yi?"

Of course it was Song Yi, he was the perfect scapegoat.

Song Yi was sentenced to exile in the mine for lifelong hard labor for falsely accusing Shen Lang.

But he is the leader of the militia, and he has martial arts. It is reasonable to run away and go back to kill Shen Lang's family.

Liu Wuyan said: "Okay, then I will warm the wine in the mansion and wait for you to come back to drink."

Tian Hengdao: "Use the blood of Shen Lang's family members in the wine, it's a pleasure."

He cupped his hands and said, "My lord, I'm going to kill people now."

Then, Tian Heng, who had been disfigured wearing a mask, headed towards Shen Lang's parents' house full of hatred and murderous intent.

Tonight, the sky is destined to be filled with blood!


Note: Brother, please reward a few recommended tickets, please!

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