Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 148 New Knowledge and the First Victim

"Mr. Longbottom! You can't stay in school! It's too dangerous, too dangerous!" A house-elf in a dirty pillowcase was tugging at the hem of Neville's robe, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm safe! Let me go, I'm going back. Don't bring Filch here." Neville was so anxious.

Haven't seen it for months and forgot about the damn house elf.

How dare it chase after the school!

"It's not safe, it's not safe!" Dobby didn't let go of his hand, the hand with slender fingers was actually quite strong, and with a single stab, a piece of Neville's robe was torn off.

Both Neville and Dobby were silent for a few seconds. Then Neville ran, but Dobby appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye and almost tripped Neville.

"Let go of me!"

"Mr. Longbottom, get out of school. The monster, the monster has been unleashed!"

"What monster?" Neville stopped struggling and asked strangely.

"Oh no, Dobby can't expose the master's conspiracy, Dobby is a bad elf!" Saying that, Dobby slammed his head against the thousand-year-old stone brick wall of Hogwarts, as if he might be ruined at any time.

"You, don't be like this, don't be like this." Neville's heart softened, and he quickly persuaded.

Dobby stopped hitting the wall with a moved face: "Mr. Longbottom is really kind. Dobby, Dobby is so touched."

Neville: "Then can you tell me about the monster..." Dobby started hitting the wall frantically again.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask."

At this moment, a magic spell was shot at Dobby's back silently.

As a result, Dobby suddenly became shorter, his whole body seemed to be shortened, and he narrowly escaped the curse.

"Ah!" He screamed, and disappeared on the spot with a "bang".

Then I heard clanging in the corridor not far away, as if ten blacksmiths were forging iron.

not good! This little thing didn't choose to run away immediately, but chose to make a big fuss. Was he trying to force Neville to drop out of school in this way? too naive!

"The figure disappears~" Ted showed up during the sneak attack just now, and at this time gave himself and Neville each an invisibility spell.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, Filch rushed over cursing.

"Peeves! Let me catch you, and you will be punished~" Tactical fell back.

After returning to a safe place, the two had time to chat.

It turned out that Neville came out with Jerry. The good boy has been persuaded to be dishonest~

But when he came back, Jerry went to the kitchen to get some cheese for supper, and Neville wanted to go back to the dorm first.

It was only a matter of two corridors, but I didn't expect to be caught by that house elf!

"He said his name was Dobby!" Neville looked at Ted anxiously, "Tell me, he couldn't have been staring at me before school started, and also at school, and only then did he find out that I was alone. The time suddenly appeared, right?"

This is simply following the idiot @汉娜!

"By the way!" Neville became serious, "What did he say that the monster was released!"

Ted nodded: "I see, now is not the time to talk about this, we will discuss it tomorrow. You go back first, don't worry about Jerry, that kid is smart, Filch can't catch him."

Not being able to win Dobby was something Ted didn't expect.

I didn't expect the house-elves to be so sensitive to magic that they avoided it.

That short body doesn't seem like a movement that a flesh and blood creature can do, the upper half of the whole body is about to get into the lower half of the body!

But it didn't matter, catching him was just a matter of being able to handle Lucius Malfoy.

After this accident, he probably wouldn't dare to show up again.

Go back to sleep, and when you open your eyes the next morning, guess what? Hey, it's December!

"Ding~ Talent [Knowledge of Other Worlds (Gold)] is triggered, found [Soldier 76 Tactical Goggles Development Manual (Green)]."

[Soldier 76 Tactical Goggles Research and Development Manual (Green)], which records the research and development materials of the new tactical equipment goggles developed by the technology company. Need to consume 260 experience to exchange.

ah? How can this be skewed to the technology side?

Ted felt a little distressed, once a month opportunity!

Originally, he wanted to ignore it, but he changed his mind, now that the situation is like this, he might as well exchange it.

Although looking at the route, the knowledge of other worlds seems to be a bit crooked this time.

But now what I am most worried about is the deadly gaze of the basilisk, and I even made protective glasses for which I don't know how effective it is.

And the knowledge in front of him, although it is on the technology side, may be useful.

It doesn't consume much experience, it only takes three or four days. Changed!

Ted savored the fresh knowledge in his mind and felt that it was of great reference value.

Especially the capabilities of "super aiming", "contour calculation" and "trace scanning".

But the technology side is too far away. If you want to learn from it, it will not be effective in a day or two.

Is it necessary to use alchemy to refine chips, and then use ancient runes to write code? Depend on!

However, just as Ted was about to do morning exercises, he suddenly heard a scream.

Ted was startled, it was Hermione's voice!

He bewitched himself and ran as fast as he could. I have already put on my glasses that don't know the effect.

"Hermione, is that you?" At the corner of the corridor, Ted felt a mental body. he called tentatively.

"Ted, it's me, come and see!" Hermione called.

Ted walked around the corner and saw the reason for Hermione's screams - a little girl, now lying on the ground covered in gray, her movements were as stiff as a stone sculpture.

This is……

"It's Clara!" cried Hermione. "What's wrong with her?"

This is Hermione's roommate, Clara Flash, a dwarf female student of her own class.

Because of the small number of students, basically every college has only one dormitory for male and female students in each class.

Ted is not very familiar with girls, but this little girl who is over one meter old still knows.

Clara is very lively and quirky, and is very popular with Professor Flitwick.

It's just that she looks like this, did she encounter a basilisk?

Ted noticed that Clara was wearing a pair of strangely shaped glasses, which had many magical components that he could not understand, but they had now been destroyed.

Perhaps this is the reason she was spared a tragic death?

I met Neville in the castle yesterday, and someone was attacked in the morning? ! And it's still on the side of the Ravenclaw tower complex? !

"Hermione, when did you find her like this?" Ted asked.

Hermione's face was a bit ugly, "Clara also often deserts and goes out at night nearby. She went out last night, but when I woke up this morning, I found that she hadn't come back at all. I was a little worried, so I came out to look for it..."

In other words, from last night to this morning, it was possible.

Doesn't that mean that I, Neville, and the basilisk might have had a night tour in the castle at the same time last night! grass!

Hermione's voice not only called Ted, but also a few Ravenclaws who were more diligent and got up early, and then they saw the dwarf girl Clara who fell stiffly on the ground.

Soon, Professor Flitwick and the other professors arrived.

Dumbledore came to the conclusion that Clara was not dead, but petrified, just like Lady Norris on All Hallows Eve.

People immediately thought of that line of words - secret room!

At breakfast, everyone already knew about it. The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

It was just a cat that had an accident before, and everyone treated it as a conversation piece after dinner.

But now it's real! A student has been attacked!

Slytherin Chamber of Secrets! Purify the school! Many students began to feel uneasy.

"I can't wait any longer! We must hurry up and make the Polyjuice Potion, and get out of Malfoy's words!" Hermione decided to start boiling the Polyjuice Potion after her roommate was petrified.

So in the abandoned classroom where Ted was doing research, there was an ever-burning cauldron.

The first day of December was so exciting that the little wizards couldn't stand it.

Now the students are not interested in class at all, they are all inquiring about or making up stories about the secret room. Some young wizards have already started preparing amulets.

Ted still remembered that he had promised the twins to make a fortune with Ron, so he made a plan for them to make their own magic amulets and sell them to little wizards.

Although their craftsmanship is rough, the amulet has at least a little effect. It's better than salamander tails, onions and the like, right?

Under the reassurance of the deans, the first week passed, and nothing strange happened.

From the second week, Professor McGonagall and the others began to collect the list of students who stayed in school for Christmas as in previous years.

This time, Harley, Neville, Ron, Jerry, and Hermione all signed on the list, and Ted would naturally stay.

I don't know where Harry got the information, saying that Malfoy was also planning to stay during the holidays.

Everyone thinks this is very suspicious!

Hermione calculated the time, and the Christmas holidays were just the right time to use Polyjuice Potion to get Malfoy's truth out.

The problem is, the two most important ingredients in the compound soup are not available yet.

The horns of bicorns and the skin of African tree snakes are materials strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic, and they are either purchased through formal channels or on the black market.

Naturally, they had the idea of ​​finding Snape's private storage room.

The matter of stealing medicinal materials from Snape naturally left Harry and Jerry to do it.

Jerry is talented, and Halle can take the blame.

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