Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 176 Senior Tom

The new Bubble Head Charm, Ted also called it the Safety Helmet Charm.

In addition to the function of filtering air and underwater breathing of the original bubble head spell, it also has a certain protective effect, and it is elastic protection.

Ted even developed it a second time, adding the Iron Armor Curse, and came up with the Safety Helmet Curse Type II, allowing it to develop from a helmet shape to a full-body coverage.

You can even add the effect of the Phantom Charm to become a Helmet Curse Type III!

This thing belongs to Ted and made a motherboard, which can be plugged with other spells to achieve synergy.

As long as it is not those incompatible enchantments, it can be added. Potential is not small!

Not only can it be waterproof, protective, and filter toxic gases, but it can also isolate heat conduction, sound shielding, and stealth.

This is a change made specifically for the Basilisk.

In addition to normal vision, snakes can also sense heat. This armor curse + bubble head curse - safety helmet curse has replaced the previous bubble head curse and iron armor curse at the system level. It should be regarded as an intermediate and advanced spell. Yes, the current lv2, the spell is "Danger is inevitable~"

Several friends were covered with transparent protective armor, which was covered from head to tail, like a space suit.

But looking bloated, in fact, there is no weight, and it will not hinder the movement.

It's just that I can't hear the words.

But it doesn't matter, Ted directly uses psychic powers to build a short-distance communication network, so that everyone can directly say something "from the heart"~

"Wow~" Jerry looked at his protected hands and felt a wonderful feeling.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?" Ron "tested the wheat" over there.

In addition to the safety helmet spell, several people also set the shield spell, protection from evil, mage armor, energy shield, slow fall spell and foot oil.

Finally, there is arcane wisdom. After Ted and Hermione were released by everyone, everyone was surprised.

This, this feeling of becoming smarter, could it be that I am going to grow my brain?

Ron has been complaining in telepathic communication: Ted Hermione, why didn't you use this kind of magic sooner! Let me also experience the feeling of being a smart person!

Ted was embarrassed to complain about him——Ron, even with the addition of arcane wisdom, you are still a little short of being a smart person.

On the other hand, Harley's own intelligence attribute is not low, and after adding arcane wisdom, she can definitely be called a smart person.

After a toss, everyone was ready.

Ted also made the necessary protection for the troll and the clay puppet, mainly to cover the eyes of the troll, so that Ted could directly control it with his mind, so as not to be stared to death directly.

Not long after the few people walked forward, a round gate carved with many scattered poisonous snakes appeared.

Neville didn't need anyone to direct him, so he stepped forward and shouted in Parseltongue, "Open~"

The embossed poisonous snakes began to gather in the middle, and at the same time, the mechanism behind the door twisted, and the circular door opened slowly like the door of a bank's safe room.

Ted uses the card [Ravenclaw's Wisdom (Blue)] to strengthen himself as much as possible.

High intelligence and high spiritual attributes are strengthened for spells. Now is the time to go all out!

Ted said to his friends through the spiritual network: follow up, I will take the lead.

Ted raised his hand and added the effect of invisibility to everyone's helmet charm. Then a group of people entered silently.

Behind the door is an extremely wide space, which feels as big as half a football field.

When the door was opened, two rows of huge braziers were suddenly lit, illuminating the entire space.

In front of Ted and the others is a corridor, on both sides of the corridor are huge stone statues of poisonous snakes.

At the end of the corridor is a huge space, and there are some traces on the ground, as if something was placed here before, but it was removed later.

At the end of the space, there is a huge statue of a human head.

This head statue is bigger than the head of the Leshan Giant Buddha, but it is a bit ugly, with bony bones and wrinkles, and a long beard that makes people feel uncomfortable.

This is Slytherin!

I don't know if he has studied too deeply in the field of black magic, but this Slytherin's appearance is a bit inappropriate.

Ted had seen small portraits of the four founders in the Ravenclaw secret room. Gryffindor was a big blond man who looked 1.9 meters tall. Hufflepuff is a kind lady who is not tall or fat.

Although Slytherin has a bald head and looks a bit gloomy, he still looks majestic and superior.

Now this picture of the plague-stricken old monkey, is this also Slytherin?

Could it be that he studied black magic too much in his later years, which even caused a drastic change in his appearance?

It is also recorded in Ravenclaw's diary that, more than ten years after the school was founded, Slytherin's teaching philosophy gradually diverged from that of the other three.

The main reason was that witch hunts were too frequent at that time, and most ordinary wizards were naturally awakened, and they could only create a few simple spells in a lifetime, and they were biased.

Once discovered by ordinary people, it is almost certain to die in a group attack.

It's a bit like the feeling of ordinary people stabbing a witcher to death with a pitchfork.

Although the newly established Hogwarts took in many young wizards, some children from Muggle families could not part with their original families, and even chose to betray the wizarding group, instead turning around to persecute other wizards.

Slytherin was so distressed and annoyed by the situation that he proposed not to admit any young wizards from non-wizard families to school. And to teach the students the more powerful and lethal black magic.

The other three founders disagreed. They believed that the current situation is really helpless, but it cannot be changed by manpower. It will take a long enough time for the situation to change, and wizards and Muggles will live in peace. era.

Using violence to control violence will only intensify the conflict between the two, and finally develop into a full-scale conflict.

In that case, although individual wizards may survive, the group of wizards will inevitably perish.

This controversy was only the first time, and it happened several times later. After realizing the huge differences between him and his friends, Slytherin built his own secret room and taught black magic to his valued Slytherin students underground.

That's right, at first this was the basement classroom, a place where small stoves were opened.

But then the descendants of Slytherin branched out into the Gaunt family, and found the Chamber of Secrets through the Parseltongue.

At that time, they were one of the school's directors. Taking advantage of opportunities such as maintenance and renovation of the castle, they built a toilet to disguise the entrance, and built many large pipes in the castle.

Later, the intermarriage within the Gaunt family completely ruined himself. Voldemort found clues to the existence of the Chamber of Secrets in the family information. It took several years to find the Chamber of Secrets using Parseltongue in the fifth grade.

It's just that he was only a half-grown child at that time, and he didn't have too many ideas. He just used the information and magic left by Slytherin.

As a result, after opening the secret chamber, the basilisk inadvertently stared at Myrtle to death.

Later, because Dumbledore watched closely, Voldemort did not open the Chamber of Secrets until graduation.

But he used the opportunity of killing Myrtle (by killing and splitting his own soul fragments) to create the first Horcrux.

The diary Horcrux has a characteristic, which is infused with Voldemort's emotions and memories. This is the special feature of the diary Horcrux.

The later Horcruxes did not have this function, they were all resurrection props, and they all added extremely sinister black magic and protection.


Harry had been observing since entering the door, and finally found Malfoy with a blank face on the ground not far from the Slytherin statue.

His hair was scattered on his forehead, and his face was as white as paper, as if he was going to be weak to death in a second.

Harry was anxious, but she also knew not to mess up and affect Ted's arrangements and plans.

Although Ted and the others have been in the invisible state, a person turned out behind the Slytherin statue, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

His dark brown hair was parted in the middle, and he looked good, but his eyes were a bit gloomy. He was tall and straight, with a reserved smile on his mouth.

In short, the appearance is a plus for the kind of youth.

In his hand was Malfoy's wand.

Neville, who was in the invisible state, suddenly felt that his forehead seemed to be burning, and the scar had a burning sensation.

"Okay! You're welcome. I've been waiting for a while, so let's introduce ourselves openly and honestly, shall we?" the young man shouted facing the empty space.

After a few seconds, there was no movement, and his eyes became gloomy: "I said, the boy who lived, Neville Longbottom, isn't it you? Then I'm so disappointed!"

At this moment, Ted communicated to Neville.

Neville collected himself and walked out.

As the invisibility effect disappeared, he appeared in the corridor.

"I heard, are you looking for me?"

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