Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 419 The unsolved mystery of Kunlun Mountain and his party

Ron was in trouble, and the other friends were not idle either.

When Neville was helping a lakeside village drive away monsters, he encountered a group of fishmen.

A group of unique fishmen.

Generally speaking, fishmen don't wear clothes, only mermaids do.

After all, mermaids look like people and mermaids look like fish. Who cares whether the fish wears clothes or not.

But these fishmen only wear clothes, and their clothing style is very weird.

Neville was a little confused when he saw that the other party's clothes looked like they were bought from a Milan fashion show.

You have to say that the other party's clothes are weird, but he also has a bit of weird charm.

But the clothes were definitely not normal.

Let’s put it this way, if you go out on Halloween and walk on the street, people will be watching you. I think there may be something wrong with your mental state.

Moreover, the behavior of these fishmen is not normal.

Generally speaking, fishmen are a very barbaric race.

Call them cruel, but they are not as bloodthirsty as orcs and the like. But they are also merciless to other intelligent races!

Basically, rush if you see it! Charge~

But generally you can't beat them. If you can't beat them, just run away.

But when these fishmen harmed the village, they didn't just kick down the door or kill everyone near the water.

They actually steal things from these ordinary people's homes secretly, and the things they steal are also very strange. Clothes, curtains, paintings, magazines, strange ornaments! There are actually people who steal cat climbing frames!

Highlight one as you wish.

Neville naturally became curious and secretly followed and investigated. He even drank the underwater breathing potion, put a head soaking spell on himself, and followed him underwater.

As a result, when we got underwater, there was a cave here.

Although the entrance to the cave is underwater, it emerges from the water after swimming for a while. Inside are intricate tunnels and natural caves!

This terrain is wrong!

There are no mountains here, so why are there caves in the thick and fertile land? The Qin from another world is definitely the Qin from another world.

At this time, he also followed the fishmen to the gathering place or village.

There are about seventy or eighty murlocs here, some are larger and some are smaller, and the colors are cooler and duller.

As for the appearance, the fishman's appearance could be directly shot in a horror movie.

And Neville saw that the guy who looked like the leader of the fishmen or the village chief was wearing sequined curtains, two different slippers on his feet, and a metal ornament that decorated the wall on his head. There were all kinds of colorful and weird pendants, and he was holding a very artistic wooden clothes drying pole in his hand.

The fish-man village is not ordinary either. There are all kinds of weird carvings on the walls, which are definitely not meaningless, but if you think about it carefully, you can't tell what they are. It's a bit abstract.

Those stolen murals, magazines, etc. were all posted. There was even a wooden cross!

At first glance, this looks like an art exhibition run by a madman!

And those fishmen gathered together and were kneeling in front of a white plastic mannequin in a clothing store in the middle of the village, mumbling what they were saying.

Neville was almost amused. Are these fishmen from another world so funny?

What surprised Neville next was that the plastic mannequin began to shimmer as he knelt and prayed.

Then the murloc leader made excited gestures with the clothes drying pole, and then tapped the heads of several murlocs one after another.

Those fishmen suddenly became excited, as if they had been strengthened!

Neville: Huh? ! The plastic mannequin became a sperm? !

The world has changed so much! I can't understand it!

What to do now?

At this time, Harley and Malfoy were also dealing with something.

This was caused by Malfoy.

The Malfoy family had some relatives on the Muggle side more than two hundred years ago. He is even considered a prominent family in the local area.

Later, after the Secrecy Law was promulgated, the magical world and ordinary people gradually became separated.

When the Malfoy family saw this, they immediately disappeared.

But things are different now. The Secrecy Law cannot be said to be in vain now, so don’t worry about it.

In ten or eight years, wizards and Muggles will inevitably reunite.

In this case, it is necessary to lay some foundation first.

So, he sent his eldest son, as a wanderer returning from overseas, to contact the Muggle family in his hometown with whom he had ancestral friendship.

The keepsakes, antiques and family trees are quite convincing.

While there aren't many others in Great Britain, there are quite a few families that have been around for hundreds of years.

When the local family saw it, they realized that the famous family from two or three hundred years ago had returned. It would be very shameful to entertain them.

Not to mention that a lot of good things have come out of the Malfoy family.

In this way, the Malfoy family appeared in Muggle society again. Draco even bought a small villa locally, as if he wanted to settle down.

Then Harley came to hang out... for a few days.

Just in the past few days, something happened.

A descendant of a branch of the Malfoy family from more than two hundred years ago came to find him?

Draco: Good guy, we just came back and had sex, right?

But they also put out keepsakes, antiques, and family trees, which are exactly the same.

Even Draco used magic to check and the other party didn't lie!

The most outrageous thing is that the visitor also said one thing - that the Malfoy family is a wizarding family!

He actually knows about wizards!

It turns out that the reason why there was such a separation of families was because there was a squib in the Malfoy family. Because he was worried about losing face, he did not dare to speak out, so he quietly raised and married his wife.

Later, the wizarding world introduced a secrecy law, and the two families were separated.

But even though the ancestor of the separated family was a squib, he still knew about things in the magical world. So some notes have been handed down over the years.

Although future generations read it as a novel.

But things are different now. Now monsters can appear in the suburbs in broad daylight. What else is not acceptable about magic and wizards?

Moreover, this time I came here not for anything else but for help.

Their three-year-old daughter was abducted by a strange old witch.

They really had no choice but to find the head of the wizard master who suddenly appeared after disappearing for three hundred years.

"The old witch abducted the little girl?!" When Harley heard this, she immediately became angry.

Malfoy saw that this was impossible, so he agreed with the middle-aged man's gratitude.

After asking in detail, Malfoy had some ideas.

This person doesn’t seem to be telling the truth, at least not completely! What is he hiding!

But Harley ignored the middle-aged man and was thinking about what that "old witch" was.

Probably not a wizard!

The little girl was lost on the edge of the forest. Some people said they saw a rickety old lady and took her away.

This does not look like a wizard, but rather like some highly intelligent magical creature.

For example, the hag!

There have been legends of old witches in Europe since ancient times. There are witches living in some forests who like to eat children and so on.

Many fairy tales also feature the old witch as a villain.

Some candy house, some Snow White and so on. But that's more of a slur against witches.

However, over the years, some strange monsters that resemble witches in fairy tales have indeed appeared. That is the hag!

They are not normal creatures, but monsters born from magic.

Although they look like people, like old ladies, they are actually very ugly. Evil and disgusting.

And they have very advanced magical abilities. Although they may not be that powerful magic, they are uniquely capable of playing tricks on people and cruel curses.

The wizards couldn't figure out what was going on with the weird potions they brewed. The kind that has no rules at all.

And they have a weird power to distort nature, which can gradually control the natural environment around their residence.

If a hag lives in the forest, then the forest will be its ally!

They also use dream magic to lure and deceive nearby villagers.

For example, find some strong young men for fun~

This is what it would feel like if your true self was revealed in the middle of galloping! The impact was a hundred times stronger than that of Qiao Biluo’s top brother!

But generally speaking, hags don't do much harm, provided you don't go to her for help.

Because they do not "actively" harm people, but passively harm them! The one who wants to take the bait!

They like people to ask them for help, make wishes, and then fulfill your wishes in an extremely twisted way. Watching you suffer and regret, it will be extremely comfortable and even empowering.

So, if a hag took away this man's child, what was it for?

At this time, Jerry and Sydney also faced a problem.

Just a few days ago, Uncle Douglas from the Dog-eared tribe in the demihuman village of Decamond was injured while hunting.

Because the injury was serious, he was sent to St. Mungo's for treatment.

However, just one day later, Uncle Douglas suddenly returned intact.

And he knew nothing about the fact that he was injured and sent to St. Mungo's.

At first, the villagers thought he had the aftereffects of drinking some magic potion, but when Jerry came back, he felt something was a little weird and contacted St. Mungo's.

Two hours later, an owl was sent from St. Mungo's. The letter said, "Mr. Douglas's injury has stabilized and he will be discharged from the hospital and return home in three days at most."

Jerry: Huh? !

Three days? Uncle Douglas is still at St. Mungo's? Who is Uncle Douglas in the village?

Jerry and Sydney made a special trip to St. Mungo's by the fireplace and saw Uncle Douglas lying on the hospital bed.

When Uncle Douglas heard that there was another one of him in the village, he was confused. Then he ignored his injuries and went home on crutches.

Madhu, there is still a wife at home! Don't let that fake guy take advantage of you!

This thing was really weird, and Jerry didn't dare to delay, so he and Xue Li took Uncle Douglas back to the village.

The two of them also discussed quietly on the road: one of the two must be fake!

Then came the scene - the whole village gathered around to watch the confrontation between the two Douglass.

Back to Ted, he had been in the Kunlun Mountains for two days and two nights.

There were ice fields and snow fields everywhere, and the group trudged hard.

But according to the map, they were already on the marked route.

If we follow the route of the previous "expedition team", we will definitely be able to find the place where their accident occurred.

The treasure is there!

However, Ted was also keenly aware that there were two other teams, more than ten miles away.

Maybe he's tracking his own team, or maybe he also has a map. In short, they are all here for the treasure.

After two days of going deep into the snowfield, strange things began to appear in the mountains.

Sometimes there is some strange noise or fire in the distance in the middle of the night, and sometimes there is a black shadow flashing across the top of the mountain not far away.

During the vigil, a young man went to pee and was attracted by a mysterious sound. If Ted hadn't stopped him, he would have been lost.

These people cannot be regarded as ordinary people. They have been exploring and doing archeology in various places all year round, and they are more exposed to weird things. But now everyone sleeps with a gun in their arms, so scared.

The team soon encountered magical animals, which were several snowmen.

These guys are more than three meters tall and look like standing white-haired gorillas. The strength is great, and the big feet are disproportionately enlarged. Although it looks clumsy, it can walk quickly on the snow!

The security personnel in the team got a little excited and fired directly, but the firearm was not effective against magical creatures. Although blood was seen, it only angered the snowman.

A group of more than ten people were chased in a panic and ran to the side of an ice crevasse. Seeing that there is no way to go from heaven to earth.

Ted had no choice but to take action and quietly opened the backpack of the girl in the team, and some small pastries fell to the ground.

The snowmen flapped their noses and turned around to pick up small cakes to eat.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone used ropes to slide into a huge ice crevice more than ten meters deep, and then escaped the snowman's pursuit.

Everyone was exhausted from being chased by these monsters who were not afraid of guns. Sitting on the ground panting.

A fat man among the security personnel also complained: "Old Hu, I said we should get something more powerful! I'll give you a whole AK and I'll give you a whole Laifu. What kind of monster doesn't give it a tug?"

"Okay, Commander Wang, stop complaining. If we use something powerful, I'm afraid an avalanche will bury us!"

Because we were worried that the snow monster was still squatting nearby, we decided to go forward in the direction of the ice crevice for a while before climbing up.

As a result, only twenty minutes after walking out, the security guard named Lao Hu keenly discovered a metal button frozen in the ice on the ground!

Copper buttons, embossed.

This thing is definitely not modern!

"It is a popular style more than 300 years ago. It is generally affordable for people with wealthy families and some status." said a European archaeological expert in the team.

The Indian woman who organized the team took it over and looked at it, "This is the emblem of the Billit family. This is the family of the expedition leader we are looking for!"

"Could it be that they were also walking through this ice crevasse back then?!" said the Celestial Expert named Fang.

After finding the clue, the team was very excited and sped up.

Under Ted's secret protection and guidance, the team encountered fire beetles and demon wolves.

Finally, after defeating several parasitic corpses of Xue Maitreya, I accidentally discovered that these corpses were members of the expedition team three hundred years ago!

It turns out that the treasure is already close at hand!

The story after that is more cliché.

This team walked on the snowfield for almost a week, experienced many difficulties and dangers, defeated several magical monsters, and finally found this treasure deep in the ice cave.

The expedition team finally deviated from the originally planned route. According to the diary written by the last person who was seriously injured and waiting to die, they forced the local guide to take a shortcut with a gun and entered the "inaccessible death place." I have encountered several kinds of monsters.

In the end, they all died tragically here and were buried together with this large number of treasures plundered from India.

However, just when everyone was happily discovering the treasure, the two teams that had been following finally caught up.

They didn't go very smoothly either. They lost a lot of men. On the contrary, they were not as good as the team protected by Ted. They suffered a little, but no one was killed or even injured.

Finally, the three groups met in the ice cave. The two groups behind came prepared and started fighting with bullets flying everywhere.

In a series of hilarious coincidences, Ted and his team escape with only a few items.

The two teams didn't get much, the ice cave was blown down, and only a few fine items escaped with them. Among them is the "Eye of Shiva" specially requested by the employer!

Ted protected the team and returned to a nearby town safely, then disappeared quietly.

It took half an hour before any teammate reacted: "Hey, who is that?!"


"Who is that?"

"Who is it?! Old Hu, please don't scare me!"

"That's right, little... what are you doing? Who's old and who's little? It's that young man who always loves to laugh! Fatty, he even saved you!"

"Hiss... there seems to be such a person? What is his name? What does he look like?!"

In the end, more than a dozen people in the team were shocked. It seemed like one person was missing, but they didn't know who was missing.

Looking at the group photo and checking the number of people, there was indeed one missing!

This adventure may become an unsolved mystery for them.

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