Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 209: A good place to adjust your mood

Chapter 209 A good place to adjust your mood

This is probably the most special Quidditch match at Hogwarts in a century.

Hufflepuff, who had been targeted throughout the game, did not feel happy at all even though he won the game. He only celebrated a few times symbolically and then hurried back to the locker room.

 Gryffindor, who was not targeted, lost the game again, so naturally they were not happy either.

Even many spectators were dampened by the continuous whistles and sat there in disinterest, looking forward to the end of the game.

If there is anyone who is satisfied with this Quidditch match, it is probably Snape as the referee.

With that magical whistle, he turned the game into his own personal show, targeting Kyle and preventing Harry from grabbing the Golden Snitch. It can be said to be a win-win...he won twice.

I didn’t expect that being the referee of a Quidditch match would be such an interesting thing. I might try it more in the future.

After getting off the broom, Snape was in a much better mood, especially after seeing the livid faces of Kyle and Harry, he even smiled from the bottom of his heart.

 It's so good... He had never been so happy when he brewed the elixir for the first time.

 “He really deserves to die!”

 In the Hufflepuff dressing room, Harris was so angry that he punched the wall.

"In the thirty-minute game, Coach Snape...he actually gave us 21 fouls. I have never experienced such an outrageous thing."

“Even at the Quidditch World Cup in 1473, there was only one foul every two minutes on average.”

“If he is still the referee of the next game, we will refuse to participate!”

 Everyone nodded in agreement. They really didn’t want to experience a funless game like today’s again.

This is even more true for Kyle. After all, those 21 fouls were all his, and it was not easy to survive until the end.

Kyle did not choose to stay with everyone, but left the locker room alone, preparing to find a place to relax and calm down his bad mood.

The Forbidden Forest is a good choice, but Hagrid has been very strict recently. Kyle was discovered as soon as he arrived there and was taken back to the hut.

 “I watched the game, it’s not your fault.”

Hagrid poured a cup of tea for Kyle and comforted him: "Professor Snape probably doesn't know much about Quidditch. Everyone can see that you didn't commit a foul."

"I've heard this several times, Hagrid." Kyle took a sip of tea and said, "You really can't let me go to the Forbidden Forest?"

"No, Kyle." Hagrid said seriously: "The Forbidden Forest is very dangerous now. If it had been someone else just now, I would have driven him back to the castle, and I would have informed the professor and deducted a lot of points."

 Seeing Hagrid say this, Kyle stopped insisting.

 In fact, if he really wanted to go to the Forbidden Forest, he could have used an invisibility cloak or a disillusionment spell, and Hagrid would definitely not be able to find him.

 But this is not necessary. There are many places to relax, and it does not necessarily have to be a forbidden forest.

  After coming out of Hagrid’s hut, Kyle also met Harry by the Black Lake.

“Potter, are you here to see Hagrid too?”

"No...ah, yes." Harry looked a little nervous, "I don't want to...listen to them comforting me all the time."

“Understandable.” Kyle patted him on the shoulder, “Then go quickly, Hagrid just mentioned you.”

 After saying that, he was ready to leave.

But before he took two steps, Harry behind him suddenly said: "Wait..."

"What's wrong."

"Kyle... did you see any strange people just now?" "Strange people?" Kyle frowned.

 “Well, like wearing a hood or something…”

Kyle thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention, but you can ask Hagrid. If that person went to the Forbidden Forest, he might know."

 “Okay…thank you, thank you.”

"You're welcome."

 After saying goodbye to Harry, Kyle turned around and returned to the castle.

Now, he finally understood what Harry meant.

Whether they recognize him or not, almost everyone will come up and say a few words of comfort when they see him.

And more and more people are coming this way.

Kyle could only speed up his pace and hide in the library for a while. Mrs. Pince helped him drive out all those who did not choose to read.

Kyle hid behind the bookshelf, used the Disillusionment Spell to sneak out, and passed the rotating stairs all the way to the door of the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

 After half a school year of hard work, he has gradually moved his flower beds into boxes, but only those plants that have matured.

 As for those who are still growing, they are still left here.

In comparison, the environment in the Room of Requirement is still more suitable for the growth of magical plants. After all, there is no way for it to rain or change the weather at any time in the box...at least not his one.

The same goes for the Moon-Crazy Beasts. They will have to stay here for a while before Kyle completely completes the transformation of the box.

 Because a lot of plants were planted at the beginning of the school year, even if a batch was taken away, the place did not feel empty at all. Instead, it was quite crowded.

 Looking at the thriving plants in the flower garden, Kyle's mood suddenly improved a lot.

 He ​​somewhat understood Professor Sprout and Newt. Whether it was plants or magical animals, watching them grow up little by little was indeed a very fulfilling thing.

Kyle walked through a row of large flower pots planted with biting cabbage and came to the innermost area of ​​the room.

 This is the territory of poisonous tentacles.

This vine is somewhat similar to a devil's net, entangling nearby living creatures.

 But it is much more dangerous than the devil's net. In addition to being unafraid of the sun, the poisonous tentacles are also highly venomous. Whether you are stung by the spikes on its tendrils or bitten, it is fatal.

 This is also the main reason why it is listed as a Category C prohibited trade item by the Ministry of Magic.

It's just that the growth cycle of the poisonous tentacles is relatively slow. Even if the Moon Chi Beast's feces is used as fertilizer every day, it has just grown a very thin bud. Even the iconic spikes are just inconspicuous little black dots.

The fang geranium on the other side is similar.

Biting cabbage is better, not to mention easy to use, and the growth cycle is also short. They were obviously planted on the same day, but now they all have teeth.

Ever since Kyle came to the flower garden, he has been hearing the clicking sound of his teeth, just like playing Allegro, not to mention how lively it is.

He returned to the biting cabbage, took out his box from the deformed lizard skin bag, and then selected some of the most energetic ones and put them in.


 (End of this chapter)

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