Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 213: Weasley's experience

Chapter 213 Weasley’s Experience

After returning to the castle, Kyle threw the picked pineapple branches into the common room, then entered the box again and got busy.

In order to rush for time, Kyle even finished all the homework in just two days, and also handed over all the work of dealing with sorbus branches to Cedric and others.

  Anyway, they did it once last year and are very familiar with the process, so there must be no problem.

  After explaining everything, Kyle seemed to disappear, and he didn’t even go to the auditorium again during meal time.

  No one could find him, and no one knew where he was. He would only appear briefly in the common room before curfew every day, and then disappear again early the next morning.

 That's it until the start of school.

While having breakfast that day, Cedric looked at the sleepy Kyle and asked curiously: "Where have you been these past few days? Why can't you be found in the whole castle?"

 “Eighth floor…”

Kyle yawned and said: "There is a special room in the corridor there, just opposite the troll tapestry. It can be turned into any room you need, and you don't have to worry about being discovered by others."

 “I’ve been there these past few days.”

 “Is there such a magical place in the castle?” Kang Na was surprised.

 “This is Hogwarts…”

After Cedric thought for a moment, he said: "I have heard that there is a mysterious room on the eighth floor. It is unpredictable. Some people see a luxurious bedroom after entering, while others see a storage room filled with garbage... Everyone is different.

And I remember Fred and George also said that they hid in a broom room on the eighth floor to avoid Filch, but when they went to look for it again, the place was gone.

That broom closet is probably the room you mentioned. "

 “That’s right, it’s the Room of Requirement.”

"They wanted to hide, so the room became a broom closet, but if you wanted to practice magic, it became a big empty classroom," Kyle said, eating a piece of scone.

"This is amazing..." Cedric said with eyes shining: "Can I go and have a look? Can it be turned into a Quidditch training ground, where I can practice catching the Golden Snitch?"

"I want to go too." Kangna said quickly: "I have always wanted to find a place where no one will disturb me to practice potions."

“Anything is fine, as long as you silently think about what you want and walk back and forth in the corridor three times, you will see the door.”

Kyle thought for a moment and then reminded: "But... if someone is inside, that place cannot be used unless you enter the same room."

Cedric's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he stopped even eating, stood up and ran to the eighth floor.

 “Aren’t you going?” Kyle asked looking at Connor who was drinking pumpkin juice.

“Didn’t you say that it can only be used by one person?” Kangna shook her head and said, “Let him go first. I can use those empty classrooms, there’s no rush.”


At this moment, Kangna suddenly remembered something and continued: "A few days ago, a new student from Gryffindor came to see you many times."

 “Gryffindor?” Kyle frowned.

The first thing he thought of was the trio. After all, apart from the three of them, he didn't know any other Gryffindor freshmen.

"Well, a girl named Hermione Granger." Connor raised her head and said slowly: "And she looks quite angry...Did you also tell her that you need to use the Kedavre? Let’s sort it into different schools.”

"Of course not. I went to Professor Sprout's office as soon as I arrived at the castle, and I didn't see any new students at all."

"And..." Kyle glanced at Kangna and muttered in a low voice: "Do you think everyone is like you? You are stupid and believe everything you say..." Before he could finish speaking, a baked potato flew over. .

Kyle casually caught the "hidden weapon" thrown by Kangna, peeled off the skin and took a bite.

“So, Hermione didn’t say she had any business with me?”

"No." Kangna glared at him and said angrily: "But Fred and George said that she was very opposed to the talisman you came up with to pass the exam. This should be the reason why she came to you before."

 “Oh…” Kyle nodded suddenly.

 This is probably Hagrid's fault again. With Hermione's current personality, it's normal for her to object.

But Kyle didn't care. After all, he didn't care about Gryffindor. Fred and George were the ones who had the headache.

 After breakfast, the two went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom together.

After school started this time, Professor Quirrell's face looked even uglier than before. There was no blood on his face, and he was horribly pale.

Many people have gradually come to believe that he has indeed been cursed by a resurrected zombie, and they no longer laugh at his stutter. These days, when they meet Professor Quirrell on the road, they will still give him an encouraging smile.

 Even Fred and George.

One day when they were gathering in the Room of Requirement, Fred sighed: "You dare to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor after being cursed by a resurrected zombie. Quirrell is the real Gryffindor."

 “His courage is thicker than that ridiculous scarf.”

"And the smell of garlic has been around me for a whole year..." Qiu shuddered and said, "If it were me, I would have gone crazy."

Cedric glanced at the twins and smiled: "I remember you hit him with a snowball, right?"

"We feel very guilty about this..." George said solemnly: "If Professor Quirrell is still alive after the school year is over, we will apologize to him for this."

"Why do we have to wait until the end of the school year..." Qiu asked puzzledly: "Can't it be done now?"

"What if he has another identity?" Fred shook his hand, "Don't forget that he is a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. No one can guarantee that he will be fine until the end of the school year."

 “Like Oren last year…”

George glanced at Kyle and said quietly: "What a good professor. He is humorous in class and easy-going after class. I didn't expect that these are all disguised."

"We believed in him so much at the beginning that in order to maintain his image as a professor, we even turned against Ravenclaw..."

  “But it was all false and he broke our hearts…”

Fred and George became more and more sad as they talked, almost hugging each other and crying.

Kyle smiled and shook his head. He felt that the two of them just liked Oren and refused to accept their homework.

Even though Quirrell is staggering when walking normally and looks like he might fall down at any time, he has not relaxed his requirements for homework at all, and his inspections are also very strict.

 Two feet cannot be less than two feet, not even the words should be written in larger sizes.


 (End of this chapter)

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