Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 366: Gsilda Marchiban

 Chapter 366 Gsilda Machiban

 The next day was Thursday. After Kyle had breakfast, he walked out of the auditorium with Kangna and prepared to attend the next Transfiguration class.

By the time they arrived at the classroom, Professor McGonagall was already waiting at the door and stopped the two people who were about to enter the classroom.

 “Miss Prince, could you please go in first?” she said to Connor.

"Okay, Professor McGonagall." Connor nodded and walked into the classroom without asking any more questions.

 Professor McGonagall then took Kyle to the nearby corridor and asked with a smile: "Do you remember the paper you sent me a month ago?"

"The one who won the Most Promising Newcomer Award in "Transfiguration Today"?" Kyle asked: "The result is out so soon?"

 “Not yet, but I’ve got the inside scoop…good news.”

Professor McGonagall seemed to be in a good mood and said with a smile: "The editor-in-chief of Hells who is responsible for selecting the Newcomer Award is a friend of mine. When we were corresponding a few days ago, I asked her about some information.

Although she didn’t say it explicitly, she revealed a piece of news to me...Mrs. Gsilda Marchbain really appreciates your paper. "

"Mrs. Marchbaan..." Kyle thought for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Is it Mrs. Marchbaan from the Wizarding Examination Authority?"

“I didn’t expect you to know about her.”

Professor McGonagall was a little surprised. After all, Mrs. Marchbain was already over 120 years old, considered a person from the last century, and she rarely showed up.

Only at the end of each semester, she would come to Hogwarts to take charge of the fifth- and seventh-grade wizard level examinations, which are O.W.L.s, and N.E.W.T.

 So generally speaking, few people who are young wizards below the fifth grade know about her.

"Charlie mentioned it before." Kyle explained: "He said that after the O.W.L.s exam, he saw Professor Dumbledore personally sending an old lady out of the school."

"Mr. Weasley then told us that it was Mrs. Marchibane, who had worked at the Ministry of Magic for a hundred years and was Professor Dumbledore's graduate examiner."

"That's true. Mrs. Marchbain has indeed been in charge of many people's exams...including Professor Dumbledore."

 Professor McGonagall then continued: "But she doesn't only have that identity."

“Mrs. Marchbain is most famous for her influence in the academic world. Whether it is Transfiguration Today magazine or the Society of Extraordinary Apothecaries, she plays a decisive role.”

Kyle nodded.

This is not difficult to understand. Even Dumbledore respected this person for more than just the reason of being an examiner.

And the Wizarding Examination Authority can be said to be one of the most tedious jobs in the Ministry of Magic. It is tedious and monotonous... and the salary is also the lowest, only about half of that of employees in other departments.

  For a normal person, three or five years is considered a long time. The only person who can stay in this position for a hundred years is Mrs. Marchbain.

 “So you understand.”

Professor McGonagall continued: "Being able to get her approval means that your paper is 80% fine.

I estimate that after Christmas, the people from "Transfiguration Today" will come to school, and they will ask you some questions, which is the final test.

If you can successfully pass, your paper will appear in the next issue of the magazine...and it will also be the front page, the most prominent position. "

 At this time, it was just time for class.

Professor McGonagall spoke faster, and while walking towards the classroom, he hurriedly said to Kyle: "Be prepared, their questions are not easy to answer."

 Before the bell ended, the two of them walked into the classroom at the same time.

 Connor saved a seat for him, and Kyle walked over and sat next to her. “What’s going on?” Kangna asked in a low voice, “Have you been found out about selling high-priced jewelry?”

 “It has nothing to do with that.”

Kyle was just about to tell her the paper, but Professor McGonagall spoke. He could only shake his head and said: "Let's talk about it after class..."

  When they entered the classroom, the smile on Professor McGonagall's face disappeared almost instantly and turned into her usual serious look.

“Fourth grade is very important. Next year is the O.W.L.s exam. I hope you can all be more focused and stop being as distracted as you were in the previous two years.”

“What we are going to learn today is cross-species conversion, which is also a question that will definitely appear in the O.W.L.s exam. Remember, it’s not possible, it will definitely happen.

 Because what I have learned before is the most basic content, only when you learn how to switch between species can you truly master the art of transformation. "

 Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes scanned around the classroom.

  Everyone straightened their backs immediately and did not dare to breathe.

“Very well, open the book, let’s start with something simple... Unlike static objects, when performing cross-species transformations, the transformation spell must be adjusted accordingly..."

After Professor McGonagall finished talking about the things that needed attention, he took out a guinea fowl and turned it into a chubby guinea pig.

"This is your task for this class. If there are still feathers on it, it will be considered unqualified!"

The classroom was soon filled with the sound of the flapping wings of guinea fowl, and occasionally someone could hear the screams of someone whose hand had been pecked.

  After the Transfiguration class, only three people completed the requirements. Most of the people handed in the guinea pigs that still had thick feathers, which was obviously unqualified.

 Professor McGonagall looked a little ugly.

 Kyle and Connor left the Transfiguration classroom and walked up the stairs.

On the way, Kyle briefly talked to her about the paper.

 Connor was surprised at first, but when she thought it was Kyle, it didn't seem so strange anymore.

Compared to the Order of Merlin Level 2 Medal and the neatly arranged three special contribution medals to the school in the prize display room, the Most Promising Newcomer Award of "Transfiguration Today" seems to be just that.

 “I knew it would be okay…”

 Kanna patted Kyle on the shoulder as if to encourage him and said with a smile: "When the periodicals after the Christmas holidays come out, I will buy a few more copies to support you."

"How embarrassing..." Kyle asked in a low voice, "How many do you want to order? Five hundred copies... I can ask Professor McGonagall to print them in advance."

"You're welcome, five copies at most." Kang Na said angrily: ""Transfiguration Today" is very expensive. How can I have so much money?"

Kyle thought about it and realized that this was the case. This kind of academic magazine must be much more expensive than the Daily Prophet.

"Okay, but remember to give Professor Snape a copy when the time comes." He said, "Nothing else, I just want to hear what the professor thinks of the paper I wrote."

Kanna turned her head and glanced at Kyle.

 Her intuition told her that this guy had bad intentions, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Besides, even if Kyle didn't tell her, she would still show it to Professor Snape.


 (End of this chapter)

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