Chapter 415 Bad taste

After seeing Kyle, Hermione reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to say hello.

 But with the thick dark circles under her eyes and a look like she was about to cry, it didn’t look like she was happy...

Kyle thought for a while, walked over and sat across from her.

"Hello, Kyle." Hermione's voice was dry.

Kyle glanced at the book spread out on her desk, "On Why Muggles Need Electricity". Next to it were some books about arithmetic, divination, and ancient runes...

"So, you still chose to use the time turner, right?" Kyle asked softly.

 Hermione's hand while turning the book paused.

"Yeah." She nodded, "I can't give up any class, I can't..."

“But you don’t look good right now,” Kyle said. “Are you sure you can make it to the end of the school year?”

 Hermione's current appearance was similar to that of Lupin on the train, looking like he might faint at any time.

If it had been a few months, Kyle had no doubt that she would fall asleep during the exam.

"I don't know..." Hermione scratched her hair and said with some collapse.

Her voice was a little loud, which immediately aroused dissatisfaction from some people. Fortunately, Mrs. Pince was a little far away at the moment and did not hear her.

“Can you tell me what you did before?” Hermione asked: “You took all the classes, but you got very high marks, even full marks…

“I always thought it would be easy if there was a time turner, but when I used it I realized that wasn’t the case at all.”

 Hermione scratched her hair again, "The more I use the Time Turner, the more I find that my memory is getting worse and worse, and it's hard to concentrate in class.

 If I continue like this, I will definitely get a lot of E's in my exams. I can't even imagine how disappointed Professor McGonagall will be if I don't get all O's. "

Hermione became more and more broken down as she spoke, and in the end she actually cried.

She hasn't spoken to anyone for a long time recently, especially after Christmas, because she told Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt, which caused Gryffindor to lose to Slytherin in Quidditch.

 Almost overnight, she became the most unpopular person, and even Harry and Ron never spoke to her again.

But Hermione didn't care. At that time, she was already a little breathless from the heavy workload, and she had no time to care about such a trivial matter...

 It was not until recently, after they defeated Hufflepuff, that the situation improved.

 But the problem is that Ron and Harry can't help at all. They will only add chaos, which is worse than when they didn't speak before.

 At least then she wouldn't be angry about things other than schoolwork...such as Harry sneaking away to Hogsmeade and being discovered by Professor Snape in the end.

Hermione couldn't understand why Harry wanted to go to Hogsmeade when everyone, including Harry, knew that Sirius Black was looking for him.

 Isn’t it fun to put yourself in danger?

Kyle, who was sitting across from her, didn't know that she had thought so much. She just thought that she couldn't stand the torture of the time turner.

This is so normal. It was the same with Percy back then. Because he used the time-turner, he was a little hysterical throughout the school year and couldn't wait to return the thing as soon as the holidays came.

According to Diana, the time-turner allows you to go back a few hours physically, but not mentally.

And human energy is limited. If it is used too often, it will collapse sooner or later.

Kyle tapped his fingers on the table, "Can I ask, do you use the time turner every day?"

 “Used every day.” Hermione nodded.

 “Where’s the time?”

“Before Christmas, it was about two or three hours, now it’s six hours,” said Hermione.

 Six hours?

Kyle shook his head.

This means that Hermione has to wait at least twenty-two hours a day before going to bed, and this lasts for nearly three months. No wonder she has such heavy dark circles under her eyes. "My advice would still be to drop two subjects... Divination and Muggle Studies."

Kyle said, "These two courses are of no use to you at all. They are a complete waste of time."

Hermione didn't retort this time.

 She didn’t believe it before, but now she also discovered that what Kyle said was the truth.

“Also, try not to use the time turner at other times except in class.” Kyle continued, “I think your class schedule should not be repeated every day.”

 “Three times a week,” said Hermione.

“Then what do you spend the rest of your time doing, reading and doing homework?”

"No." Hermione shook her head and said, "Most of it is to learn ancient runes. Although that course is very interesting, it is too difficult. One class per week is not enough."

 At this point, Hermione suddenly raised her head, "I heard Professor Babling say that you got full marks in the ancient rune exam last year, and the last student who got full marks was fifty years ago.

 So you really understood what the professor said without using a time turner? "

Hermione has wanted to ask this question a long time ago. She spends several hours every day on ancient runes, but she can't compare to Kyle's class once a week... She can't accept it.

 “Well, our situation is a little different.”

Kyle said vaguely: "The main reason is that I met a very enthusiastic person during my vacation. He has been teaching me ancient runes. It's a bit like a one-on-one private tutor. I learned a whole lesson from him. During the holidays, it’s normal to have good grades.”

"Private professor?" Hermione opened her mouth in surprise, her eyes turning red with envy.

 “Is it Professor Babling?”

"No." Kyle shook his head, "It's another one. He originally wanted to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but Principal Dumbledore didn't agree."

“Oh, why didn’t he choose Ancient Runes?” said Hermione ruefully.

She looked at Kyle and asked hopefully: "Is that person still teaching you now? Can you recommend him to Hogwarts?

“If there is one more professor, maybe this class can be taught once a week.”

"It's a pity." Kyle said, "He left last year and I can't find him."

Hermione was a little disappointed. She really wanted to take more ancient runes lessons.

“I’ll give you a suggestion.” Kyle looked at her and said, “Forget all the contents of the first ancient runes lesson, it will be of no use to you now, just follow the order in the book.

 Afterwards you will find that this course is actually not as difficult as you thought..."

"Forgot?" Hermione didn't understand. "But the combination formula of the symbols is very important. I read in the book that it is the most important thing."

  Imogram combination?

 If Kyle remembers correctly, it should be the last chapter in "Advanced Magic Text".

  In other words, this part of the content will not be learned until the end of sixth grade.

 Professor Babbling's bad taste has not changed at all.

"Forget it." Kyle said, "Before you master the arrangement and writing of the magic symbols, no matter how much time you spend, you will not be able to understand those symbols.

“It’s like transfiguration. The first thing you have to learn is to turn a match into a needle, not a teacup into a rabbit.”

"But." Hermione blinked, "If that's the case, why did Professor Babbling teach us in the first class..."

“That’s her bad taste.” Kyle said with a smile: “If you think about it carefully, did she say anything related to icons in the next class?”

 Hermione lowered her head and thought for a moment.

After being reminded by Kyle, she realized that Professor Babling had never taught icons again, and the content was much simpler.

Hermione slapped the table and shouted unconsciously: "Do you think I have been wasting time before?"


 (End of this chapter)

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