Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 532: Listen, is this human talk?

Chapter 532 Listen, is this human talk?

 “Animagus...no wonder she can write so many exclusive articles.”

On the way back, Kangna couldn't help but say: "After all, beetles are so common, and they won't arouse others' suspicion. She must have eavesdropped on many people's secrets with this."

 “That’s for sure.” Kyle nodded.

Rita Skeeter was so nervous just now, probably because she knew too much...

Or if the news that she can turn into a beetle spreads, many people who have done bad things will have trouble sleeping and eating.

 Such as the names she just mentioned.

Ludobag Mankel can guess that it is probably related to Jin Gallon.

  At the Quidditch World Cup, Mr. Weasley placed a galleon bet on Ireland to win. As a result, he has not paid the prize money to this day.

But Mr. Weasley himself didn’t pay much attention to this, and he didn’t ask Bagman for it. According to him, he just treated it as paying the ticket price.

But as for the other two names she mentioned...the story between Fudge and Dolores Umbridge, Kyle didn't know.

Think about it carefully, a Minister of Magic and a Senior Deputy Minister, the secrets between them must be very explosive.

To be honest, Kyle is quite curious. If there is a chance, he can make some insinuations and make a lot of sense.

Of course, the premise is that Hagrid’s matter needs to be resolved first...

"By the way, Kyle, how did you know that Rita Skeeter was the beetle..." Connor asked curiously when she came to the kitchen corridor.

"It's very simple..." Kyle pointed to his robe, "Because I often come into contact with Norbert, the smell of fire dragons will inevitably remain on my clothes, so under normal circumstances, it is impossible for those insects to land on me. ...unless it's an animagus.

“Also, if you look closely, you will find that the patterns on the beetle are very similar to Rita Skeeter’s hairstyle.”

"I know this." Connor said, "Professor McGonagall mentioned that the animals transformed by Animagus will always retain some of the wizard's characteristics, just like the cat she transformed into, with frames around her eyes. Texture.”

"That's it." Kyle nodded, "But generally speaking, few people will notice this. The smaller the animal, the more so. And even if they notice it, it will be difficult to contact the corresponding person..."

When they returned to the Hufflepuff common room, there were already many people there. Everyone was sitting on soft armchairs, chatting and playing wizard chess. The common room was noisy.

Kyle has never experienced such a lively Christmas holiday, and he was a little uncomfortable for a while.

 “Where were you just now?” Cedric came over. "I was just discussing with Qiu what we should do to get Hagrid back on his feet. Do you guys have any ideas?"

"Perhaps there is no need for this." Kyle and Kangna looked at each other, smiled and explained to him what had just happened.

Cedric was also surprised when he heard that Rita Skeeter was an Animagus.

"I see, it's a good thing you found her." Cedric said, and then he frowned slightly, "But the question is, are you sure that Rita Skeeter will put a good word for Hagrid in the newspaper?"

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, but when he said this, Cedric looked around subconsciously, as if to determine if there were any bugs here.

 “I believe she will.” Kyle shook the camera in his hand.

 After all, he had already hinted that only if he was in a good mood would he help hide the photo that recorded the entire process of her transformation.

 His mood will depend on the report about Hagrid in the next issue of the Daily Prophet.

Kyle believes that Rita Skeeter is a smart person and will understand what she means. Otherwise, she would not have been able to act like a normal person for so long after reporting so many infuriating reports.

 “Great, you are all here.” At this time, Fleur and her sister Gabrielle also came over.

 Since getting Professor Sprout’s permission to move here, Fleur suddenly found that this place was even better than she imagined.

 She moved here just because of Kangna at first, but unexpectedly she made many new friends here...sincere friends.

Gabrielle also came after that, and gradually, unless necessary, they rarely returned to Beauxbatons' carriage.

The same thing happened this time. Just after Christmas, they couldn't wait to come back.

"Kyle, how are your studies on those stones?" Fleur sat on a chair and asked: "The second project is about to be carried out. Have you found the secrets in the stones?" Hearing this, Sai Derek and Qiu also looked over.

"No." Kyle shrugged, "Believe it or not, I haven't touched those rocks since the end of the first project. They are probably still thrown in a corner now. "

 “What did you say?” Fleur was a little surprised.

If it were anyone else, such as Krum, she would definitely not believe this statement, and would only think that the other party did not want to reveal the information.

But Kyle... to be honest, she didn't seem to have seen Kyle take out a stone. In his free time, he usually played wizard chess with Cedric or his two roommates.

“Why did you suddenly think of asking this?” Kyle said, “It’s still two months before the second project starts. Do we need to be in such a hurry?”

"It's Ms. Maxim." Fleur hesitated for a moment, but did not choose to hide it. She said openly: "She told me that you may already know the clues about the stone. She also said that in order to prepare for the competition, you talked to a professor. Left school."

"She should be talking about Professor Black." Kyle thought for a while and explained: "We have some personal things to do when we leave school, which have nothing to do with the competition."

“I believe it.” Fleur said, “It’s just that Ms. Maxim insisted that I ask, and then I came.

"But Kyle, are you really not going to study those stones? We just have time now, so we can do it together."

“Yeah, we can help too.” Connor said next to her, and Cedric nodded immediately.

"Ah, I won't, you can study it." Kyle said, "I think it would be better to increase the difficulty appropriately, otherwise if the game is too easy, it will be meaningless... Cedric, do you want to play a game of wizard chess?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole common room suddenly became quiet.

The chatters stopped chatting. The chess player held the chess piece and forgot to put it on the chessboard. Everyone turned their heads and looked at Kyle with disbelief.

 Especially hibiscus.

 She rubbed her ears, as if she hadn't heard clearly, and asked word by word: "You said...the game is easy?"

"Yeah." Kyle, who was placing the chess pieces, said casually: "It's pretty simple, don't you think?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think so." Fleur gritted her teeth and said.

  It's hard to describe her current complexion... In short, it's ugly. If the mixed-blood Veela can also transform, she may grow a sharp beak and feathers in the next second.

 She was almost driven crazy by the bludgers in the second level. In the end, she drained all her magic power and broke most of the bludgers before she could pass the level.

Not to mention the fire dragon in the third level... He was slapped on the tail by the Hungarian tree peak, and his arm was broken on the spot, and nearly a third of his carefully maintained hair was burned off by the dragon flames.

 Had she not been able to dodge quickly, she would probably have become the first warrior not to finish the game.

What about Kyle... This kind of dangerous game is simple?

 Is this human language?

Fleur panted heavily and finally suppressed the urge to curse. Then she stood up without saying a word, turned around and left.

Although she also knew that Kyle passed the level very easily and even almost got a perfect score, it was a bit too irritating to say so bluntly that the game was easy...

Fleur secretly swore in her heart that if she came to Kyle again to discuss the stone, she would be the leprechaun and the ugliest one.


 “What’s wrong with her?” Kyle asked doubtfully, looking at Fleur’s back as she left.

"Well... I think..." Cedric said hesitantly, "Sometimes you can say it a little more tactfully. After all, she spent a lot of effort to pass those three levels."

"Oh...Sorry, I forgot." Kyle patted his forehead, "Do you think it's too late for me to apologize now?"

“I think it’s best not to go.” Cedric smacked his lips. “She most likely won’t listen to anything you say, and she might even beat you up.”

“That’s right.” Kyle scratched his hair.


 (End of this chapter)

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