Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 590: Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 590 Order of the Phoenix

Kyle doesn't know the purpose of the Ministry of Magic's letter to him. Do you want to warn him not to talk too much? Or some other reason.

That night, Kyle also asked Chris, but like Mr. Weasley, he didn't know the reason.

“Mafalda Hopkirk of the Misuse of Magic Office was just following orders.” Chris said, “I went to the minister’s office afterwards, but someone said that Fudge had gone out two days ago and never came back.”

 Then he patted Kyle on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Mafalda said, it's just a simple inquiry. After all, no one can prove that you used the spell in the Leaky Cauldron, can they?"

“Besides, this kind of inquiry will not affect your normal start of school...but that Harry Potter may be in trouble.”

"The Ministry of Magic really wants to expel Harry?" Kyle asked.

"No, it's another reason." Chris shook his head and said, "Arastor and Sirius believe that the dementor attack on Harry was probably done by a mysterious person."


“Yes, otherwise he wouldn’t have used the Patronus Charm in front of those three Muggles.”

Chris poured himself a cup of strong tea, "A dementor appeared in the Muggle community and tried to eat the souls of three Muggles... To be honest, this kind of thing has never happened before."

“Yes, this kind of thing is indeed rare.” Kyle nodded.

As far as he knew, every dementor was strictly confined to the island where Azkaban was located.

And the main purpose of the strikers stationed there is not to prevent the prisoners from escaping, but to keep an eye on the dementors and prevent them from sneaking out.

 So, without the permission of the Ministry of Magic, there is no way that dementors would appear in Little Whinging.

Of course, Voldemort is not impossible, but if he really occupied Azkaban, he probably wouldn't be able to send just one or two to deal with Harry.

 So it is more likely that the Ministry of Magic is... There is a saying that this method of framing is a bit too crude.

After Kyle chatted with Chris for a few more words, he went upstairs to his room.


In the next few days, the Weasley family next door seemed to suddenly become busy. Kyle did not see Mrs. Weasley for two or three days in a row.

 Once when I passed by, I found that they were packing their things as if they were moving.

 “What are you doing?” he asked curiously.

“A place you would never imagine.” Fred and George put down the boxes in their hands and ran over and said, “Mom has been staying there before.”

 He looked a little excited and his ears were slightly red.

 “Fred, George!”

At this time, Mrs. Weasley, whom she had not seen for a long time, also walked over quickly, "Hurry up and pack your things, we have to hurry up and set off."

 While speaking, she also noticed Kyle beside her.

 “Honey, are you okay?”

 She stepped forward and hugged Kyle, "I've heard that you have also been in trouble by the Ministry of Magic."

"It's okay, Mrs. Weasley, it's just a normal inquiry." Kyle said, "Are you going out?"

"Yes, to a...well, safer place." Mrs. Weasley hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, Dumbledore said we don't need to hide it from you."

 Then she pulled Kyle to a deserted place.

“What I say next may seem incredible to you, but it’s all true.”

“In order to better fight against the mysterious man who returned, Dumbledore reactivated the Order of the Phoenix... This is a team that was founded more than ten years ago and has fought against Death Eaters hundreds of times.

“This time we are going to the temporary command post of the Order of the Phoenix, which is Sirius’s home.”

 “Number 12 Grimmauld Place?” Kyle said. "How do you know..." Mrs. Weasley looked very surprised, and then she seemed to think of something again, "No wonder Dumbledore said there is no need to hide it from you. I think you have been there before, right."

“Yes, but it wasn’t the Order’s command post there at the time.”

 “This is certain, because this matter was only confirmed not long ago.”

Mrs. Weasley looked at the time and said, "How about you come with us? It will be safer. As for Chris, I will tell him."

"Go to No. 12 Grimmauld Place?" Kyle thought for a moment, but still refused Mrs. Weasley's offer.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s mainly because Diana came back specifically during the vacation and told him to stay at home and not go anywhere else.

The last time he went to Diagon Alley, it could almost be said that it was the first time Kyle left the village of St. Catchpole.

"In that case...okay." Mrs. Weasley said nothing more after hearing that this was Diana's request.

But just when she was about to go back and continue packing her things, she was stopped by Kyle.

“Mrs. Weasley, do all members of the Order of the Phoenix go to Grimmauld Place?”

 “Most people will go,” said Mrs. Weasley.

 “What about my dad? Is he going too?”

"No." Mrs. Weasley shook her head, "Chris, he is not a member of the Order of the Phoenix yet."


Kyle was a little surprised. He had always thought that Chris was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

“Technically speaking, he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, but he is not on the list.”

Mrs. Weasley explained: “At that time, Chris had been following Mr. Scamander, dealing with werewolves, giants, and various dangerous magical animals. He and we were on two different battlefields.

 At that time, members of the Order of the Phoenix were mainly engaged in fighting Death Eaters and supporting the battlefield. Chris believed that what he was doing did not meet this requirement.

“Although Dumbledore and we didn’t mind, after all, his approach was also to deal with the mysterious man’s power, which was no different from ours, but he himself refused.

"Before Dumbledore invited him for the third time, the mysterious man was killed by Harry, and the matter was finally shelved."

 “That’s it.” Kyle suddenly realized.

"Of course, this is only temporary." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile: "I believe that before long, Chris's name will appear on the list of the Order of the Phoenix, there is no doubt about it."

 “Maybe mine too.” Kyle also smiled.

"No, I don't think so." Mrs. Weasley's face gradually became serious, "Although Alastor also suggested that you should be absorbed into the Order of the Phoenix, I insist that he is too hasty.

"You are just a child who has not graduated. You should not be involved in such dangerous things. We are enough."

 “Mrs. Weasley…”

Kyle was about to speak, but was interrupted by a sudden sound of a whistle not far away.

A brand new car drove into the village of St. Catchpole. It was the same car that picked them up at King's Cross station...Sirius bought it.

Mr. Weasley poked his head out of the driver's seat and said, "Are you ready, kids? We have to leave right away."

 “Sorry, honey, I have to go.”

Mrs. Weasley hugged Kyle again and said, "If you find any suspicious wizards nearby, remember to write to us immediately."

"I understand, Mrs. Weasley." Kyle nodded and said, "Be careful."

"The same to you."


 (End of this chapter)

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