Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 645: Giant's plight

Chapter 645 The Giant’s Situation

After hearing Hagrid’s words, Kyle couldn’t help but rub his forehead.

 Out of a total of seventy or eighty giants, only six or seven were persuaded, accounting for only one tenth.

Furthermore, if that’s all, forget it. Although the quantity is smaller, it’s still there, and it’s not a wasted trip.

 But even this amount is still just an unknown number...

As Hagrid said just now, only if they are unwilling to submit to Gao Gaoma's rule can they join their side.

If the tall horse was really as bloodthirsty and cruel as Hagrid said, how could he tolerate the betrayal of his giants and go outside.

Also, even if they get away with it, they "may" join.

 Two conditions, one with a lower probability than the other.

To put it bluntly, Hagrid’s trip this time was completely in vain.

Kyle pointed his finger at the table and said thoughtfully: "How is the giant's strength?"

"Very powerful." Hagrid said, "Giants, like fire dragons, can ignore most magic, and they are infinitely powerful and have amazing endurance. When wizards encounter them, they can only wait to die and cannot run away... You ask this What to do."

“It’s nothing, just ask. After all, they will become enemies next. It’s always good to know more about them.” Kyle said.

 After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked: "Hagrid, are there any giants elsewhere?"

“No, they’re all there.” Hagrid shook his head, his tone a little sad.

"There used to be more than a hundred tribes in the world, but now there are only so many left. The wizards killed some, but most of them died from cannibalism. The giants are not suitable for living together, but in order to survive, they must not be killed by the wizards. Kill and they have to stay together again.”

 “That’s it.” Kyle glanced at Hagrid.

He could see that Hagrid had feelings for the giants... No, it couldn't be said to be feelings, it should be said to be the resonance between blood. After all, Hagrid's mother was a giant, and this connection was destined.

He cares about the giant tribe. No matter how much he dislikes the cruel giants, Hagrid cannot be completely indifferent to their situation.

Kyle thought for a while and asked: "You just said that it was because the giant Gogo liked to kill that he became a Death Eater, right?"

Hagrid nodded.

The previous giant Gu Ge actually had the idea of ​​​​siding with them, but who would have thought that at this critical moment, he died and his head was chopped off by Gao Gao Ma.

The efforts of myself and Maxim were also wasted in the blink of an eye.

"The Death Eaters must have planned it for a long time, and then prepared the goblin sword in advance." Kyle paused, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "If...I mean if the giants change to a new Gugo, the situation will be different Will there be any changes?”

"Perhaps, but it's difficult." Hagrid said, "Gao Gao Ma is the biggest giant there, more than three feet taller than the other giants. Coupled with the sharp goblin sword, there is no giant anymore. His opponent."

 “You can’t do it either?” Kyle asked.

“No.” Hagrid said seriously, “The biggest reason why giants hate wizards is that wizards use magic on them. If I kill a giant with magic, they will immediately stand against us.

"Even if the Death Eaters want to recruit them, they only provide Gao Gaoma with weapons instead of directly helping him kill Gu Ge. The same reason is true."

The room fell into silence again, except for the crackling fire in the fireplace.

"What if it's a magical animal?" Kyle's voice sounded a little erratic, "such as a lost fire dragon...or some other more deadly animal."

"This is even more impossible." Hagrid waved his hand and said: "There are at least more than seventy giants there, and no magical animals are willing to provoke them, not even the fire dragon."

The copper kettle on the stove made a whining sound.

“Okay, Kyle, this is nothing you should care about.” Hagrid picked up the copper kettle and poured boiling water into two bucket-shaped cups.

"Tell me about the situation at Hogwarts. I don't know what happened during this time... How is Harry..."

"Although I don't want you to worry..." Kyle sighed, "but his recent situation is not good. He encountered a dementor during the holiday."

"Dementors! How is this possible? It can't be true!" Hagrid's voice suddenly rose to a higher pitch.

"It's true." Kyle said, "Dementors attacked Little Whinging, but don't worry, Harry is fine. He used the Patronus Charm to drive away those guys. But it was also because of this that he was interrogated by magic. The reason is for using magic in front of Muggles."

"How could they do this!" Hagrid said angrily, "Harry was trying to save his life, what's wrong with him." "Don't worry, with the help of Professor Dumbledore, Harry is fine." Kyle said.

 “Now he’s in trouble with Umbridge.”

 “Who is Umbridge?”

 “Someone from the Ministry of Magic, she...”

Just as he was speaking, Kyle suddenly stopped and said loudly in Hagrid's puzzled eyes: "If you continue to be stubborn, Harry's situation will only get worse. Choosing the Ministry of Magic is the right path."

 "Kyle, what are you talking about..."

His words were drowned by a sudden knock on the door.

Hagrid looked toward the window next to the door. A short, fat figure swayed on the thin curtains.

Kyle shook his head and motioned to Hagrid to stop talking and open the door.

Although Hagrid didn't understand, he still did as he was told. He used his foot to push Fang aside who was grabbing the door, and opened the door.

Umbridge stood at the door, wearing a pink fur cloak and a hat with earmuffs that must have been the same color.

 She was not even half as tall as Hagrid, and she could only see Hagrid's face by leaning back.

“So.” Her voice was loud and slow. “You are Hagrid, aren’t you?”

 She walked into the room without waiting for Hagrid to answer.

“Ah, Kyle.” She said in surprise, “No wonder the voice in the room felt a little familiar just now. It turns out you are here too.”

"Yes, Professor Umbridge." Kyle said, "I have a good relationship with Hagrid, and I don't want to see him go astray."

"A wise choice." Umbridge smiled broadly, although her laughter made Hagrid uncomfortable.

"Well...I don't want to be rude." Hagrid looked at her, "But who are you anyway."

 “My name is Dolores Umbridge.”

"Are you that Umbridge?" Hagrid glanced at Kyle subconsciously.

Kyle's behavior just now was too strange. Is it because of this person?

Hagrid was thinking this, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"But I remember you're not from the Ministry of Magic? I've seen you, next to Fudge."

"Yes, I am the Senior Under-Secretary responsible to the Minister." Umbridge said, "I am also the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the Senior Inquisitor of Hogwarts."

“Then you are very brave.” Hagrid seemed to have not heard the second half of her words at all. “Not many people are willing to teach this now... How about a cup of tea.”

 He poured another glass of water and grabbed a handful of tea leaves.

Umbridge looked at the chipped cup, her eyebrows knitted together.

 “No need.” She tried hard to hide the disgust in her tone.

“I am here to tell you... As a senior investigator, I have a necessary task, which is to investigate the teaching of other professors.”

 “You want to investigate us?”

“Yes, the minister is determined to get rid of unqualified professors.”

I don’t know if it was because Kyle was here, but Umbridge didn’t say much, she just walked around the room and prepared to leave.

"We will meet again soon." Umbridge stood on the steps outside the door and turned back and said: "Hagrid, I hope you can make the right choice then."

 (End of this chapter)

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