Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 668: Helper from the Ministry of Magic

Chapter 668 Helpers from the Ministry of Magic

 In recent days, the most intuitive change in Hogwarts is that the content they have to learn has become much more difficult than before, and the professors seem eager to teach everyone more knowledge.

 But at the same time, they are trying their best to find ways to reduce people's fear of Voldemort. The upcoming second Quidditch match is a good way.

 Because during the game, everyone’s attention will be focused on the court and cheering and shouting with every goal scored. This is also the best way to alleviate fear.

 As the game drew closer, the atmosphere in the castle gradually became less gloomy.

"How about it, are you confident... If we can win the Quidditch Cup this year, it will be an unprecedented five consecutive championships."

Professor Sprout found Kyle in the herbal medicine class that day and said with some excitement:

“Other houses have a record of five consecutive championships, but Hufflepuff has not achieved such a dazzling result in nearly two centuries. This year is the closest to success.

“Before this, when Minerva and the others talked about Quidditch, I was too embarrassed to participate.”

To be honest, Professor Sprout is a bit exaggerated. It is impossible for professors to only talk about Quidditch when they get together, and only Professor McGonagall is a serious Quidditch fan. Other professors are not interested in this sport. I don't have much interest in sports.

But Kyle could also see that the reason why she said this in front of everyone in class was to express her importance to this Quidditch match. This allows more people to turn their attention to the upcoming game, instead of thinking about You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters who escaped from prison.

"Of course I have confidence, Professor." Kyle said cooperatively: "We have no intention of giving away the Quidditch Cup."

Two completely different voices suddenly came from the surroundings.

The Hufflepuffs naturally cheered and cheered, but the Ravenclaws who were in class with them kept booing.

 Because they are Hufflepuff's opponents, Ravenclaws don't think they will lose.

 For a time, the small greenhouse smelled full of gunpowder.

 Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Professor Sprout brought out the plants to be learned today in a timely manner and successfully defused the two groups of people who were at war with each other.

"Pimple vine." She said: "A plant that is widely used. Its pods and leaves are indispensable materials for many potions..."

 “It’s also a snack...” Kyle whispered.

Fox likes to eat these things as snacks. When Harry was learning Occlumency, he got some from nowhere. He ate them one bite at a time on the tree, as if he was eating explosives. Like rice krispies.

 In this lesson, they need to learn how to build a framework for knotweed vines and how to make them spit out pods.

Although it is snowing heavily outside, the greenhouse is very warm. Professor Sprout has placed several special torches around the greenhouse to keep the temperature that the vine pods like best.

Kyle was the first to complete the task and was rewarded with a small bag of pods, just enough to prepare for Fox.

The next day was the weekend, and the snow on the field was almost a foot thick. Some people chose to stay in the warm common room, chatting and playing chess, but the sixth grade students had to put on thick robes and go to school. Their first Apparition lesson.

This special course, which is only available to sixth graders, was originally going to be held on the field, but now the snow there is too thick and it has to be moved to the auditorium.

The reason why it is scheduled for Saturday morning is also to not delay the regular classes.

 When Kyle and Kangna arrived at the auditorium, all the tables and chairs were gone. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the place seemed much bigger than before.

 Four deans, including Professor McGonagall, have been waiting here in advance, and with them are two wizards from the Ministry of Magic.

When everyone came to them, they couldn't help but look at the thin wizard in the middle.

His face is surprisingly pale, his eyelashes are almost transparent, and his hair is very slender. There is an unreal feeling, as if a gust of wind can blow him away.

Kyle guessed that this was the teacher who taught them how to apparate. His delicate body shape was perfect for disappearing. Kyle even suspected that his apparation might not make a sound.

As for the other one... Nymphadora Tonks, she is an old acquaintance, but today she has changed into a more common black hair, and Kyle almost didn't recognize her.

"Hello everyone." After everyone arrived, the little wizard from the Ministry of Magic said: "My name is Wicked Cross, and I will be your Apparition teacher for the next twelve weeks. I hope It can help you pass the next exam smoothly."

"My name is Nymphadora Tonks." Tonks also stood up and said: "I am your disguise teacher. Although this class does not participate in the exam, it is very important. It affects whether you can Hide your true identity among the crowd and escape from being tracked or hunted by certain wizards.”

 Disguise class?

A buzz of discussion once again came from the originally quiet auditorium. They had only been notified to attend the Apparition class, but no one said there was another Disguise class.

 “Everyone, please be quiet!” Professor McGonagall said sternly, and everyone immediately shut up.

"In fact." She continued: "These two are the Aurors sent by the Ministry of Magic to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts, your new professors."

"Assisting...Professor McGonagall, we are just assisting Ms. Umbridge, we are not considered professors." Tonks emphasized. It was obvious that she did not want to take over the title of professor.

However, Professor McGonagall didn't say anything and just nodded.

"I know what you are thinking." At this time, Tonks continued: "My disguise class will not occupy your weekend time, but will be conducted during the normal Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I am here this time, I'm just sending something to Hogwarts on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, and I can also get to know you a little bit."

After hearing that the disguise class would not take up the weekend, some people immediately breathed a sigh of relief and responded enthusiastically to Tonks.

I have to say that, as an Auror who has just graduated, Tonks knows these students very well... just like she knows herself.

Tonks looked around at the people standing in front of her, and finally landed on Kyle and winked at him. Among these people, the only one she was familiar with was Kyle.

 Next, Tycross continued.

“Perhaps some people know that Apparition is not allowed in Hogwarts, but in order to allow you to learn this magic, Principal Dumbledore temporarily lifted this restriction for an hour, but only in this auditorium.

“I must remind you not to move outside the wall, otherwise you will be left without food.

“Now I need everyone to stand still and leave at least five feet in front of you.”

 Everyone takes action immediately.

After everyone stood up, Tycross waved his magic wand, and an old-fashioned wooden circle appeared on the ground in front of each student.

"This is your goal." He began to explain in detail what you need to pay attention to when learning to apparate.

Kyle listened for a while and found that it was similar to what Chris taught him... But this is normal. Maybe Chris taught him, but of course it was almost the same.

Since it was the first time for him to attend the class, Tycros gave a very detailed lecture. He spent nearly half an hour explaining what needed to be remembered and asked everyone to keep it in mind.

 Then he also gave a demonstration.

Just as Kyle thought, Tycross's apparation made almost no sound. He disappeared so naturally, and then reappeared in a wooden circle five feet away.

If someone else's Apparition is like throwing a stone into the water, then he is like a leaf. No matter how high it falls, there will be no sound at all.

 “That’s it, everyone can see it clearly.”

  Teklos shouted: "Now, just do what I just did...if you really don't know how to enter the void, just spin in place."

 “Now let’s give it a try.”

 The students in the auditorium began to circle around.

Tekros was walking in the middle of the queue, "Yes, that's it. You must relax yourself and remember what I just said... How about giving it a try. The target is the wooden circle in front of you.

 “Now follow my command...begin!”

There was a crackling sound suddenly heard in the auditorium.

Of course, this is not the sound produced when the Apparition occurs, but the sound of the collision between the body and the ground.

 Many people lost their balance and fell to the ground because they took too long to spin. “Haha, I succeeded!” There was an excited shout from the crowd.

I saw Mikel standing in the wooden circle, jumping up and down, waving his arms excitedly, "Look professor, I have appeared in the circle somehow. I must have learned to apparate."

"No, you didn't... come out quickly." Tycross said expressionlessly.

Mikel didn’t know what happened, but he saw it clearly. The child simply spun around in circles and staggered into the wooden circle... and it was someone else’s wooden circle.

 Didn’t he notice that his position was a bit off?

 Except for Mikel, everyone else in the wooden circle basically jumped in.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, everyone returns to their original positions, let’s try again.” He said dryly.

 Everyone set up the wooden circle and stood in place.

"You don't have to be depressed. Apparition is not a simple magic. You can't learn it in a day or two. I expect three lessons from you."

He held out three fingers and said: "If everything goes well, the most talented one among you should be able to truly learn this magic in the third class.

“For those who are less gifted, it takes even longer...I’ve seen many people who couldn’t move even a foot at the end of the twelve-week course, and who ultimately failed the exam.”

"That's not necessarily true..." Mikel muttered, "What if someone can learn it today."

 He always thought that he had apparated just now, but he just didn't grasp the direction well.

“Then I’ll treat him to snacks and candies for a year.” Tycros smiled and said nonchalantly: “Okay, now let’s all recall how we felt just now…”


Before he finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound coming from the auditorium.

Tekros turned his head stiffly and saw a man standing steadily in the wooden circle.

"You... must have not gone back just now, right." He asked tentatively.

Kyle smiled and said nothing.

There was another crisp sound, and the next second, he reappeared in the wooden circle of the person in front.

“Oh!” There was a burst of excited cheers from all around, and even Professor McGonagall who was watching from the side could not help but curl up her lips.

 Snape snorted disdainfully, "Childish."

Tonks looked at the stunned Tycross, trying not to laugh out loud, but half of her hair turned blonde.

 After Tycros reacted, his originally pale face began to turn red quickly, and he said angrily: "You must have discussed it."

"No, Professor." Kyle said, "In fact, I succeeded the first time, you just didn't notice."

“Yes, I can vouch for that.” Professor Sprout said with a smile. She had been looking at the Hufflepuff students, especially Kyle.

Tekros was speechless for a moment. The scene just now was so chaotic that he seemed not to have noticed that there was actually a real person mixed in among those people who were full of tricks.

"Okay, okay, I lost." Tycross said, "I will fulfill my promise."

 After saying that, he couldn't help but laugh.

He himself was very happy that someone could learn to apparate so quickly. As for whether Kyle could do it before... he didn't care.

Being able to learn to apparate before the age of sixteen is a great thing in itself. The younger the age when learning, the higher the talent.

“Okay, you don’t need to study anymore.” Tycross waved his hand to Kyle and motioned him to go aside. At the same time, he was looking forward to the next course even more.

 If one person succeeds, will there be a second one...

Thinking of this, Tecros shouted the command again.

However, what disappointed him was that the second attempt was not much better than the first. He opened his eyes as wide as possible and did not see the second person who could apparate.

 It wasn’t until the third time that there was a change.

 Someone finished it, but only half of it.

Qiu stood unsteadily in the wooden circle, but her right leg stayed in place.

 Someone let out a terrible scream.

"Don't be nervous, this is a normal phenomenon." Tycross said calmly: "Remember what I just said? Splitting is the most common situation when learning to apparate."

While he was speaking, Professor McGonagall came over quickly, picked up Qiu's leg and came to her side.

 “Pomona, Bai Xian…”

 “Is this it? Professor.”

At this moment, someone suddenly handed her a bottle containing white essence.

“Yes, that’s it.” Professor McGonagall raised her head and glanced at Kyle. She took the white essence, applied it to Qiu’s wound, and put it back in place like building blocks.

"Don't be afraid, just take a walk and see." Professor McGonagall said softly: "Separation is not a terrible situation. As long as you take it back in time, it will be fine."

Qiu's face turned pale. He took a deep breath and took a tentative step forward. Only then did he realize that he could still move normally without any discomfort.

"Don't hesitate next time, and don't worry about what will happen if you fail. We will help in time." Professor McGonagall reminded her a few words and left again.

Qiu nodded and returned to the team.

 But I don’t know if it was Qiu’s split that left a shadow on everyone. In the next half hour, no one completed it.

 Everyone, including Qiu who has experience, is repeating the process of spinning around in circles and then jumping into the circle.

Tekros was a little disappointed, but he also understood that Kyle was just a special case, and this was normal.

 After seeing the visual impact brought by splitting, it becomes much more difficult to maintain determination and calmness. This is why he said before that no one could succeed until the third class.

 Overcoming the fear of separation is the most difficult step in learning to Apparate, and it takes time.

 He tied on his cloak and said: "Everyone, don't forget: goal, determination, calmness, we will see you next Wednesday."

"Wait a minute, Professor..." Someone suddenly said: "Don't we learn to Apparate every Saturday?"

"That's right." Tycross said, "But I also have to assist Ms. Umbridge in teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts. The Ministry of Magic originally wanted to send two Aurors, but most Aurors have I had serious business to do and couldn’t leave, so they found me.”

I don't know if it was Kyle's imagination, but he noticed that Tonks' hair had become darker and she was staring at Tycross with gritted teeth.

Kyle quickly figured out why.

The other Aurors have other things to do, so doesn't this mean that Tonks is the only idler in the entire Auror office?

Kyle couldn't help but laugh, but the next second he found himself being stared at by Tonks's sharp eyes, which scared him so much that he quickly shut his mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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