Hogwarts: Please Graduate Soon

Chapter 19 Those Children Who Are Still Waiting For The Owl

All the way to the north, the sky gradually darkened.

Except for Hermione who came again after she left, no one came to disturb the box again.

The snacks Wayne bought were all divided among the four of them, except for a few Bibi multi-flavor beans.

Fred used his hair to guarantee that these multi-flavor beans either smelled like boogers or cockroaches and should not be eaten.

But as night fell completely, they rubbed their stomachs and still felt a little hungry.

"Should be arriving soon?"

Cedric guessed as he looked out the window at the completely dark sky.

Sure enough, after another half an hour, the train signal sounded.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will deliver it to the school."

"It's finally here, I feel like I'm so hungry that I could eat a cow." Fred complained, and several people stood up, took off their coats and put on their robes.

It is now 6:30 in the afternoon, and the train has been traveling for nearly eight hours.

After traveling more than a thousand kilometers, they had arrived at the northwest border of the British Isles, the Scottish Highlands.

When Wayne thought about future generations, there was a fierce debate over Scotland's independence, and it was necessary to leave the Commonwealth whether or not.

I don’t know if this school is successful in the British wizarding world.

With a guess of having fun, Wayne walked out of the compartment door and got off the train.

It was a small, dark station.

Although it is still September, the weather here is still very cold, with a chill, and many young wizards tighten their robes.

"Wayne, this way!"

Hermione saw Wayne first and shouted loudly. The boy walked over, and beside her Neville had disappeared.

At this time, an oil lamp lit up: "Freshmen! Freshmen, come here, follow me!"

Seeing Hagrid's huge body, many freshmen trembled like quails and followed him obediently, just like an old hen with her chicks.

They passed through a steep and narrow path, pitch black on both sides, when Wayne felt a sudden force on his arm.

It turned out to be Hermione. The little witch said nothing and grabbed his sleeve with some force.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" Wayne raised the corner of his mouth and looked sideways at the little witch.

"No!" Hermione said harshly: "I'm just a little nervous coming into a completely unfamiliar environment. I'm eleven years old, who would be afraid of the dark!"


The little wizard screamed in pain in front of them. A girl fell down. The humid air made the road extremely muddy. Hermione quickly stepped forward and helped the girl up.

"Thank you." The girl who was helped up said gratefully, but she was about to cry again when she saw the dirt on her robe.

At this time, Wayne took out his wand and whispered softly: "Clean up!"

Suddenly, the filth all over the girl's body disappeared, and her robe became tidy again.

"Thank you!" The girl thanked her excitedly, with little stars in her eyes: "You have actually mastered magic. It's really amazing!"

"Not bad, Wayne." Hermione raised her eyebrows.

Just now she met a little red-haired boy on the train who couldn't cast a spell after holding it in for a long time. Looking at Wayne's skilled posture, the difference was huge.

"After all, buying so many books is not for nothing." Wayne smiled, "Let's hurry up and keep up."

The two girls nodded and followed Wayne.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I turned a corner, and then there was a burst of surprised ‘oh’——

A black lake appeared at the end of the narrow path. On the other side of the lake was a cliff. A majestic castle stood there with dripping spires and lights shining through the windows like stars.

Wayne also admired the beautiful Hogwarts Castle, and the mysterious and unknown atmosphere fascinated him.

In another world, countless children look forward to an owl coming home with a letter every day.

Now, Wayne has fulfilled their wish.


"There can be no more than four people in each boat!" Hagrid pointed to the small boats moored on the shore and boarded one alone.

The wooden boat has sunk significantly, visible to the naked eye, making people worried about whether it can withstand the weight of the hybrid giant.

Wayne and the others fell at the end, and there were only three of them on the boat. The boat sailed towards the castle, and the girl also said her name.

Susan Bones.

Wayne remembered that this person was also a character in the original book, and his family relatives included high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Magic.

"Lower your head!"

As the boat approached the cliff, Hagrid's roar came over. Hermione and Bones quickly followed suit, but Wayne did not move.

Until she passed the vines, Hermione straightened up and asked angrily: "Why didn't you obey just now? What if you are in danger?"

Wayne looked at her with caring eyes: "Even if that giant is lying in the boat, he is higher than me sitting up. He can pass, so why should I lower my head?"

Hermione opened her mouth wide, unable to find any words to refute for a while, and became angry with embarrassment:

"Then why didn't you remind us."

Susan Bones nodded vigorously to express her agreement with Hermione.

that is!


Wayne waved his hand nonchalantly: "It will make you look more stupid if I remind you, right?"

Hermione was finally speechless.

Fortunately, the boat arrived quickly, breaking her embarrassment. The group followed Hagrid, climbed a set of stone steps, and gathered in front of the huge oak door.

After checking the number of people, Hagrid found that there were quite a few people. He raised his huge fist and knocked on the castle door three times.

The door slowly opened, and Professor McGonagall, still wearing an emerald green robe, stood in front of the door. Many freshmen felt the severe oppression and did not dare to breathe.

"The first years are all here, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you Hagrid, leave this to me."

McGonagall waved the door open, and the little wizards filed in. The foyer was extremely bright and warm, with burning torches every half meter.

A buzzing sound could already be heard coming from the right, but McGonagall led them to a small room on the other side of the hall.

Professor McGonagall made an introduction, explained that he was about to be sorted into different schools, and then left, and would come back in five minutes.

This time is left for the little wizard to sort out his clothes and adjust his mentality.

Although the professor left the room, the atmosphere here became even duller.

No one said anything and everyone was extremely nervous.

Wayne glanced around, started mumbling something, and his expression became anxious.

His outstanding appearance was particularly eye-catching. Finally, a little witch couldn't help but ask:

"What are you doing?"

Taken the bait.

Wayne's eyes narrowed, like a beautiful fox.

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