Hogwarts: Please Graduate Soon

Chapter 50: Bird Watching Under The Moon, The Bankrupt Beggar’S Version Of The Marauder’S Map

On the Gryffindor table, Hermione was already staring at the table.

Seeing Wayne and Qiu talking and laughing, he snorted angrily.

Until Wayne stood up and waved to her, the little witch stood up immediately.

The two girls followed him all the way out of the castle to the black lake.

Wayne first introduced the two of them.

"This is Hermione Granger, the new Gryffindor this year. You can also call her Miss Know-it-all."

"This is Qiu Zhang, Ravenclaw's second-year senior and the most outstanding female seeker in the school."

Both girls rolled their eyes.

How can you introduce others like this?

Hermione even pinched Wayne's arm angrily.

This nickname was given to her by Snape. Hermione originally hated it, but now she heard Wayne say it.

That would be even more annoying.

With a common target to attack, Hermione and Qiu started to share the same hatred, and soon they knew each other.

Wayne then had a thought in his mind and summoned Phoenix King over.

Ever since the Phoenix King hatched, there has been a vague connection between the two, which can be sensed at any time even if they are far apart.

The fire exploded, and Phoenix King flew out of it. It wasn't over yet, Fox, who had been following her since morning, also flew out.

The two girls' eyes were shining, and they couldn't help but want to get closer.

Although Wayne thinks Phoenix King is average-looking, in the eyes of Qiu and Hermione, he is very beautiful.

Especially the beautiful and soft feathers, exuding a faint light.

The whole bird looks full of sanctity.

Fox is a little worse. It seems to be on the verge of nirvana. The luster of its hair is a little dull, but it is still full of vitality.

"Where did you go to play?" Wayne ruffled Phoenix King's feathers and asked softly.

Two birds chirped twice.

"Unicorn?" Wayne's eyes lit up.

"How many are there?"

"Chirp! Chirp!"

"Just three, that's not bad."

Wayne nodded and made up his mind to go take a look when he had time.

He is also a face-controller. Wayne also became interested in unicorns, pure creatures that appear in various legends.

Seeing Hermione and Qiu still standing there without moving, Wayne waved: "Come here, Phoenix King is easy to get along with, but don't touch her crown."

After receiving his permission and seeing that King Feng had no intention of objecting, the two women came forward to take a closer look and took out the snacks they had just prepared.

Wayne also took out some white leaves and ash snake eggs from his pocket.

"Hey, Phoenix likes to eat healing herbs and fire-attribute materials."

This was given by Dumbledore just now, just in time to borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha.

Phoenix King and Fox both ate obediently, Qiu and Hermione carefully reached out their hands and stroked Phoenix King's feathers.

He narrowed his eyes happily.

It's warm and comfortable.

"By the way, Dumbledore has allowed you to live in the Forbidden Forest."

Wayne told King Feng: "If you want to play, be careful and remember to treat others' injuries."

The fun he talks about is naturally killing monsters and upgrading.

The Forbidden Forest also has its own food chain. If Phoenix King acts too wantonly, it will destroy the balance inside.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

Phoenix King raised his head proudly and waved his wings twice, as if you can rest assured if I do it.

Wayne was speechless.

I hope there won't be any trouble.

"Wayne, why does King Phoenix have a crown on his head but Fox doesn't?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Because my Phoenix is ​​the king, Fox is not."


"You'll know then."


The two birds flew away contentedly after eating and drinking, and Hermione and Qiu also had their fill.

At this time, Hermione asked: "You said you had something to do with me during class, tell me now."

Qiu looked at the two of them and said, "Then I'll leave first."

"No." Wayne waved his hand, "Even if you don't come today, I will still ask for your help."

Qiu became interested: "How else can I help you?"

In her eyes, Wayne has outstanding talent. He has mastered wandless spellcasting, and he bought Nimbus 2000 in the first grade, so he is not short of money.

She really couldn't think of anything Wayne needed her help with.

Wayne took out two pieces of thick parchment from his bag and handed one to Hermione and one to Cho.

"I plan to start a small business. Hufflepuff doesn't need to worry, but other colleges will need help."

"What's this?"

There is nothing on the parchment, but the decorative patterns and patterns are very beautiful.

The edge of Hermione's parchment was golden red, and there were two majestic lions painted on the two opposite corners of the parchment.

The autumn one has azure patterns, and the animals have turned into soaring eagles.

"Click with your wands."

The two women did as he asked, and a ball of ink suddenly appeared on the originally blank parchment, and then spread quickly, turning into a map.

"Is this a map of Hogwarts Castle?" Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, but this is more than just a map. As long as you are in the castle, you can observe your position and the real-time movement of the stairs."

Qiu's curiosity also aroused, "Is it so magical?"

Wayne shrugged, "Why don't you find out if you try it?"

The three returned to the castle again, and sure enough, everyone had a mark on the map.

Wayne is a badger, Hermione is a lion, and Autumn is an eagle.

As they move, the icons move too.

When she came to the stairs, Hermione checked and found that the running pattern of the stairs was exactly the same as what was shown on the map.

Even when they were about to set foot on that testy staircase, a reminder appeared on the map not to run or step hard.

"That's amazing." Qiu exclaimed, then looked at Wayne.

"Did you do this?"

"Of course." Wayne was a little proud, "I have been studying it for more than a week."

Qiu clapped in agreement: "Wayne, you are great. With this map, I will never be late again."

Hermione fell silent.

She studied extremely hard during this period just to catch up with Wayne.

But looking at this map, she felt a little desperate.

How could it be possible to catch up with such a monster?

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