In the ninja world, those who have blood succession boundaries are the kind of gifted ninjas, or families that have been passed down from ancient times.

And Meizhao is such a existence, but the difference is.

She possessed two blood succession limits.

If one is excusable, then more than two blood succession limits, even in the entire ninja world, are definitely rare.

In addition to dissolution, she is also proficient in another boiling avoidance, and even more powerful than dissolving.

It’s just that with her previous strength, if she wants to use Boiling, the consumption of that huge amount of Chakra still seems a little reluctant.

However, with the huge Chakra at this time, the situation is naturally different.

The giant of the water element roared, and even faintly had a tendency to counterattack.

“It’s over, after all, it is facing the three upper Shinobi, even if Mizhao is strong, she can’t be their opponent.”

“With this level of joint ninjutsu, the strength that bursts out has long been not inferior to ordinary shadow-level, unless Mi Zhaoyu also has the strength of the shadow level, otherwise it is a matter of early defeat.”

“Don’t joke, even if Meizhao is strong, how can she have the strength of the shadow level at this age, maybe in the future, but it absolutely does not exist now.”

After all, this battle is related to the future of the entire Wuyin Village, to a large extent, if it wins, which side will inherit the position of Water Shadow.

In this way, it is natural that these ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village do not care.

The two sides were already the highest combat power that Wuyin Village could bring out at this time, and the others had already lost their qualifications to run at this time.

The corners of Tian Tai’s mouth showed a sinister smile, residing in the body of this elemental giant condensed by Chakra, and said to Meizhao: “Although your strength is much beyond our expectations, the result will not change in any way, accept your own fate.” ”

The light blue giant roared, swimming upstream in the dissolution, approaching Meizhao step by step.

The corner of his mouth hooked a sneer, and Meizhao’s face was resolute, “Then you can try it.” ”

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead.”

Tian Tai snorted coldly, and immediately stopped speaking, but the huge figure got closer and closer.

Taking a deep breath, Mei Zhao’s hands finally began to seal in front of her.

The fighting has reached such an extent that there has long been no turning back between the two sides.

She can only break the cauldron.

“Boiling: The Art of Flying Mist!”

The water attribute Chakra is fused with the fire attribute Chakra.

It is said that water and fire are incompatible, but at this time, these two natural Chakras have a wonderful chemical reaction at this time.

The boundless yellow mist sprayed out from Meizhao’s mouth, and in an instant, it came to the light blue giant.

“Just with this kind of thing, you want to stop me.”

Tian Tai’s face was hideous, and the giant punched this mist and blasted over.

However, the mist is formless and shapeless, and the fist in the general sense may cause damage to it.

On the contrary, this punch was immediately corroded by the mist after passing through the mist, and the entire fist was destroyed by half.


The three upper ninja suddenly showed shocked looks, and they were caught off guard by the scene in front of them.

However, they have no room for regret.

Although Chakra is rapidly consuming, but the art of flying fog has indeed produced its due effect, in a short time, it has already wrapped the light blue giant all over, no matter how the other party struggles, there is no way to get rid of it, but under the erosion of this mist, the huge body is corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye, constantly shrinking, not in human form.

Until the entire body completely dissipated, leaving only the three ninjas before that.

Without the protection of the light blue giant, the three people were in the boiling of the beautiful light, and for a moment they only felt that their bodies were going to dissolve into liquid, and they immediately began to scream wildly.

“Stop! Stop it! ”

“Admit defeat, we admit defeat, beautiful photos, you stop quickly!”

“It is we who do not know Tarzan, we should not be enemies with you, we know that we are wrong, please let us go.”

The three people kept wailing, and the sound was so harsh that even the people watching around couldn’t help but feel creepy.

“Meizhao, it’s almost done, now my Wuyin Village is greatly injured, just at the time of employing people, if you kill these three people again, won’t it be equivalent to self-destruction, once my Mist Yin Village declines, it will inevitably cause other ninja villages to covet, and then the Ninja World War will be inevitable!”

The elder at the head immediately got up and shouted with a solemn and angry face.

However, Zhaomei snorted coldly, squinted his eyes, and suddenly asked: “I wonder if I fall into danger, life and death, will you also speak up for me?” ”

The man was immediately stunned.

“In any case, these three are also the upper ninja of my Mist Hidden Village, how can you be killed at will.”

“That is, even Lord Mizukage will not do this.”

“Be merciful and spare.”

Immediately the surrounding people resounded with shouts.

Wen Yan, on the other hand, Zhao Meiyu just frowned.

“It’s noisy!”

A trace of impatience crossed her face, and the Flying Mist Technique not only did not stop, but became more and more intense.

A trace of anger flashed between her eyebrows, and years of dissatisfaction with the policies of the Mist Hidden Village, and the previous aggressive resentment towards these three people exploded in an instant.

The screams were terrible, and almost instantly, the three Shangnin were left with bones under the flying fog.

“Terumi, you!”

The leading elder’s eyes widened angrily, and he was so angry that he could hardly speak.

There was an uproar.

And Terumi, after receiving ninjutsu, simply turned a deaf ear.

Her eyes looked around indifferently, her voice did not carry any emotion, like autumn and winter, solemn and cold, said: “If you are not satisfied, you can come up and try it with me, I said before, no matter who it is, no matter how many people, I…”

Thin eyebrows slightly raised, phoenix eyes were worried, she threw the ground loudly, “All accompanied!” ”

Suddenly, there was deathly silence.

After seeing the strength of Zhaomei, no one is willing to do anything with her unless she wants to commit suicide.

“If there is no one…”

Taking a deep breath, Terumi turned around and looked at several people from the Elder Council not far away, the fierceness in his eyes was almost unscrupulous, and said, “Then, I am the fifth generation of Water Shadow.” ”

Still no one spoke.

Someone on stage seemed to want to say something, but no one spoke.

“Who is against it?”

She looked around and looked at the world.

The crowd was silent, and no one dared to answer.

Terumi laughed.

“In that case, today, in the position of Water Shadow, I will issue my first directive after assuming the throne.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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