No need for Char to say it himself, even Fei Duan himself seemed to sense that something was wrong, and the whole face was not good.

“How….. How is this possible! Lord Evil God, how can I abandon me when I serve you wholeheartedly? ”

Fei Duan couldn’t believe it, his own move was tried and tested, and he had never failed!

But only in the face of this guy in front of him, he actually cracked his ninjutsu like this!

Fei Duan frowned slightly, thinking back to everything that happened just now, his magic array was cracked, when he performed the secret technique just now, he could have killed this guy, but he disappeared inexplicably, and even the evil god disappeared with him!

“Didn’t he just disappear for a while? Did he do something that couldn’t be done? ”

Confused in his heart, Fei Duan directly stopped the movement in his hand. Now that the ceremony has failed, if you hurt yourself with a knife again, then I am afraid that you will be finished!

“You! It must be you, what the hell did you do to my evil god-sama? ”

Although he was unwilling to accept this matter, after completing the Dharma Array himself, Fei Duan still couldn’t sense his Evil God Lord, there must be something wrong!

After thinking about it, I couldn’t find the reason, and I just saw that Char was looking at him with a smile, and Fei Duan immediately thought of Char’s body.

Hehe! What was done?

Xia Ya shook his head indifferently, “If I’m not mistaken, this evil god of yours is not a real evil god, just a doppelganger or a small piece of power of the so-called evil god, it is a defective product!” ”

Since they are all known as gods, it is a strange thing in itself that they will let themselves be taken down by ordinary sealing techniques.

“My secret technique is just that you summoned his doppelganger, and you can’t take advantage of the weakness of this doppelganger, so as to preemptively strike and kill with one blow!” That’s right! ”

Fei Duan was silent, and his eyes rolled rapidly.

But even if you don’t speak, it’s a guess.

“Performing a secret spell is saying that you are linking your body with the recipient, but in fact linking you with the evil god,

What kind of damage your body has suffered, the evil god will hurt him in what way! I’m right! ”

This one…..

Fei Duan’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe that this guy in front of him actually knew everything! Even the principle of this technique is clearly explained! Did he invent this technique?

A series of explanations almost made Fei Duan doubt life.

“Although things happen almost simultaneously, there is always a sequence, and this side of the process is the weakness of your technique. You only need to leave the position quickly at the moment you launch ninjutsu, causing the evil god to be unable to capture himself, then your technique has failed! ”

While speaking, Char stretched out his finger and pointed to the tree that was pierced by a short knife next to him, as if to prove that his point of view was correct.

When he analyzed his ninjutsu paragraph by paragraph, Fei Duan’s eyes widened vigorously, he had never met such a powerful guy, and he cracked his book just by performing it twice!

It’s really completely cracked!

“Abominable! How did you crack my ninjutsu, what about my Evil God-sama? Return my Lord Evil God! ”

Seeing that Fei Shuo began to be anxious, Xia Ya smiled, and already understood in his heart that his performance just now had completely conquered him. Facing a guy who can casually crack his own ninjutsu, Fei Duan really can’t raise a little fighting spirit. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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