Hollywood New Century

Chapter 68 Both loses?

Just as Simon Pike and Lionsgate's Jon Phishmore were talking about the release of No Country For Old Men.

On the other hand, Paula Wagner, who had just become the CEO of United Artists, chatted with Nina Jacobson.

"Nina, if Xinghai Pictures needs to distribute and finance a movie in the future, Lianmei Pictures is very welcome!" Lianmei Pictures managed by Paula Wagner has a strong independence and can distribute movies independently. May's own distribution team has long been disbanded, and now MGM United uses the same distribution team.

"Thank you, Paula, Xinghai Pictures also hopes to cooperate with United Artists in the future," Nina responded. After all, many of the male protagonists of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" now support Tom Cruise as the protagonist. , and then said with a smile:

"Also, congratulations to Tom and Katie's wedding soon!"

Since Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes gave birth to Suri Cruise in April, their wedding dates have been leaked every now and then, and then they have repeatedly refuted the rumors.

This time, Tom Cruise's spokesman personally announced that the wedding will be held in Rome, Italy on 11.18.

In November, the blockbuster that audiences are looking forward to is MGM's latest 21st installment in the series "007 vs. Casino Royale," the first in which Daniel Craig plays the leading role.

Of course, the current publisher is Sony Columbia, and MGM United is involved in the production. This is also the last unfilmed novel by the author of the novel, Ian Fleming. In fact, this novel is also the first published by James Fleming. Bond novel.

Another Hollywood-related event is Google's $1.98 billion acquisition of video-sharing site YouTube.

Originally, as the Internet industry, this kind of acquisition had nothing to do with Hollywood, but the name of Xinghai Pictures, Simon Parker, appeared among the shareholders.

By selling the stake in YouTu, Simon got $495 million in funding, which is what caused the effect in Hollywood.

Subsequently, the news that Xinghai Pictures successfully acquired 58.5% of the shares of Marvel Entertainment also quickly broke out.

"It turns out that a video sharing website that was founded less than two years ago would be worth so much money," CAA's Brian Lord still couldn't believe it.

Brian Lord came to Xinghai Pictures to discuss the follow-up plan for the privatization of Marvel Entertainment.

"The technology industry has always been like this. In the technology bubble of the year, you have also seen how high the market value of those companies can be!" Simon sat on the sofa, not at all surprised.

Moreover, nearly half of the shares of Marvel Entertainment are not in their own hands, Isaac Perlmutter's company has 25%, and the rest are small households in circulation.

"Simon, have you decided?" Brian Lord laughed.

"Of course, I can afford the losses necessary to get Isaac Perlmutter's shares," Simon paid Carl Icahn $90 million, Avi Allard $50 million, Luo $60 million for Nader Perelman, a full $200 million!

"Okay, it's time to go to the headquarters of Marvel Entertainment, it's time for a showdown, and I don't want to lose both, but as you can see, Isaac Perlmutter is still dying at this time," Simon said. He stood up and straightened his suit.

Simon Pike took his assistants, lawyers and a team of consultants straight to the upstairs headquarters of Marvel Entertainment at the Mercedes-Benz Center in Beverly Hills.

The acquisition of Marvel Entertainment is also a big deal in Hollywood, and of course there will be reporters hanging around.

Simon Pike, who was sitting in a daze in the car, was gently patted by assistant Laura Collins: "Boss, it's here!"

"Well," Simon Pike looked at the car sales center, where Marvel Entertainment would be its own from now on.

The shareholders meeting of Marvel Entertainment, Simon Pike is here for the remaining shares of Marvel Entertainment.

There is actually only one opponent, the second largest shareholder Isaac Perlmutter, who holds the equity of Marvel Entertainment 14.

Young Simon Pike sits at the top, because he is already the chairman of Marvel Entertainment, and there are large and small shareholders of Marvel Entertainment on both sides.

"I am going to take Marvel Entertainment private, so I hope you can sell all your shares to me and help me achieve this goal. I will buy your shares at $5 per share," Simon bought Avi Allard at the price they had previously bought, and they didn't suffer.

After speaking, Simon Pike looked at Isaac Perlmutter, who was next to him, and smiled: "Mr. Perlmutter, 25% of the shares are worth $83 million!"

Isaac Perlmutter shook his head calmly and said, "I love Marvel, and at your price, I won't sell it!"

Simon nodded, the subtext was that the price was too low, and the small shareholders who had just moved around were quiet.

"Alas," Simon sighed, greed is indeed the original sin!

"My lawyer is outside, it's better for everyone to sell as soon as possible," Simon's voice was flat.

"Next, I'll sell ToyBiz and spin it off Marvel!"

Isaac Perlmutter shuddered when he heard that ToyBiz was founded by himself and Avi Allard, and got half of the shares after merging with Marvel Entertainment.

"Simon, do you know that Marvel's main income now is the sales of ToyBiz toys?" Isaac Perlmar

He stared at Simon Pike, without ToyBiz, Marvel's market value is estimated to have dropped by half.

"So what? Does Marvel Entertainment rely on a toy company to rise up to the level of Hasbro and Mattel?" Simon glanced at the Jewish man in front of him, taking advantage of Marvel's bankruptcy and reorganization to use a toy company to merge Marvel, Earn enough now!

Marvel Entertainment's current situation is not good, if Simon Pike has to sell ToyBiz, unless Isaac Perlmutter can get the support of most of the minority shareholders.

In terms of price, these small shareholders can of course advance and retreat with Isaac Perlmutter, but if ToyBiz is sold, which is currently a "high-quality asset" of Marvel Entertainment, then Marvel's market value will immediately drop a lot.

After all, ToyBiz has toy licenses for many of Marvel's characters.

"I have already discussed the sale price with Hasbro. At that time, the value of Marvel's shares will be determined by the market." Simon did not let Marvel Entertainment's business in toy production be too large.

Besides, how can a small ToyBiz satisfy Marvel in the future? Of course, Marvel's authorization must be fully expanded.

"Simon, you own 58.5% of the shares of Marvel Entertainment. If you do this, you will lose the most!" Isaac Perlmutter did not expect Simon to act in such a direct and rude way.

"Really? Because I also love Marvel, and I don't want to see Marvel go further and further down the wrong path!" Simon smiled, his eyes swept over the minority shareholders, and now they should all choose to cash out as soon as possible Bar.

Simon stood up after speaking, "Think about it, everyone, I'll go first!"

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