"In my position, I can make small mistakes, but I can't make big mistakes. Once a mistake is made, many people up and down the Hong Ji and Long Teng systems will be implicated. The people of Hong Kong no longer believe in the Dragon Teng system and no longer believe in Hung Kee. Huo Wendong said to Master Su seriously.

"Just like the General Administration, the reason why the General Administration agreed to my conditions so happily this time is because they understand that it took the General Administration seven or eight years to come out of the shadow of the money era and have a certain degree of credibility. "

"If this time, Han Yili and Yan Liguo really tear their faces with us, they can't afford to take responsibility for the battle of the walled city. "

"Han Yili will step down, Yan Liguo will be excluded from the police system in the future, and Lin Shangyi, Huang Zhicheng, Liao Zhizong, these members of the anti-gang group will also be implicated. Even if they didn't do anything wrong in this matter. "

And the citizens of Xiangjiang do not trust the "120" police department. "

"Wherever it is, whether it is telling the truth or a lie, doing good or bad things, it will be considered a lie and doing a bad thing!"

"The historian Tacitus, in his evaluation of a Roman emperor, said that once an emperor became the object of hatred, the good and bad things he did aroused disgust with him. "

"If you have time, you should study more history. "

Huo Wendong quoted scriptures and told Master Su what Taxituo trap was, and Master Su and others also kept it in mind.

And Dao Zihong, who was sitting in the front row, took out a notebook and wrote down all the words of Brother Dong, ready to use it when chatting with the younger brother in the future...... Let the little brothers feel their erudition!

It's just that the writing is crooked, like a ghost drawing.

"By the way, how did our group acquire the shares of Hongkong Land and Qingzhou Yingxiao?" Immediately afterwards, Huo Wendong learned about the group's movements.

In the past few months, Longteng Securities has been secretly absorbing the shares of Hongkong Land and Qingzhou Yingni in the primary and secondary markets.

Hongkong Land has a total share capital of 2.5 billion shares, and the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, even at the moment, it is a giant with a market value of three or four billion.

The company Qingzhou Yingni is known from its name to be a large cement group.

The company was established in Haojiang, and when it was brought from Haojiang to Xiangjiang, the location of the settlement was in Hung Hom, and because the cement was very heavy in terms of finished products and materials, the factory was built on the seaside and had its own small wharf.

The reason why Huo Wendong acquired Qingzhou Yingxiao is for the future development of the group, after all, in the next few years, there will be a big job in the real estate industry, and the demand for raw materials such as cement is huge. Second, he fell in love with the 900,000 square feet of land at the Kowloon Hung Hom Yuen Street General Factory of Ilha Verde Yingxiao Company.

That's 90,000 square meters of land.

Many people may not know the specific location of Hung Hom and the significance of this land.

If Xiangjiang is compared to the magic capital, then Victoria Harbour is equivalent to the Huangpu River, Hong Kong Island is an old and prosperous area like Puxi, then the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Kowloon can be regarded as the newly developed Pudong financial district.

Ilha Verde is located two kilometres away from Tsim Sha Tsui.

90,000 square meters, the approximate market value of about billions of dollars in the future, if you use it for development, the value is immeasurable!

After Huo Wendong finished understanding, the nanny car also arrived at Citibank, and Bai Daren specially received Huo Wendong at the door, and also brought grapefruit leaves and braziers, and asked Huo Wendong to go to bad luck.

It seems that he is still a Chinese know-it-all.

After everyone's greetings, the ISDA meeting was officially signed. Huo Wendong immediately ordered Longteng Securities to start opening positions in the futures market.

Today's exchange rate of the US dollar against the Hong Kong dollar is 6.800, and the Hong Kong dollar once returned to 6.5, but the citizens of Hong Kong made their choice, coupled with the flight of a large number of British capital, the fall of the currency was avoided.

Of course, people who are in it don't feel much, they just feel that the cost of living is getting higher and higher.

Wait until one day to suddenly look back, and then beat your chest.

Fok Wendong did not know much about the futures market, but he knew the general trend of history, and he could learn about the latest trend of the Hong Kong dollar policy through Sir Lam Kwok Wai, and it was Lam Kwok Wai who suggested to the Financial Services Department to introduce a policy of pegging the Hong Kong dollar to the US dollar, thereby stabilizing the value of the Hong Kong dollar.

To stabilize the exchange rate at 7.8:1, the time should be in the second half of '83.

Before this, from the point of 6.800 to do foreign exchange futures, has always been profitable, the peak of the exchange rate is 9.60, as long as you grasp this degree, the dragon system... Or that Huo Wendong will make a windfall. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The foreign exchange futures market is extremely dangerous, but money is a man's guts, and there are hundreds of thousands of employees in the Longteng system, which is where Huo Wendong's confidence lies!

I don't know if it's lucky, after Huo Wendong bought it, it didn't take more than an hour for the Hong Kong dollar to fall to 6.8250...

The average price of opening a position is 6.810, and Longteng Securities Co., Ltd. holds a total of millions of US dollar Hong Kong dollar futures contracts, and if you choose to close the position now, you will earn 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars!

This speed of making money stunned everyone on the scene.

Of course, the crazier is still to come, the first formal negotiations between China and Britain will directly accelerate the depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar!

In this process, Huo Wendong only needs to ensure that Longteng does not blow up, and can operate it a little every day, of course, as long as there is a profit, it will not blow up, in other words, as long as the price does not fall below the 6.810 point in the US dollar futures market, Longteng Securities has always been profitable.

Whether it's Master Su or Dao Zihong, both of them are dumbfounded, is this world too crazy, or are they outdated and can't understand the world?

On the side, Vivian Hayworth looked at Huo Wendong with even more beautiful eyes, as long as Huo Wendong was there, she would involuntarily pay attention to Huo Wendong, she always felt that Huo Wendong's body had the ability to distort the aura of reality.

Perhaps, that's the charm.

Handsome is often there, but charm is rare.

And the other party's body, in addition to handsomeness and charm, there is also an indescribable courage!

It's not the kind of reckless and ignorant courage, but the kind of courage and open-mindedness after tasting all the flavors of the world.

This is even more commendable!4.5 Vivian Hayworth had met Huo Wendong twice from afar in social occasions organized by the Hong Kong government and HSBC before, and before the dinner last night, out of professional habits in the credit industry, she collected some information about Huo Wendong, and after learning about it, she couldn't extricate herself.

It's like a bottle of poison.

It's like a moth to a fire, knowing that the end is death, but it still makes people desperate.

"Mr. Huo, can you enjoy the light, I will invite you to lunch. Vivienne Hayworth's eyes flickered as she looked at Huo Wendong.

"I'm sorry, but I have an important meeting this afternoon, and I haven't slept all night since yesterday night. Huo Wendong's eyes moved back from the computer, he took two puffs of his cigar and said, "That's it, if Miss Haihua is free, when I am busy with the things of the past two days, I will invite you to taste the Chinese food!"

"It's an honor!".

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