One-on-one spread fear, too slowly.

Chen Mo originally couldn’t think of how to spread fear quickly, but he didn’t expect that someone would send a pillow when he was sleepy!


Live broadcast?

That’s great!

Let me give you a good performance for the old iron!

Chen Mo’s mind flashed with all kinds of cold thoughts, and at the same time, he arranged his plan in an orderly manner.


On the other hand, Sister Lu’s spiritual live broadcast went smoothly.

There is more live broadcast content on the second floor, coupled with Lu Jie’s running posture is becoming more and more unrestrained, so that the audience in the live broadcast room is very enjoyable!

Soon, the big play is coming.

In the last room on the second floor, there is a ghost dressed by the staff.

According to the original plan, this will be the climax of the live broadcast.

Sister Lu, who knew this, first pretended to be fiddling with a compass, and the god said:

“Wow! Let’s see! The compass is spinning like crazy, there must be something dirty in this room! ”

After the barrage brushed for a while, she pretended to be brave and said:

“Ahem! Who am I? I may be brave and fearless little Lu!

Brothers brush gifts, give me a little courage, okay? ”

Speaking, Sister Lu also made a pitiful appearance, constantly shaking the “fake white rabbit” in her chest.

Although her stiff net red face made a look of embarrassment, some people just eat this set.

Even Zhang Dashan, who was eating instant noodles, brushed a ten-piece gift for her.

After the gifts were almost received, Sister Lu thanked her satisfactorily.

Then she slowly pushed open the door to the last room on the second floor.


As soon as the door opened, a yin wind blew through at the right time, and a layer of goosebumps appeared on Sister Lu’s arm.

This room is a large size with a lot of discarded clutter inside, which seriously hinders the view.

Coupled with the high black wind in the moon, Lu Jie deliberately used a flashlight with a low wattage to illuminate.

It really creates a magical and terrifying atmosphere!

Even if you know that everything is arranged, everything will proceed according to the development of the script.

Sister Lu’s heart still couldn’t help but flood with a hint of fear.

Just by looking at this atmosphere, it can be seen that this Internet celebrity team has made some efforts to do the show.

Otherwise, Sister Lu would not be frightened knowing that it was fake.

But she quickly suppressed her fear.

Instead of pretending to be careful, I walked into this abandoned utility room and explored little by little.

“Ah! Reading these newspapers, it seems that many people have died here! ”

“Look fast, look fast! Here’s this date, let me see what’s written in it. ”

“It turned out that they were tortured to death!” No wonder the ghosts don’t disperse! ”


After entering the room, Lu Jie found a lot of “clues”.

Or a newspaper, or a diary, or an essay.

These things add up, little by little, to construct a terrifying story.

Adds a very convincing background to this haunted house.

Of course, this story and the so-called clues are all false things that Lu Jie’s live broadcast team has long prepared.

After a series of preparations, the climax is finally coming!


In the corner of the room, there was a sudden movement.

Sister Lu, who had just discovered the story behind the haunted house with the audience, jerked and pretended to be frightened.

After a moment’s hesitation, she hit the light of the flashlight wherever she went.

Suddenly, a “powerful ghost” with a face full of blood and feet that did not touch the ground appeared in front of everyone!

“Ah! Ghosts, there really are ghosts! ”

Sister Lu screamed half-truthfully, and retreated backwards step by step in horror.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also startled by this exciting scene, and various bullet screens exploded!

Popularity is also rising!

I have to say that the effect of this show is still very good!

According to the next plan, the staff disguised ghost will hunt down and kill Sister Lu.

The escape and pursuit routes have also been carefully planned, and there will be three clips of almost being caught and getting away with it.

Guaranteed to make the audience enjoy watching!

However, their planned route was no longer needed.

When Chen Mo came on the court, it was time!


After seeing the “powerful ghost”, Lu Jie first screamed in horror, and then took a few steps backwards.

At this time, the “powerful ghost” accelerated violently and flew towards Sister Lu!

The horrible grimace full of blood seemed to be in front of the camera in an instant!

The program effect is instantly full!

Of course, Sister Lu would not be caught just like this.

According to the written script, she dodged the pounce sideways and ran outside the door.

Seeing this, the “powerful ghost” also followed closely behind, and the twisted body chased after her.

Accident, just then.



Before he could chase him out of the room, the “powerful ghost” suddenly bumped into something hard, and he couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

This voice made all the previous preparations in vain!

The audience in the live broadcast room instantly understood that this “powerful ghost” was fake!

“Hahaha! What did I hear? I hear the ghost screaming? It’s so funny! ”

“I was still a little scared, how to make this out, instantly burst out laughing!”

“I knew it was the script, what kind of ghosts in this world?”

“This actor is also too undedicated?” Pretending to be ghosts is not like that. rnm, refund money! ”


After discovering that all this was a script, the barrage wind direction in the live broadcast room changed sharply, and the number of trolls began to surge.

Sister Lu, who had only stepped out of the room on her front feet, froze in place, her face was livid.

This dew is big!

If she weren’t still broadcasting live, she would definitely slap the ghostly employee twice, scolding his mother for not knowing him!

The employee also knew that he had made a big mistake, and he said with a sigh


“Sister Lu, yes, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!”

Me, I didn’t mean to. I suddenly knocked down something that hurt my head so much that I didn’t control it…”

Hearing this, Lu Jie Tieqing did not say a word with a face, thinking in her heart how to punish him after the end of the live broadcast.

However, the old Zhou of the logistics team took out a strong flashlight after hearing this sentence and shone it to the employee.

Then, an incomparably strange scene appeared in front of everyone!


Wow! Everyone’s support is so powerful! Thank you very much, there is another chapter in waiting!

Thank you for the 100-point tip of “Chaos Wuji Tai Shang Tianzun”, thank you very much!

Thank you for the reminder votes of “Wood Helper”, “15343xxx754”, “13435xxx267”, thank you very much!

Especially “15343xxx754”, this reader master, 2000 points of reminder vote, grateful! Be sure to try to update!

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