How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Chapter 39: Final Battle (Part 1) [Part2 / 2]

Know how to save Qi Feng, thank you. "

Lian Qi finally faced me nervously.

"Well, you don't need to thank me for this little thing, anyway, you know that my burst magic is more than just bursting clothes.

"Hmm! Yes!" I smiled. or small play

"Look at the situation! Today I did not expect that the assassination organization" Aesculus "would first attack us and then save people.

I admit that I was a little bit lost when I mentioned that big devil.

However, although the other party succeeded, "Dead Sword" did not expect to be hit by a one-hammer, right? It finally evolved into the current situation.

I looked in the direction of the battle, and saw the scene where Sister Felice condensed the flame from the pink-haired girl's chest!

The pink-haired girl fell to the ground and the battle was over.

"It's a pity that I didn't hurt me by the end of my life-nothing." Sister Felice said coldly.

At this point, the pink-haired girl "Shadow Line" music song lace at the expense of herself, so that all the horse chestnut can escape.

After the battle, Sister Felice came to us.

"How is Qi Feng?"

Although the enemy on the battlefield will never be soft, but he cares about us, which makes me feel warm.

"Well, it's okay, Lian Qi cracked the deadly magic curse." I answered.

"Oh?" Sister Felice looked at Lianqi with interest. "It's better for us."

Immediately afterwards, she looked at the empty execution rack. The flames on the shelf were still not exhausted, and the execution site after the battle was bleak.

"It's just a pity to let them escape."

"Sorry, it didn't help me," I said shamefully.

"Different-you are all right, you are the foreign aid that I have brought in. If there are three long and two short, I will not be able to explain to Ai Jie Lia."

Mouth play

Speaking of Sister Ai Jie Lia, I can't help but think back to that--the elder sister in the palace hall of the heaven left sadly because I didn't listen to her.

I know that I hurt my sister's heart. If she knew that Qi Feng was hurt, would she be even more angry with me?

"Here is entrusted to me, you go back to rest, Qi Feng has lost a lot of blood and needs to take a good rest-array." Sister Felice said.

"Well, I'll make something delicious to help her fill her body when I go back.

Sister Felice watched three of us slightly-smiled, and passed me by.

"Let's accompany Qi Feng.

"Hey, what does sister mean? '

"Just give it to me next, the war against the assassination organization" Aesculus "is not over. '

I looked at the back of my sister's departure and felt-Silky, did she mean that we didn't want us to risk our lives again?

However, I-think of the murderer Qi Zhifeng, who killed Qi Feng, is still at liberty, and at this moment I made my determination.

When I got home, I settled Qi Feng in bed and told her and Lian Qi: "Wait for me at home, let me go out.

"Wait, where are you going?" Lian Qi asked me worriedly.

I put my hand on the doorknob. I turned back and smiled slightly at her.

"I'll help Qi Feng report him 5

In order to avoid Lian Qi's worry, I added another sentence in the process of opening the door: "come back soon. '

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