Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1,436 Heaven is easy to reincarnate, who will be spared by Heaven?

Talking to smart people is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing.

Especially a young girl like Lux who has beautiful appearance and super high IQ.

During the two-hour exchange, Allen not only successfully persuaded the other party to accept the need for artificial intelligence to participate in supervising and managing human society, but also allowed Orb to enter into an alliance with P.L.A.N.T.

From now on, Orb will work with the ZAFT Army to launch the final attack on the two main participating powers of the Earth Alliance until they are completely destroyed.

In addition to this, there are numerous trade agreements and cutting-edge technology exchanges.

In short, both parties can get what they want from this piece of paper, which is an out-and-out win-win situation.

Similarly, Orb and P.L.A.N.T do not need to station too many military forces around the long border to defend each other in the short term.

Because before the Eurasian Federation and the Atlantic Federation are completely destroyed, no fool will take the risk of a two-front war to provoke another powerful enemy for themselves.

When it was almost midnight, after Lux dragged her exhausted body back to her residence with the P.L.A.N.T. delegation, Cagalli couldn't help but ask: "Do you really want the artificial intelligence, Adam, to become the supervisor and law enforcement officer of the future Federation? Or even participate in the distribution of resources and wealth?”

"Why not?" Alan asked with a smile.

"You just heard our conversation, didn't you?

Except for artificial intelligence, with the current level of development of human society, it is simply impossible to achieve absolute fairness.

Let alone absolute fairness, even relative fairness is very difficult.

Whether it is the Eurasian Federation, ORB itself, or P.L.A.N.T., they are constantly fighting against corruption and money and power transactions.

Remember that list I gave you some time ago?

How long has it been since the liberation of South America?

Some people within us have begun to be unable to hold back and want to enjoy the fruits of victory!

They thought they were doing it secretly and quietly embezzled a large amount of confiscated high-quality assets.

They even want to arrange for family members and friends to be sent to countries that lack management talents, and take advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of establishing a federation to form political families and monopolies one after another.

It's a pity that Adam has already recorded these exactly.

A total of three thousand people!

Do you know what this number means?

It means that almost one-fifth of the advisers sent out by Orb have become criminals. "

As we all know, taking the earth as an example, no country, organization or regime has ever been able to truly eradicate corruption and embezzlement from ancient times to the present.

Some of them have degenerated at a rate that is mind-boggling and jaw-dropping.

Therefore, Allen did not feel any surprise about the large-scale corruption in the Orb government department.

Just the opposite!

He thinks this is normal.

Orb was not a government known for its cleanliness, and its highest power in the country was controlled by five families of noble origin.

From top to bottom in the entire country, almost all important positions are held by people appointed by these five families.

Although some were purged during the coup, many more that were less closely related were retained.

After all, the country must be managed by someone, otherwise once government agencies are paralyzed on a large scale, the impact will be huge.

In addition, military victory and political and diplomatic expansion gave these people enough ambition and opportunities.

If it were changed to the past, the "Orb Lion" Uzmi would most likely choose to compromise in order to stabilize the overall situation, and ultimately let these people's selfish motives succeed.

Unfortunately, this time they encountered Allen, who never played by common sense.

With the newly developed artificial intelligence - Adam, everyone who accepted or paid bribes was caught and recorded.

Even the time of the transaction can be specified to the second, and the amount is accurate to two decimal places.

When she thought that her country had been rid of so many moths all at once, Cajiali became furious and asked through gritted teeth: "What are you going to do with them?"

"Don't worry! The meeting to establish the Grand Federation is about to be held. Don't act rashly at this critical moment. Let those people be proud for a while. When the Federation is completed and artificial intelligence is introduced into social supervision, we will unveil this card. In this way , which can not only win support from the public for Adam, but also establish Orb’s image of being fair, honest, and selfless.”

Allen casually gave his arrangement.

He didn't feel the need to waste his time and energy on dealing with these little miscellaneous fish.

As for the backlash from the bureaucracy, he doesn't care at all.

As long as the military, the largest violent institution, is in control, civilian bureaucrats will basically be like meat on the chopping board, and they can do whatever they want with it.

"Do we have to wait until the end of the conference?" Cajiali was obviously unwilling.

To be exact, every time she saw that list, her blood pressure would rise involuntarily.

no way!

Her character is so straightforward and hateful.

Allen smiled and asked: "Otherwise? Do you still want to embarrass the Orb government in front of representatives of various countries, or even weaken its own influence? Stop making trouble! Politics is a very serious matter , there is no room for any willfulness. What's more, as the supreme head of state of Orb, you must learn to keep your emotions and anger hidden, and you cannot let outsiders easily see through your inner thoughts."

"Hmph! Then let these damn borers live for two more days! It will be easier for them!" Cagalli breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling.

"Okay, there's no need to be angry about this little thing. When artificial intelligence begins to intervene in human society on a large scale, similar situations will soon improve. In addition, in order for you to have a better spirit to host the meeting tomorrow, it is best to It’s best to take a shower and go to bed early. Otherwise, if there are any mistakes at the venue, they will definitely be recorded exactly as they were.”

After saying that, Allen stretched out his hand and tapped the girl's forehead lightly, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

But just when he was about to open the door, Cagalli suddenly shouted: "Wait! Do you really want me to chair the meeting tomorrow?"

"You are the supreme head of state of Orb. Of course you should preside over a meeting like this. And I have never been very interested in such formal things. In short, behave well. If you still want to learn from me If you take away the rights here, this is an opportunity not to be missed..."

When he said these words, Allen's face clearly showed teasing and playfulness, as if he was expecting something.

But soon, he turned around and opened the door and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

When the footsteps gradually faded away and disappeared, Cagalli suddenly came back to her senses. She scratched her hair with some annoyance and messed up the hairstyle that she had finally made. Then she fell on the soft bed with her face full of sunshine. On the bed, staring at the bright light above my head, I muttered to myself in a voice that only I could hear: "What on earth is this bastard thinking? Is he testing me?"

There is no doubt that Allen's completely hands-off approach to politics made the girl always feel that something was wrong.

It's a pity that no one can give her a correct answer at this moment.

After lying on the bed and thinking for a moment, Cagalli quickly stood up and took off the dress that highlighted her figure. She took off the high heels that made her feel particularly awkward and clenched her feet, and walked into the bathroom naked.

After taking a simple shower, she hugged her favorite doll and got into bed. She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

At the same time, far away on the west coast of the North American continent, a fleet flying the Orb flag was sailing slowly along the coastline.

On the land not far opposite them, hundreds of thousands of fully armed troops were stationed in the city and were waiting.

You don’t need to ask to know that Allen’s original strategy in Panama City worked.

Before the Atlantic Federation could move its troops south to quell the rebellion, it saw the Orb fleet cruising near its coastline.

For this reason, those who represent capital interest groups also asked why the Orb side did not abide by the peace agreement just signed.

As a result, he was rudely refuted by a left-behind general.

After all, Orb's fleet did not actually launch an attack. It just strolled back and forth along the coastline and did not even cross the opponent's territorial waters.

But the problem is that the entire east and west coasts of North America are now covered by the firepower of these two fleets.

No matter how much Orb promised not to take the initiative to attack, they still couldn't believe it and could only mobilize their troops to several important cities for defense.

As for the rebellion in the south, let’s leave it alone first.

Although rebellion and the like will lead to serious economic losses and separatist tendencies, if the two Orb fleets really take advantage of the loopholes, the Atlantic Federation will really be doomed.

Although they are now only one step away from complete disintegration.

But many capitalists feel that they and their property can still be saved.

As long as they betray their country and teammates, and get guarantees from Orb, they can rise from the ashes.

I have to say that this idea is very naive and childish.

In other words, the capital interest groups simply did not realize that Allen was different from any ruler they had encountered before.

He will not consider gains and losses, nor will he take so-called property and rights seriously.

"Haha, those guys from the Atlantic Federation look very nervous!"

The captain of a main battleship, through the signal intercepted by artificial intelligence, clearly saw the young soldiers driving MS and energy weapon turrets around the port, as well as their nervous and panic faces.

In this single-item and transparent combat environment, he was even confident that one round of artillery strikes and missiles could directly destroy all fire points.

Then, dispatch your own MS and MA to quickly land on the beach and capture the city in one fell swoop.

Another officer on the ship also sighed: "Yes! In such deaf and blind conditions, it's strange that they are not nervous. I still can't believe it, we can actually be in the Atlantic Federation Free navigation outside territorial waters. You know, this was their patent before."

"Hahahaha! This is called the reincarnation of heaven. No one will be spared by heaven. When they drove warships and aircraft carriers to other people's homes to show off their power, did they ever think that such a day would happen to them?" The captain couldn't help but shout loudly. laugh it out.

As an island nation in the South Pacific, Orb has been frequently visited by Atlantic Federation fleets since its establishment.

But now, this humiliation and unwillingness are all vented out.

Just when the officer who had spoken before wanted to say something, a young man wearing a tight-fitting space suit suddenly walked in from the outside, stood at attention and performed a military salute: "Report! Your Excellency, Captain! When do you plan to let him go?" Is our MS team taking off?"

"Take off? No, no, no, I have no intention of letting you take off. Relax, Asuka." The captain chuckled and patted the other party's shoulder.

"Ah? Why don't you take to the air to fight?"

Zhen·Asuka was stunned, feeling a little confused.

Although he is now a well-known mobile suit ace pilot, with an astonishing record of shooting down thirty enemy mobile suits and MAs, he is still essentially an ignorant boy.

I simply don’t understand that sometimes maintaining existence itself is a huge strategic deterrent.

The captain touched the beard on his chin and explained: "We will not take the initiative to attack before the enemy starts trying to launch an attack first. Of course, I don't think that with the current situation of the Atlantic Federation, we have the courage to initiate a war."

"Uh... I don't understand. Since we're not going to launch an attack, why do we have to come all the way here? Is it just for demonstration?" Zhen Asuka asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Of course it is to allow the enemy to concentrate its forces on both sides of the east and west coasts, leaving no room to quell the rebellions that broke out in several southern states. Look, young man, Mr. Allen has dug a grave for those greedy capitals. Next, All we have to do is wait patiently for the most exciting finale to unfold. Also, relax and don't be so nervous. You and your fellow MS pilots can treat this mission as a vacation. I will let the logistics department provide you with it later. Order entertainment equipment and alcoholic beverages.”

The captain is undoubtedly a very smart man, and he has understood Allen's strategic intentions from the order very early.

A North America forced to unite by the outside world is obviously not something Orb can easily swallow.

But a North America at war with one another, filled with hatred and destruction, could easily be divided and conquered.

"A...vacation? Fun and alcohol?"

Asuka's mouth opened wide in surprise.

He couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of the always stern captain.

But soon, he came to his senses and immediately ran back to inform his companions who were about the same age as him, all in their twenties, about the good news.

Suddenly, the entire fleet was filled with shouts of long live.

This state of high morale was in stark contrast to the lifeless appearance of the Atlantic Federation on the shore.

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