It’s Omen.

Prince Omen appeared.

“Grand Duchess, I hope you are feeling well?”

His snake-like tongue lolling, he walked slowly across the dining room to the front of the table.

“I am fine.”

“I was so worried when you fell like that.”

The despicable curl of his mouth was repulsive.

Somehow, it gave off an aura even worse than the Empress’.

“If you have come, sit down.”

I wasn’t the only one who felt uncomfortable with Omen’s presence.

The air around us turned chilly.

“Brother, you look well.”

With a sneer, Omen took a seat next to the queen.

Sitting there together, I lost my appetite.

“You look well, too. Is there something to be happy about?”

“It’s always the same for me. I spent the night with a pretty girl last night, and it shows.”

This is the kind of vulgarity that makes you frown.

Crude behavior that doesn’t have a hint of sophistication.

‘That means it’s all fake…….’

Omen’s mask.

“Please continue with your meal, I hope I’m not interrupting.”

A chuckle breaks the silence.

“Nice to see you, Omen.”

The crown prince greeted him in a heavy voice.

There is nothing nice about it, it is not good enough, it is awful.

This man sitting next to me, struggling to keep his brother alive.

“Finish your meal. There’s no problem with the food.”

I grit my teeth and whisper quietly to the Grand Duke, whose gaze is fixed on Omen.

His grip on the knife loosens slightly.

“Did you bring that because you needed it?”

“Oh, you saw.”

When he noticed the bell’s presence, the Grand Duke asked cryptically.

Of course I brought them, to try and get at those damn snakes.

To try and clear the fog that was pouring in front of them.

“Be careful, and tell me if you have any problems.”

“You two get along so well.”

Omen interjected between us as we leaned our heads close together.

“I was worried about you being so insensitive, but I guess I was wrong.”

“If you’re going to talk about something that has no sense, you might as well keep your mouth shut.”

“Oh, no. Here I go again, talking about nonsense.”

Never mind.

He let the Grand Duke’s words slide.

After what seemed like an eternity, the time had come to say goodbye.

The plates cleared, the stories ran out.

“It’s getting late, so I think we’ll head back.”

“Denver, you’re leaving already?”

The Queen caught the Grand Duke as he clenched his jaw and turned to leave.

I took advantage of the Grand Duke’s distraction and carefully reached down to take the bell in my hand.

The bell, which had been pulsating relentlessly, calmed slightly in my hand.

“Stay a little longer. The prince only came a little while ago, too…….”

“My wife is weak, she can’t stay outside for long.”

I don’t know since when I’ve been weak, but I nodded slightly in agreement with the Grand Duke.

The Queen looked very sorry for her.

“I must have made it too hard for you, Grand Duchess. I’m sorry, really.”

There it was again. Her angelic face.

Especially with that lush blue hair against her pale white skin.

Watery turquoise hair.

I squeezed the bell to keep it from making a sound and placed it in my lap.

“Not at all, Queen, I had a great time.”

What a fun time.

I hadn’t even had a chance to eat before she set me on edge with irritation.

“I hope you’ll invite me back next time.”

I muttered something unintentional and gave the bell a small shake.


The clear sound disappeared under my palm.

A familiar aura hovered in the corners of my eyes.

My eyes glistened, and a hot sensation rushed through me. The shadowed queen’s inner thoughts were gradually revealed.

“That’s it……!

But only for a moment,

When the fog cleared, a snake stood in its place, mouth open, fangs bared.

Its black tongue lolled out, unpleasantly savory.

‘Go away, please.’

The snake, more than twice the size of most people, slowly circled me.

Slowly, gently, as if it were slowly tightening its grip on its prey.


The Grand Duke wrapped his hand over mine, which held the bell.

“You don’t have to push yourself.”

He soothed me like it was okay that it wasn’t today.

I just need to do a little more…….

I could see it if it weren’t for the damn snake slithering around.

I couldn’t bring myself to let go of the bell.

The snake’s face was too close,

I wonder if the snake’s face is too close.


I grabbed the bell and squeezed my eyes shut as soon as I saw its wide-open mouth, ready to swallow me whole.

‘Die, you snake!’

Even though it was only an illusion and not real, my fear was overwhelming.

I felt like I was about to be eaten and swallowed into its mouth.

‘What is it?’

Another moment,

My vision froze in place, creating a small ripple.

The snake stiffened, its mouth open.


That was the moment.

Both Omen and the Queen let out a shallow groan at the same time, their faces crumpling.

“What’s wrong, Queen?”

The crown prince looked at the queen, who lowered her head in bewilderment.

The tightly clenched bell twitched more and more violently.

“No, it’s nothing, I just got a little dizzy…….”

Unlike the Queen, who sagged helplessly, Omen stared at me with his glowing red eyes.

There’s a few seconds of silence, then he swallows dryly and smiles.

One corner of his mouth curls up in amusement, and he chuckles.

“Ha, ha, what a funny gift.”

Did he notice?

I hadn’t expected the energy to be so strong.

I quietly return the bell to its place, covering it with the hem of my dress.

“Who the hell is this gift from…….”

Omen slowly scanned me, the Grand Duke, and the Entry.

He still hadn’t quite gotten his bearings on who was responsible.

The Queen let out a sharp breath and stood up.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well, so I’ll have to get up first. We had a great time today.”

Her movements become urgent as if she’s running away.

“Denver, I’ll see you again. I had a great time.”

With that, she hurries out of the dining hall, her voice colder than before.

As she staggers away, Armédie glances back at me.

“I, too, have prepared a gift for the newest member of our family.” (Omen)

The bell fell silent again.

The unpleasant aura that had been coursing through me cleared away.

“Your Highness, I didn’t prepare a gift, so what can I do?”

“Ah, it’s just my little heart, so don’t worry about it. Come in.”

At the sound of her voice, a knight entered, carrying a large box.

Maybe it was the power from the bell.

My hands trembled incessantly.

I tried to calm them by clutching the hem of my dress, but it wasn’t easy.


The Grand Duke held my trembling hand tightly as he called my name.

“Don’t be nervous.”

His soothing voice was so reassuring.

If Omen were to confront me, I wondered if he would save me from harm.

“My lady, my gift.”

The snake-like voice snapped me out of my reverie.

The new knight placed a large box in front of me.

“What is this?”

“Open it. You’re going to love it.”

An unpleasant aura emanated from the finely wrapped box.

‘I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’m not going to take it easy.’

A soft silk ribbon is untied, and the box is opened.

“How do you like it?”

It was a necklace of red rubies that glowed like Omen’s eyes.

The ornately crafted ruby looked expensive at first glance.

“It’s a gem from the Southern Continent, unavailable in the Empire. I have a fondness for shiny things, so this ruby was specially flown in.”

“Why would you give me something so precious? I will accept it only with gratitude.”

“No, my lady, you must have suffered greatly in body and mind at the hands of my subordinate.”


“If I don’t do this, my heart will be too uncomfortable.”

I don’t know what this ruby looks like to the average person.

But to me, I could see the red energy trapped inside the ruby, aimed dangerously at me.

“It would be an honor for me to see you wear it.”

“It’s okay. It doesn’t seem to fit with today’s outfit, so I’ll be sure to wear it the next time I see you.”

I didn’t know what was in it, but I knew I had to avoid wearing it here.

The Grand Duke understood my meaning and took my hand, pulling me to my feet.

“Your Highness, thank you for your time. I’ll see you next time.”

“Denver, are you leaving?”

“Yes. It is getting late, and we must return.”

Don’t throw away the gifts.

After instructing Harton, the Grand Duke turned his cold eyes on Omen.

“You have given us such a precious gift, so I will return the favor sooner or later.”

“It’s only a small gesture, my brother, so don’t feel pressured.”

Omen let the red wine, which matched his coloring, flow past his lips.

“May it be a beautiful gift, then.”

Before the box closed again, the ruby glowed dangerously.


I warded off the knight’s touch and held out the ruby necklace.

【Heya, that’s a lot of rubies in there. Hey, be careful with that, I’d rather you didn’t touch it unless you’re sure you want to destroy it……】

I always like to be sure, old lady.

I’d love to throw it aside, but there’s a better way.

Looking at the ruby necklace in my hand, I couldn’t help but scoff.

‘You’re going to bleed a person to death in such a frivolous way.’

“What a beautiful gift.”

A cold glow emanates from the hidden drop.

Quickly, loudly.

The power that has reached even to my hand, precariously shimmers as it is drawn into the necklace.


With a sharp metallic sound, the ruby lost its red glow and turned into a chunky chunk of stone.

“What the…….”

Only the shocked crown prince stood up and looked at the grotesque ruby.

Omen stares at me with a raised eyebrow.

“I thought it was a precious gem. I was almost fooled by appearances, given its lack of quality.”

Like those masks, you and the Queen are wearing with all your might.

“Next time, I hope your gift is more to my liking.”

The stone shatters in my hand and falls helplessly to the floor.

“Bye then.”

As I turn and walk out of the restaurant, I hear loud laughter behind me.

“Ha, ha, ha!”

Yes, Omen.

Let’s take bets on whose gift is more beautiful.

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