I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 493: 1 bite to eat the unicorn-the devil's mouth

In addition to taking the opportunity to weaken the vitality of the Teng Snake Tribe, there is a more important one to kill the rhinoceros.

In any case, the rhinoceros are too difficult for the tribe's weapons.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to kill the rhino, once you let the people of the Teng Snake Tribe take it away, then for the Qingque Tribe, the trouble will be a bit big.

It is not easy to find a good time and lay down a trap to catch it.

The rhino is not dead, and it is not easy to completely eradicate the Teng Snake Tribe. With it, it is always a huge threat to everyone in the tribe.

After listening to Han Cheng's words, Junior Brother Sha slowly loosened the bowstring, and the second Senior Brother who was holding the sling also stopped his movements.

Waiting for the people of this evil tribe to get closer to the wall before launching an attack.

Here, the witch of the Tengshe tribe who didn't know that he had already wandered around the ghost gate, still opened his mouth to talk to the people of the Tengshe tribe.

What he meant was to prepare everyone to attack behind the unicorn.

The enthusiastic Tengshe tribe nodded, indicating that they had fully understood.

In fact, they would do this without having to explain, they could not wait to enter this weird cave of the tribe.

Primitives have always been extremely crisp, even fighting.

There was no call to scold the enemy, and no exchange of names. After explaining the matter, the witch of the Tengshe tribe took down the straw basket he personally carried.

It contains the kind of grass that unicorns like to eat most.

This is the way to come, he made people find out specially.

This kind of grass is not very common, so there are not many in the grass basket, but it is enough to guide the unicorn to attack that tribe.

It's not the first time that the fastest man in Teng Snake Tribe has done such a thing.

After he took the grass basket, he opened the cover of the grass basket and took out a ball of grass **** with a rattan.

Then he quickly threw the straw basket aside, leaned to his side as far as possible from the unicorn monster, took the ball of grass in his hand, and swayed in front of the dull unicorn provocatively.

The unicorn that was still ‘stunned’ just now ceased to be stupid. Its thick mouth opened, its rough tongue stuck out, and it quickly rolled towards the dumpling’s favorite food.

How could this person who was already prepared let it succeed?

With a swift movement of his arm, he has avoided it, and at the same time he quickly backed a few steps and then teased.

Rhino is recognized as an impatience, how can it withstand such a provocation? I get annoyed with three clicks.

It expelled rough air from its nostrils, and after an angry cry, it spread its hooves and slammed into the person.

This person was waiting for this opportunity. Seeing that he had successfully teased the rhinoceros, he spread his legs and rushed towards the gate of the Qingque tribe.

The woolly rhinoceros in the back chased closely, and refused to relax.

"Don't release arrows! Don't attack! It's about to fall into a trap!"

Above the wall, Han Cheng, who was also a little panicked, yelled loudly to remind everyone not to get confused at this moment, watching this scene of sharp visual impact.

At this time, the man who led the woolly rhinoceros could not be killed anyway.

Above the wall, when many people saw this horrible scene, they couldn't help but want to open their bows and arrows to protect themselves. At this time, they heard the voice of the son of God, and they were a little more settled in their hearts. Suppress this thought.

This is why Han Cheng, who has established a very high prestige in the past few years, will not have such an effect if he is someone else, even if he speaks.

The man who led the woolly rhinoceros towards the gate of the Qingque tribe was always worried that these people standing on the weird cave would attack him at this time. At this time, he did not see the attack falling, and he couldn't help it. Rejoice, run faster.

Fear and joy were intertwined, so that he even ignored the sound of the place he ran and the different feeling of his feet.

The witch of the Teng Snake tribe and other people who watched this scene behind, saw that there were so many people in this tribe that none of them had launched an attack.

These people were so frightened by the unicorns that they even forgot to attack.

Thinking of this reason, everyone in the Teng Snake tribe couldn't help showing triumphant and cruel smiles. This tribe will let them kill!


The witch of the Tengshe tribe stood there and shouted loudly. The people of the Tengshe tribe who could not wait for a long time screamed and waved their weapons and rushed towards the Qingque tribe.

They have been waiting too much time!

Among them, the three leaders of the Tengshe tribe were the most excited, and they ran the fastest at the same time.

He finally came to attack this tribe again, this is that he will never fail again!

Originally, according to his temperament, he would not rush forward so far, but this time it is different. Firstly, the witch is watching from behind, and secondly, it is not dangerous to charge behind the unicorn.

The third is an action that is stable and rewarding...


The grass roots with the crooked nose climbed up from the ground, with footprints on his body, he looked a little angry and cursed.

At such a critical moment, when he just started to run, he was tripped by people scrambling to get ahead!

This is really infuriating!

While shouting and cursing, he looked a little lame and ran forward, trying to catch up with the people in front as soon as possible. He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

The witch of the Teng Snake tribe stood behind and did not move. He looked at this scene with a flush of face, and his mood was very agitated.


"Aw~! Aw~"

The fast-running member of the Teng Snake Tribe has already rushed to the gate of the Qingque Tribe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He pushed the green grass in his hand onto the wooden fence door forcefully, and looked back, fearing that Unicorns that don't recognize anything will overtake him.

That is to say, this time around, a horrible scene that he will never forget, just like this appeared before his eyes without warning!

The originally solid ground suddenly collapsed, and a shocking crater appeared directly on the flat ground.

The huge unicorn, regarded by their tribe as a weapon of war, fell directly into the pit and disappeared.

It's as if a mouth suddenly appeared on the ground, directly eating that huge unicorn!

Amidst the dust and confusion, the painful neigh of the unicorn sounded, and it was frightening.

This person was stunned here, and the action of pushing grass on the wooden fence door unconsciously stopped. The grass fell to the ground, still not knowing...

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