I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 770: Deer + donkey =?

Spring is here, and it brings more than just vigorous vitality.

For the people of the Qingque tribe, the most important thing is spring plowing, but in addition to spring plowing, there are some things that people love to see and are willing to try, and they never get tired of it.

Before Han Cheng had met Bai Xuemei, in the spring, the strongest fighting force in the tribe was not the fat second brother or the leader, but the young and strong iron head and black baby. The two strong co-seekers.

The duo at that time really reached the point where they crushed everyone in the tribe.

However, with the passage of time and the changes of the years, these two guys are far less powerful than before.

Like everything, there is a peak period.

However, such a law is obviously not suitable for a guy like Uncle Deer who is extremely powerful.

Pulling the plow to plough most of the world, it is still full of energy and passion at this time.

Non-stop people stood up, and after getting off the back of one doe, they moved to the back of another doe, tirelessly.

Such a scene was enough to make many male primitive men in the tribe bow their heads in shame.

If you think that Uncle Deer's powerful deeds are over here, then you are quite wrong.

Uncle Deer's toughness is not what ordinary mortals can imagine.

Lie on the ground and ate some small rapeseed that hadn't been smashed. Then he stretched his head into the tank and drank some standing salted water. After replenishing his energy, Uncle Lu got up again and began the unremitting battle.

The uncle deer who stood up from the ground once again ignored the little doe, but walked freely between them, without squinting his eyes, quite a bit of extraordinary tolerance among thousands of flowers. .

Uncle Deer, who was walking with long legs, came to a donkey and stopped.

After getting along for so long, these donkeys are no longer afraid of this guy with a lot of dry branches on his head, and they seem calm about this guy's arrival.

Uncle Deer honestly smelled it on a female donkey's butt, then stretched her neck and turned her upper mouth vigorously up, revealing some big yellowed teeth and fangs, full of wretchedness. .

After doing this again and again, the uncle deer in the deer pen stood up and lay on the back of the female donkey.

I don't know if there is the consciousness of being sent to the fence, the female donkey just twisted twice and stood here and stopped moving.

The long donkey's face was full of indifferent color, and even the grass he had eaten before making a ball from his stomach came out and chewed it in his mouth.

This female donkey didn’t come across, let alone see the beauty of West Lake. Otherwise, at this time, a very beautiful scene will appear in her head-under the silver moon, a small shrimp is shining. Inside the sparkling West Lake, swimming...

Outside the deer pen, the stone that came over to milk the deer with a clay pot stopped in his footsteps, stood there in a daze, watching the scene inside and his mouth grew wide.

After watching this for a while, he tilted his head to look at the goddess who was standing aside carrying the tofu dregs and prepared to reward these animals. He found that the goddess, who seemed very indifferent to many things, was actually as long as him. With his mouth wide open, the whole person became as stupid as him, and fell into a sluggish state.

"I go!"

After a long time, Shishi heard such a sentence from the son of God beside him, and he immediately had a new understanding of the shocking extent of this matter.

If these two words were not surprised to a certain extent, the son of God would definitely not say them.

After hearing Han Cheng utter these two words, Shirui quickly turned his gaze to the deer ring again. Even Shenzi was so surprised, but he had to take a look.

Of course Han Cheng was very surprised. As early as before, Han Cheng had already had a certain degree of understanding of Uncle Lu's toughness.

I thought it was the pinnacle of Uncle Lu, but now it seems that I still don't know enough about Uncle Lu's toughness.

By the way, Uncle Deer is tired of eating and want to change his taste and win glory for the deer world?

I heard that the donkey and the horse gave birth to mules.

Infertile mules are basically a collection of all the advantages of horses and donkeys.

Not only does he have the big head of a horse, but he also has the hardship and hard work of a donkey.

But the union of the deer and the donkey gave birth to something, and Han Cheng really knew nothing about this.

It is said that dragons are born cold, and turtles give birth to Baxia, pigs give birth to unicorns, and horses give birth to dragon horses...

Now Uncle Lu also has the potential to develop in this area!

After looking at him in awe for a while, Uncle Deer, who slipped from the back of the female donkey, once again climbed onto the back of the female donkey with an indifferent face, and continued to live without shame and shame.

After standing outside for a while, seeing Uncle Deer wagging his tail and leaving the female donkey happily, Han Cheng opened the door of the deer pen and walked in.

Looking at the uncle deer who came closer as if nothing happened, Han Cheng couldn't help but gave it a thumbs up.

"You are great!"

Han Cheng praised sincerely.

Then came to the female donkey with the stone and looked around in a circle.

Obviously, this female donkey is also a person who has seen the world. It is not alarmed to be watched by two two-legged beasts, and even while chewing the grass leisurely, she also leaned against the stone, and the stone chucked He jumped far away, seeing the black line in Han Cheng's forehead.

After a while, Han Cheng found a rope and tied it around the neck of this distinctive female donkey and made a mark.

Han Cheng is sufficiently curious about whether this female donkey will give birth to a donkey with horns in time~www.wuxiaspot.com~

In the courtyard of the Qingque tribe, a few of the ancestors of the big goose, who had been kept in captivity for several years and whose wild spirit had been consumed, were released.

Of course, the premise is that these guys were all cut off the feathers on their wings not long ago.

Because of feeding them every day, these semi-finished geese are no longer afraid of people.

Looking at the big geese looking for food there, and then at the little peas that bullied the pandas there, Han Cheng suddenly had an immature idea...

"Son, go and kick them!"

Han Cheng pointed to the half-finished big geese and said to the little peas.

With the encouragement of the unscrupulous old man, Little Pea, who had always been fearless and fearless, walked towards the big geese with his short legs, and was followed by round and round groups with the same short legs...

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