And the news that she was arrested and imprisoned should have spread throughout the city.

Why didn't she feel the slightest panic when facing him?

What's going on?

After the nurse brought him lunch and left,

Wang Ding walked to the bathroom and checked in front of the mirror, and then his eyes widened.

"this is me?"

Looking at the person in the mirror,

Wang Ding was silent for a while.

For a moment, he couldn't believe it.

Because the person reflected in the mirror was not himself at all.

But he touched his cheek and pulled his ears.

The character in the mirror will also make the same movements.

In other words, although the person reflected in the mirror is not himself, this character is indeed himself.

Go, what is going on?

Unknowingly, Have I been plastic surgery?

Wang Ding was also stunned.

At this moment, he quickly opened the system and checked in the background of the system, and finally figured out the whole story. It turned out that when he was running away on the street , before he fainted, the system gave him a lucky gift bag.

When the gift bag was opened, it revealed the art of disguise.

The system detected that he was in danger and automatically activated the art of disguise.

That’s why he became like this now. It's no wonder he was sent to the hospital instead of being sent back to prison. It's strange that people knew him when he was disguised like this. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Ding only felt lucky.

It seems like this It was God who helped him!

Sure enough, he shouldn't have been folded there, so God helped him.

But will he continue to live in this posture in the future?

Although it is to save his life, but now such a rough man His image is really unacceptable to Wang Ding!

He was still a handsome guy before. But now he is better. After the disguise, he has completely become a rough and unkempt man.

And the most annoying thing is that , he discovered that this disguise technique could not change the appearance.

And the specific items were randomly generated.

Once generated, they could not be changed.

It was really cheating!

"But forget it, if I can get out of this crisis, it’s a blessing from God."

Wang Ding can't ask for too much.

As long as he's not taken back to prison, it's pretty good.

Let's not mention his appearance.

His injuries are not serious, at most he's just a little weak.

He's eaten. After getting the things, his strength came up.

So Wang Ding was discharged from the hospital quickly.

After leaving the hospital,

Wang Ding was planning what to do next, but just as he was thinking about it, he saw Lin Yuan and Zhong Xin on the road.

The two people acted extremely close, walking side by side, talking and laughing.

And he found that the way Zhong Xin looked at Lin Yuan was particularly different, and there was even light in his eyes.

It was obvious that he was the kind of little girl who has a talent for falling in love. Seeing such a scene

, Wang Ding almost had a fit in the street.

You know, he has been pursuing Zhongxin for several years!

However, after several years, he failed to win her heart.

This Lin Yuan What exactly did he do?

Not only did he put him in jail, but even took away all his girls?

When he thought of this, Wang Ding was filled with anger.

Not to mention anything else, he was I really can't bear it!

"Oh, sir, why are you staring at me like that?"

As a result, at this time, Lin Yuan actually took the initiative to come over and answer a sentence with him.

Because the process was so sudden, Wang Ding didn't even react for a while.

Did he recognize me?

Wang Ding was stunned for a moment.

But soon , he rejected the idea in his mind.

Now, being disguised by the system and looking like this, he almost couldn't recognize himself.

How could Wang Ding recognize himself?

Compared with his previous appearance, This can be said to be a world of difference.

It is impossible for anyone to recognize it.

Thinking so,

Wang Ding kept hypnotizing himself in his heart, and finally calmed down his emotions.

In order to avoid Lin Yuan hands and feet exposed in front of

"Uh... I was just casually scanning the street view. Are you thinking too much? Why am I staring at you?"

Rolling his eyes, Wang Ding explained.

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