I am immortal

Chapter 176 All causes and effects must be resolved with the sword! (Third update, please give me a

Although everything in the world is bitter, the sun and the moon continue to rotate, time remains the same, and no matter how many deaths there are, life still needs to go on.

Under this sudden disaster, Zhongzhou ushered in the most difficult and painful New Year's Eve. The entire Zhongzhou was filled with an atmosphere of depression and death. Because of the decisive judgment in the face of the disaster at that time, the disaster was The main scope of the robbery is controlled within a thousand miles with Zhongzhou Fucheng as the core.

People outside this range were frightened and frightened, but they all devoutly thanked God for his blessing.

It is said that it was the blessings of the gods in the sky that allowed them to avoid such a terrible disaster.

But there are some people who are gossiping, saying that those people in Zhongzhou Fucheng must have done something to offend God, and then they suffered disasters, but they can't be offended. Such people are often yelled at and scolded, and now On New Year's Day, the city lord died again, and the matter was difficult to handle. Even the grand ceremony for the renewal of the royal family and the people was postponed for seven days.

The sage said that this grand ceremony should be conducted simply.

To show that we share the suffering of the people.

The savings will be converted into money and sent to Zhongzhou.

The queen also donated a lot of money from her own ornaments.

This attracted a lot of gold and silver from the harem and concubines.

The saint-emperor ate a vegetarian diet and fasted for seven days as a sign of mourning.

But these actually have nothing to do with the young Taoist and the people of Zhongzhou, at least not now. The young Taoist has gray hair on his temples, but he is still walking on the streets of Zhongzhou with a basket of medicine on his back as before. The sadness as low as running water in her heart has not dissipated, but even though it has not dissipated, it is gradually recovering.

The young Taoist helps treat people's injuries by collecting herbs and making elixirs.

"Well, your injury has recovered very well. Just take another dose of medicine and move around more and get some sunshine."

"It will recover slowly."

The young Taoist raised his hand, wrote down the medical order, took out some medicine and handed it over.

The one who was helping was not the little Taoist Ming Xin, but Yue Shiru. There were many Taoist and Buddhist temples in the entire city. Some of them stayed alone, and some chose to go down the mountain to try to resist the disaster. Some of them suffered heavy losses and were at the innate energy level. Many of the country's backbone forces also died.

The old Taoist priest of Lianyang Temple was relatively lucky. He did not die in this incident, but he was also seriously injured. The young Taoist priest Mingxin is now taking care of him, while Qi Wuhuo is going down the mountain to treat illnesses and save people. The old man nodded and left with great gratitude.

The diagnosis and treatment continued throughout the day, with only cold water and some pancakes in between.

Yue Shiru stood nearby to help, but his eyes always subconsciously fell on the young Taoist's white hair at the temples.

The Taoist sect is innately talented, and it is impossible to grow old in one day without paying a price.

"Little Taoist Priest, thank you. I will remember to take medicine."

"My wife is over sixty years old, and her life is not too short. It's okay if she forgets her medicine occasionally."

"Speaking of which, how old are you, Mr. Xiaodao?"

The young Taoist replied: "Fifteenth..." His voice paused, thinking that the New Year had passed, so he smiled, continued to write medical orders, and replied:

"Sixteen years old."

"Oh, I'm sixteen, about the same as my grandchildren."

"Then you are still young."

"Don't be tired. Look at you here. Your hair is all white. I heard people say it's because of excessive energy consumption."

"But be careful. Where are your parents? They don't take good care of you either."

She was gibbering like an old person of her age. She pointed at the young Taoist's temples and said something. The young man raised his hand and pressed his temples. He just smiled gently and replied, "Thank you for your concern. It's nothing. I guess." I haven’t slept well during this period, so it’s not a big deal.”


"...It doesn't matter."

As the day progressed to night, things calmed down, and there were fewer pedestrians. The young Taoist stood up and returned to the Taoist temple with his medicine basket on his back. Throughout Zhongzhou City, there were many fewer people on the road. It was obviously not the final drumbeat yet. In the past, There will be many vendors, from where Qi Wuhuo stood up to the bridge, there are pedestrians everywhere and the lights are like daylight.

Now that we have seen it again, even if there are pedestrians, they are leaving in a hurry.

In the past, every five o'clock in the morning, monks would walk around carrying iron signs to remind people that the time is up and the morning bell is about to ring. The sound of Buddhist posts and iron signs mixed with slang, and the sound of wooden fish may not have been heard for a long time. , and there were no people on the roadside offering porridge or adding medicinal materials.

Mr. Gray Yi didn't know where he went, and neither did the simple and gentle monk.

Yue Shiru watched the young Taoist step forward.

The young man tied his hair with a wooden hairpin, but the white among the black hair was very eye-catching. Only a few days had passed since what happened to Zhongzhou this time, and he could clearly feel the changes that had taken place in the young man in front of him, becoming more and more popular. The sinking is not that it is heavy, but something more complicated.

There is the energy of the earth in front, and the god of the earth also appears.

Although he only cares about human affairs, he is willing to help when he is soft-hearted.

It is not considered a violation of the local official's duties.

There are many landowners who go to various places to pick medicinal materials or deliver fruits from the mountains to the city. After all, these lands have watched these people be born, watched them grow old, and watched their children become gray-haired. Even though humans and gods are different, they still have compassion after all. He turned into an old man. After separating these things, he raised his eyes and saw the young Taoist coming here.

Yue Shiru recognized it as a land creature and stepped forward to see him.

But he saw that the land just glanced at the young Taoist from a distance, casually and sneered.

He ran away without even bothering to say hello.

It was because of what the young man did that day that he felt resentful, but he couldn't say anything.

Yue Shiru was about to speak, but he hesitated. His raised hand fell down and he continued to greet him. He had no choice but to turn around in embarrassment and saw that the young Taoist's expression had not changed at all, but he was just carrying an empty medicine basket. , walked by him, reached out and patted his shoulder gently, and said with a gentle smile: "Go back to Taoist Temple."


"Yes, real person."

Yue Shiru's address as a real person was much more sincere than before.

When I returned to the Taoist temple, I heard the sound of three yellow chickens clucking outside. I opened the door of the Taoist temple. The Taoist temple was as usual. The young Taoist frowned and looked at the old Taoist in front of him, holding a wine bottle in his hand. , said: "Master, my uncle said that your luck had damaged some foundations before, and then you fought with someone with a sword and stabbed your lungs. You can't drink anymore."

The old Taoist priest said awkwardly: "Just, just a little."

"Not even a little bit!"

"Besides, I just took a sip, just a sip..."

"It's Chinese New Year, you've given me meat to eat, drinking is nothing."


The little Taoist Mingxin put the wine bottle next to him.

In the past, it was the old Taoist who warned his disciples, but now it seems to be the other way around. The young Taoist Mingxin is very serious. In the past few days, whether he is sweeping, meditating, practicing Qi, or doing morning and evening classes, he has been meticulous and meticulous. There is no need to be reminded anymore, as if he has grown up all of a sudden.

The three-yellow rooster held its chest high and raised its head, walking majestically through here, as if patrolling its own territory.

From time to time, he would lower his head and peck at the vegetable leaves.

Still the same.

After eating, the young Taoist washed the dishes and went to sit down in the Sutra Pavilion. He leaned against the wall of the Sutra Pavilion, with the moonlight shining on his face. His brows were clear, but there was an unsolved problem in his heart. What happened in Jinzhou? The events in Zhongzhou, the people I met, the things I experienced, and the decisions I made were all around me.

For now, it seems that everything has been resolved.

But is it really a solution?

Why did the blazing heat of Jinzhou come about? The Xingjun who guided the seven major nodes including Zhongzhou has been killed, and the god of malfeasance has also perished, but Qi Wuhuo still feels grievances in his heart. This is just a false solution. He held the sword in his hand, and the bloody sword screamed endlessly. It screamed when everything was uneven, and what was uneven was the sword or the state of mind.

Suddenly, the order on his waist lit up slightly. This time it was the order from the Arctic Exorcist Academy. Qi Wuhuo thought of the merits and virtues Taibai had said before. He guessed that the matter of order had been resolved this time, so there was still some closure. Something happened, so I closed my eyes, and my soul fell on the token, as if it were a medium, and it was somewhat similar to the method used by the Mingzhen Taoist Alliance to step into the water.

Qi Wuhuo's eyes lit up, as if he had appeared in a large hall.

The hall was not big, and apart from him, there were many divine generals who were at the forefront of the incident. Qi Wuhuo suddenly discovered that Taibai was missing, and the Lei general next to him seemed to be injured, so he couldn't help asking softly, but the latter was silent. , and then replied: "Five days ago, I led the crowd to capture Emperor Donghua. Emperor Donghua fought back brazenly and did not want to be captured."

"During the fight, seven god generals, including Taibai, used their bodies to block his magical power in order to prevent him from escaping. They were severely injured by the sun's golden flames. The three of them died on the spot, while Taibai was sealed in black ice and was being warmed and nourished. There may be a glimmer of hope."

"The Arctic Exorcism Academy is what it is."

"But you are not a military commander, so you don't have to take such risks."

Qi Wuhuo felt relieved and said, "Emperor Donghua?"

Lei Jiang replied slowly: "Yes, the leader of the Eleven Yao, the current leader of the Dou Bu, is also the Emperor of the Sun. It was he who caused the chaos that destroyed the formation this time. After we tortured Luo Hu's soul, I also tortured the soul of Jidu, and after getting the answer, I searched for evidence and confirmed it was correct before I captured it."


The young Taoist felt the blood in his heart suddenly become violent, and subconsciously his body tensed up, and he said: "Sun Emperor...the strange drought in Jinzhou, is he related to what happened seven years ago?" Lei Jiang frowned slightly and said: "Seven years ago? Jinzhou? At that time we were chasing another demon god. The Shangqing Tianshu Yuan and the Judiciary Tianzun should be responsible for these things."

"As for the files under torture, I didn't read them."

"But with the torture methods used by those guys in the Arctic Exorcist Academy, they should be able to ask."

"I can ask for you."

His soul seemed to leave for a short time, and then came back quickly, saying concisely:

"There is a connection."

"Ji Du and others regard him as their leader. The purpose of these two times is to disrupt the order, and then use the meaning of [the great sun to destroy evil] to illuminate the six realms, so as to take a further step forward on the great sun emperor. To prove the status of [Tai Yi], that is to say, the purpose of these two catastrophes is to allow Emperor Donghua to take a step on the road."

"It's just that they were cautious in Jinzhou before and were not very courageous."

"Zhongzhou, on the other hand, is getting bolder and bolder. Only then did we come forward."

"You devil, you..."

Lei Jiang noticed the stiffness of the young Taoist and the change in his spirit, but said nothing more.

Because there is another tyrannical aura appearing.

Not the Great True Lord Tianyou.

Due to direct precautions against the possibility of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, the canopy cannot come out. The people who were responsible for capturing Emperor Donghua were Tianyou and Yisheng of the Arctic Saints. Tianyou was also injured. Now it is True Lord Yisheng who is responsible for the last thing. He said indifferently: "Everyone should know this. In order to seek enlightenment, Emperor Donghua is very determined. He does not hesitate to recreate his ancient appearance and wants to use the sun to destroy evil."

"The Taoist heart is very strong, very good, very good."

"He who deserves to be beheaded should be killed."

"It is too easy for him to die on the Immortal Killing Platform. He should warn the world about his death."

"He is not beheaded at this moment. He is only in the heavenly prison. He has been beheaded with the three flowers on his head and all the five qi in his chest. The Northern Emperor has issued an order to behead him in front of the gods in heaven tomorrow."

The North Pole Exorcism Academy removes punishment and also has the duty of deterrence.

Yisheng lowered his eyes and swept across:

"Everyone, who is willing to be the executioner with a knife?"

The generals of the Arctic Exorcist Academy all hesitated for a moment, because Emperor Donghua was in charge of the Immortal Book, which also meant that he had many and wide friends with the Immortals, his status was high enough, and he had many acquaintances. My friend, if you do this, you will be targeted, and I'm afraid you will be in danger.

There are always those extreme people who follow their own way, no matter the cost.

But almost at the same time, they clarified their minds, dispersed their hesitations, and then prepared to respond.

The same applies to the name of Arctic exorcism, and the bottom line is that it cannot be provoked.

But just for a moment, someone already said in advance: "I do!"

Many gods were slightly startled and looked in that direction. The only Taoist who participated in this matter, who was not even an immortal official, responded without hesitation this time. Yisheng raised his eyes and looked at him, and said calmly: "You But you know that Emperor Donghua is deeply involved, and the cause and effect is also huge."

The young Taoist replied: "I know."

Yisheng looked at him more seriously this time and said, "Are you the devil?"


"Very good, I have read your resume, and I also know the reason for your choice. Although the matter in Jinzhou has not been submitted to the Exorcism Institute, and it is not our responsibility, there is cause and effect in heaven and earth. This is my responsibility. Never believed it.”

"The incident in Jinzhou started because of Donghua, and finally fell under your sword, one cause and one result, with revenge. You didn't disobey our judgment, but that's right - it's okay!" Yisheng came out of the demon! The clan, with a violent and upright character, was not as serious as Tianyou about this matter. He was quite appreciative. He laughed a few times and suddenly raised his hand and flew directly to Qi Wuhuo with a beheading order.

The young Taoist caught it.

Yisheng stood up and said calmly: "Generals, take your orders."

"Tomorrow at noon, when the sun is at its strongest."

"Dang the devil, kill Donghua!"

The young Taoist held the order in his hand.

He replied slowly——

"Dang Mo, take your orders."

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