I am immortal

Chapter 662: The struggle between the north and the south, the great roads and different roads, and

The wind blows and passes over the trees and waves on the mountain. The Antarctic Immortal Emperor has left the Antarctic Immortal Heaven for the rare time in this millennium. At this moment, looking at the black-robed Zhenwu, he is still very cool and calm. He reaches out his hand and invites from afar. He said loudly: "Fellow Zhenwu Taoist, the wind is beautiful and the sun is beautiful today. If you and I meet, why don't we come up and have a drink together."

Qi Wuhuo calmly stepped forward and walked into the pavilion.

There are no back tricks or traps in the pavilion.

For their realm and level, the so-called traps and plots have little meaning. Whether it is the Antarctic Immortal Emperor who has the most vitality and endless endurance, or the Zhenwu Emperor who is unparalleled in killing and wiping out all the demons, they have nothing to do with each other. There is no way to cause decisive damage to the opponent immediately.

At this moment, he was acting upright. The Antarctic Immortal Emperor poured a glass of wine for Qi Wuhuo, placed the sapphire wine bottle on the table, held the wine cup himself, and said: "...It's incredible."

He said: "I have thought about it many times."

"Thinking about who is standing in front of me in the end, the most unlikely is Gou Chen, followed by Hou Tu, and the most likely is Zi Wei. I have even thought about it, and even your teacher has thought about it. In the end, Under the tremendous pressure of the calamity, even the aloof and detached Sanqing Taoist Patriarch will take action to stop me."

"But I never thought that the person standing in front of me in the end would be you, Qi Wuhuo."

"A little Taoist priest who was just a junior a thousand years ago."

"Although this is not the first time I feel this way, the mystery of cause and effect in this world is so unpredictable, which makes people sigh and admire..." Qi Wuhuo looked at the wine cup, the clear wine reflected the skylight and sea of ​​clouds, and replied calmly. : "It's not that I'm blocking you."

"It's what you do that triggers the reincarnation of all things to help your own practice."

"You use all living things to become the foundation of your Tao."

"There are creatures and creatures to stop you."

"Qi Wuhuo is just one of them."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor laughed: "Hahahaha, there are so many living things to stop me, and such a true martial arts demon is just one of them!"

"It was a question a thousand years ago, but now I want to ask you again, among all living things, is the body in this world more important, or is the soul more important? Is this body my own, or my soul my? If you agree with the truth, The spirit is unique, so the true spirit has been reincarnated for thousands of years and hundreds of years. Is it the self that returns?"

The black-robed emperor said calmly: "If the true spirit awakens, the true spirit is the self."

"If the true spirit is not awakened, then the experiences in this life will shape the self."

"It's me and not me, how can we generalize?"

"Besides, all things are natural, all living beings, a little bit of one's own spirit, will naturally awaken, that is a natural awakening, but what the emperor wants to do is not this [natural], you want to force control, use life and death, reincarnation, force The common people will wake up in the direction you want."

"Just like cattle and sheep in a pen, the selection at birth, what is used for breeding, what is used to produce wool, and what is used for meat are all based on the herdsmen's expectations, how to grow, when to castrate, and when to eat. With a knife on the neck, even the use of the meat and fur has been carefully planned."

"Emperor Changsheng, the direction you pointed out is excellent, but there is one problem."

"I cannot agree with this."

Qi Wuhuo looked at the Antarctic Immortal Emperor who still had a gentle smile in front of him.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor opened his eyes slightly, but his eyes were gentle but clear in the depths. He played with the cup in his hand, letting the wine swirl in it slightly, and said: "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

Emperor Zhenwu looked at him and said:

"What you call cultivation, breakthrough, and reincarnation are all under your control."

"In the future you pointed out, all living beings are just your puppets. What is immortality, what is enlightenment, and what is the true spirit longing for? You don't consider these things. You Turn your own needs into their goals and then force yourself upon them.”

Qi Wuhuo's voice paused, but he thought of all the old friends he had met along the way.

Confucius Qiu, who wants to create peace for all generations, and the mighty king who is wanton and arrogant and wishes to die of old age in this world.

Under the plum blossom tree, there is an old friend with white hair;

After reincarnation, the Dragon King was able to make up for his regrets.

The burning lamp that returns to its roots.

Jin Chanzi and pharmacist Liuli seek the Dharma through reincarnation.

There are also Chaofeng and Jiaotu looking at the distant scenery from Zhongzhou Fucheng.

Immortality is not the only goal. There are things in this world that are higher than life and death. Even if it is to seek immortality, everyone has their own choice. The end may be there, but everything you see on the road is completely different. Walk slowly, watch the sun rise and set, watch the beautiful scenery and the world of mortals.

Only after I know the wind in spring and the snow in winter, and see the best sunset in the world, can I know how to practice.

It is not about giving up immortality and having no other external things. It is not the kind of person who is born just to practice. If you don't have the qualifications to practice, you will continue to reproduce in this life to give birth to descendants with talents. After losing this ability, you will directly Go to death and reincarnation, and wait for the next life to continue practicing.

Not this kind of captive world.

Qi Wuhuo raised his head and drank all the wine. He could finally give the answer to the question that Taishang Xuanwei had not been able to answer for a thousand years. Emperor Zhenwu put the cup in his hand on the table and looked straight at it. Looking at the Immortal Emperor in front of him, he said calmly: "Your path is wrong!"

"Practice is about cultivating yourself and understanding your original mind, rather than practicing for your path to immortality."

“Why you do something is more important than the thing itself.”

"Everything in the mouth of the Immortal Emperor is immortal, but everything is just a puppet that only seeks immortality. Everything else is abandoned, like ants in an ant colony. Everything they do is for the sake of you, the Immortal Emperor."

"If you want to use the people, you don't have to give them such a seemingly beautiful illusion."

"It glosses over a lot of cruelty in it."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor was stunned. He never thought that his descendants could now openly refute his own path. He shook his head and laughed, and said lightly: "If you can live forever, you can ignore many disasters, and there will naturally be countless peace in the future. Life can be lived.”

"The suffering at this moment is just a small necessary price."

"Isn't it also said in the human world that bitterness comes first and then sweetness?"

"The vision of immortality is the grace and calmness of gods and immortals standing in the clouds, overlooking the vastness of all things. Mortals don't understand it, so don't you understand Zhenwu?" The Antarctic Immortal Emperor raised his hand to show it, and the clouds naturally flowed and turned into large clouds and clouds. Spreading out, it is vast and auspicious.

Below are the mountains and rivers rising from the land, and on the sea of ​​clouds stands an immortal god with a handsome face and flowing robes.

With a joyful smile on his face and quick eyes, he looked down at the world of mortals. The mountains and rivers were beautiful, and people could be seen kneeling and worshiping devoutly in the mortal world.

It was as if he were truly an immortal, standing in the sea of ​​clouds, enjoying the beauty of immortality.

Lord Zhenwu Daojun looked at the changed world and said calmly: "It looks cool, but it is just a marionette of fellow Taoists. Compared with ordinary people, immortals are immortal, but in the face of great catastrophes, they are no different from ordinary people." , I’m afraid I won’t be able to reach the [immortality] in the eyes of Emperor Changsheng.”

"You control everything. In that future, all the people are just puppets and marionettes in your hands."

"Once you feel dissatisfied, once you feel that it is not enough, once you feel that these gods and gods can provide you with more help in your path to immortality, you will not hesitate to knock them back into the mortal world. Their suffering will be meaningless."

As soon as the sleeves and robes were swept away, the wind blew by. The mountains and rivers in front of them were withered. The immortal gods above the sea of ​​clouds had a withered color on their bodies. Their hair was withered and yellow, their faces were old, chains appeared on their bodies, and behind their necks There seemed to be slender and tough silk threads that spread upwards and fell into the hands of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

When the wind blew, the threads of the immortals broke, and they were unwilling to scream. Their faces were full of pain, and then they fell into the clouds, losing their free and ethereal aura, and fell into the reincarnation of the mortal world. With a bang, It shattered into pieces, turned into aura and dispersed, disappearing.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said lightly: "...This is also reincarnation. They once entered the pure realm of immortals and gods, but they could not live forever. And next time, whether they are reincarnated as livestock, wild beasts, or human beings, they will not be considered immortal. In this life, if you have previous experiences, you can awaken to the true spirit in advance, which is of great benefit to your practice."

"One day he will be able to reach this realm of immortals again."

Along with his words, the previous transformation technique changed again.

The falling energy dispersed, fell into the water and turned into a swimming fish, fell into the human world and turned into a human race, all because he was once an immortal god, he awakened the true spirit earlier, and then started practicing early, and everything was prosperous again. .

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor pointed at the scene deduced from this change. His voice was low and no longer calm as before. The smile on his face also disappeared and he looked much more solemn. He said: "Step by step, even though there are twists and turns, we are always moving forward. One day when we reach the end, all living things in this world will be able to ascend immediately, isn’t it possible?!”

"Really? Then, why not continue the deduction?"

Emperor Zhenwu swept his fingers together, and the sword energy swept across the changes in front of him, so these creatures became immortals, and then collapsed again. This happened several times, and finally became crazy. He looked at the Antarctic Immortal Emperor in front of him, and said: "Ascend, become immortal, As a god, after reaching a certain realm, because of your path and because their upper limit is still not satisfied with [immortality], you will knock them down to the realm of immortal gods again."

"Over and over again, they can never reach true [immortality]."

"I will only be constantly trampled and failed in front of these illusory goals and wishes, and then given the so-called chance to come back..."

"Because even the goal of [cultivating immortality] was set by you for them."

"Even if the purpose of spiritual practice is to make wedding clothes for others, how can it be possible to truly understand the great road and freedom?"

The black-robed emperor scolded:

"Antarctica, the immortality you talk about is just a lie."

"Your goal is just to let the common people continue to try to rush to immortality before the arrival of the [Final Tribulation] to complete your ritual, and finally make this concept strong, and finally allow you to cross the Final Tribulation alone and let all things perish. The heaven and the earth are opened, and the six calamities rotate, but you are immortal."

"The path you are taking is a path that is not enough to give you more than you deserve."

Emperor Zhenwu finally revealed the truth about Emperor Changsheng's so-called great wish.

The smile on the latter's face completely disappeared.

The black hair of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor was slightly raised, his eyes opened, and he glanced at a certain future end shown by the previous transformation technique. Suddenly, a crack opened in the void, and many ascetic gods and gods who emerged from the transformation screamed and screamed. , fell into this boundless crack, turned into qi and disappeared.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor swept his sleeves, stood up, and said in a calm voice:

"The damage is not enough to give more than enough?"


"The strong are getting stronger, and the weak are always weak. This is how it should be. The strong set the order and rules, and the weak just need to abide by them. I at least gave them a path to immortality. What have you done? Here boast?!"

Qi Wuhuo sat there quietly and replied:

"I left the Taoist scriptures I learned through practice and the trees transformed from Yu Zun's Qi into the world."

"One country, one country, and hundreds of schools of thought."

"I pointed out the direction ahead and left behind the books of spiritual practice. The rest of the road is their own journey and the path they should take. When to stop and where to go is their own. No one can interfere with the choice, and there should be no ups and downs."

When Qi Wuhuo was talking about this, he suddenly understood what his teacher had taught him back then.

Understanding the old man's compassion and generosity, his expression became gentler.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor was speechless for a moment, and finally said: "So what?"

"I am still here, and they continue to reincarnate. In the next catastrophe, I will reshape them."

Emperor Zhenwu said: "But what was revived at that time was their own true spirit; or were they just recreated by the Emperor of Immortality with the immeasurable magical power, existing like the moon in the flower in the mirror, and after that, continue to be you Does it exist as part of the ritual?"

"Or, if there are two people, no matter their bodies or true spirits, they become exactly the same with supreme magical power. There is no difference at all. Are they two the same individual? The Immortal Emperor?"

The question he asked Qi Wuzhuo back then finally hit the center of the Antarctic Emperor's eyebrows through Qi Wuzhuo's rhetorical question thousands of years later. The latter remained silent for a long time, staring at Qi Wuzhuo, seemingly giving up on persuasion, and just said calmly:

"At least, I gave them a chance."

"A chance to overcome this final calamity is better than a Taoist like you who only knows how to talk."

Emperor Zhenwu said: "I also have my own path to overcome the final disaster..."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor shook his head and laughed, saying:

"Your path? Hahaha, I only believe in my own choice!"

"Today is really a perfect opportunity." He sighed and stood up, poured all the wine in the cup in his hand, and stood with his hands behind his back.

"After this, the Northern Emperor returns and Emperor Wa ascends to the throne. If I want to succeed on my path, this is the only day I can go. Originally, I thought that you and I might be able to understand each other, but it seems that we have different paths after all. Don’t conspire with each other.”

"Between you and me, we are just like a thousand years ago, we are not the same people!"

"Whoever is not my friend is my enemy!"

On the Fangcun Mountain, green-purple thunder rushed and circulated, and the rumbling sound became more and more majestic, as if the thunder of the whole world were gathered together. The endless purple stream of light pressed downwards, and finally with a roar, the endless thunder light gathered and turned into A long spear crashed down.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor raised his hand to grab the spear, and his green shirt turned into a battle robe and armor.

The brows were sharp, the spear tip swept across, and 30 million thunder lights rushed across the Taoist's brows.

"It just so happens that there is one last way for you and me to discuss Tao."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor's eyes were bright and sharp, and he said: "Only by war!"

"You are either my fellow disciple, or you are an external demon!"

"Today, I shall slay the external demon——"

Endless thunder turned into a vast ocean, converging on the spear tip, pointing directly at the eyebrows of the black-robed emperor. At this moment, above the Nine Heavens Golden Tower, in the Zhenwu Mansion, the sound of swords that had been silent for thousands of years rose into the sky. !

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