I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Volume I_Chapter 462 The method of cracking, homosexuality

Next, Chen Fan started several reincarnations.

Finally, I found a way to crack it thoroughly!


He came to the deep lane.

"According to experience, don't let him turn his head!"

"Turn around, see him, attack!"

"And when he comes to the end of the road, he will turn his head!"



Immediately, Chen Fan recalled the experience he had summed up, and then...

He didn't wait for the young man who was walking backwards to speak at all, he just flashed his figure and took out the book behind him, which contained a story about this young man.

However, Chen Fan was too lazy to look!

Flick the paper directly in one of the directions.

Immediately, the young man who was walking backwards began to walk forwards!

Then, every time you turn a page, you move forward!

When all the books were turned, he also completely disappeared from sight!


Seeing this, Chen Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, solved one!


Immediately, he flashed his figure and hurried to the first room.

He can't waste time!

The power of the ghost in the body has passed away a bit seriously!

He faintly felt that if the power of the ghost in the body passed away too much, it might be dangerous!

"Don't look at this stone statue, it will appear more stone statues at an extremely fast speed, and then attack me!"

"Look at it, don't blink!"

"Blink once, and there will be another stone statue!"

"Until the eighth stone statue appears, we still have to fight!"

"If you don't blink, the power of restraint will weaken, but... the weakening speed is too slow!"

Chen Fan tried his best to recall, and then keenly grasped a point: Since the stone statue likes to be looked at, then use a few more pairs of eyes to look at it!

What will happen?

Just do what you say, with a thought in his mind, a pair of eyes condensed with the power of ghosts emerged.

Immediately, Chen Fan felt the restraining force around his body, and the weakening speed doubled!


Seeing this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then frantically gathered countless pairs of eyes!

The force of restraint around the body is weakening faster and faster!


Completely disappear!

What's worth mentioning is that while condensing countless pairs of eyes, the power of the ghost in Chen Fan's body is also consumed enormously!


Fortunately, the moment the binding power disappeared, the stone statue of the teacher exploded.

But this time, no more blood flowed out!


Chen Fan nodded, and then stepped into the second room.

The moment he entered it, he closed his eyes.

"Mr. Lang."

A woman's voice came: "Is your slave beautiful?"

Chen Fan said indifferently: "Only the way is to follow, only the heart is the sect. Emptiness is form, and form is emptiness. It's dreamy, coming and going in a hurry. The moon in the water, the wind on the tree..."

"Lang Jun, you are so cruel!"

"Open your eyes and look at others..."


Immediately, the woman's voice began to become ethereal, until it disappeared.


It was also at this moment that Chen Fan stepped out of this room.

He opened his eyes, and everything in front of him changed instantly.

A strange middle-aged man sat cross-legged.

The hair, face, and figure on the left side of the middle-aged man are all like a beautiful woman, especially from the side, it is even more youthful and beautiful.

And the right half of the body is bald, masculine, and majestic, like a strong man!

The most important thing is that this seemingly incongruous body and appearance can be flawlessly blended together very naturally.

"Beat me, and you can go out."

The weird middle-aged man opened his mouth slowly, and then he didn't talk nonsense, and started to make seals with his hands, and...

The movements of this person's two hands are completely different.

One yin and one yang!

One soft and one strong!

Two terrifying auras collided and blended!

Then, countless ghost powers suddenly appeared around, forming countless monsters with claws and claws, and rushed towards Chen Fan.


Immediately, Chen Fan stretched out his right hand, and a ghost blade formed, slashing wildly.

start fighting!

He promised Yan Ruyu that he would not be able to use soul skills, so he could only rely on his instinct to fight at this moment!


During the battle, Chen Fan found that he lost the power of the ghost faster and faster!

He immediately fixed his eyes and began to speed up the attack rhythm!

At the same time, try to control the power of the ghost, and resist that weird "suction"!


With mysterious footwork, Chen Fan's speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of the strange middle-aged man in an instant.

But the next moment...

The opponent disappeared directly in place.

Chen Fan's offensive failed!


Immediately, he raised his eyebrows, and even sensed the mysterious fluctuations around him.

Relying on his attainments in the formation, he immediately caught the fluctuation of the formation here!

"It seems that my control over Yinhun is really not very good!"

"The fluctuation of the formation, I couldn't sense it before!"

Chen Fan spoke slowly.

"Soul Array!"

The weird middle-aged man said lightly: "Even if there are many powerful earth soul experts, it is difficult to break it!"

"Your ghost is powerful, but your control over the ghost is too general. Such a powerful ghost is wasted!"

"This formation, you can't break it!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

There is no formation that Chen Fan can't break!


He immediately closed his eyes and began to carefully sense everything around him.


"The power of the ghost that I have lost seems to be replenishing the consumption of the formation here!"

"I see!"

Chen Fan is worthy of being a strong person with immortal talent, the power of Yinhun is extremely powerful, and soon he found the key to breaking the formation: "Control the power of Yinhun!"

"Make the power of the ghost completely for your own use!"


Immediately, he didn't talk nonsense, and fully controlled the power of the ghost!

Meanwhile, keep attacking!

Consume the power of the soul array!


With the passage of time, Chen Fan became more and more proficient at controlling the power of the ghost.

Even though the weird middle-aged man has increased the weird "suction", the speed of ghost loss in Chen Fan's body is still greatly slowing down!

His face darkened, and he immediately gave the order to die!

Attack with all your might!





With all his heart and mind, Chen Fan's ghost power was consumed enormously.

I don't know how long it has been.

This weird "suction" finally couldn't absorb the ghost power from Chen Fan!


"Your talent is indeed very strong, but..."

"You are very weak now!"

"And the soul array is getting stronger and stronger!"

"You still...will lose!"

The weird middle-aged man snorted coldly and said darkly.


"This soul array, the owner of the villa will definitely break it!"

Chen Fan slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the strange middle-aged man, and then approached him step by step...

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