I am Really an Insider

Chapter 626 623: Wayne and I defeated Goute~ (4.9K)

In Milwaukee, which was covered in ice and snow, the attendance at the Bradley Center was not ideal.

Even if the Trail Blazers come calling, even with a superstar like Wayne.

Milwaukee citizens' enthusiasm for basketball also remains limited.

After all, this team hasn't had a representative figure for a long time.

Reed? The coffee level is a little low.


After his rookie season, his popularity declined year by year.

For Milwaukee's ball market to be truly activated, it will have to wait until the Greek monster enters the league.

In this game, almost no one thought the Bucks could win at home.

After all, the Blazers started so fiercely, how could the Bucks just handle it?

Although his opponent was not strong, Wayne was extremely serious before the game started.

For him, this game is really just taking the ball while going to fight.

On the other side, Bucks coach Jim Boylan was also not very interested in this game.

Although the task given to him by the team is to lead the team into the playoffs, this means that every game is a critical game for the Bucks.

But today, Boylan simply couldn't get excited.

If you want to defeat the other party, you must have some strategy.

In a basketball game, it's not like whoever yells loudest can win.

Boylan had no way of restricting Wayne, so he strategically gave up before the game even started.

Fortunately, the Bucks only have to face the Trail Blazers twice a season. It's okay. It's just two games. If you lose, you'll pass.

Instead of resisting, try to enjoy it~

Everyone on the Bucks is actually very relaxed. After all, even if they lose this game, it doesn't matter.

But Goute was different. From the time he came on the court to warm up, he never took his eyes off Wayne.

The media, which is good at making trouble, did not let go of the grudge between Dog and Wayne. On the TV screen, ESPN gave Bogut and Wayne a split-screen shot.

"During this year's Olympics, Way and Bogut had a conflict during the game.

After the game, Bogut also started a fierce scolding war on the Internet.

We don't know whether the feud between the two will extend to NBA games. "

Well, it is indeed very rare for the NBA to take advantage of the popularity of the Olympics.

But what can ESPN's commentary do? Apart from that, are there any highlights from this game?

As long as there is a bright spot, we will not dig up such rotten topics!

Most people thought nothing would happen today between Wayne and Dog.

After all, things have been going on for so long.

Moreover, Wayne and Dog are not players of the same level at all.

There should be no need to go to war with the dog.

But as soon as the game started, everyone discovered that something was wrong between Wayne and Goute today.

On the Trail Blazers' first offense, Wayne easily broke through Ilyasova.

Although the Turkish forward is accurate in three-pointers, his defense is really not good enough.

It stands to reason that Wayne only needs to easily attack the frame on this shot.

But Wayne took the initiative to lean towards Bodog with the basketball in his arms, and it was a direct elbow!

After hitting Bogut, Wayne just threw the ball into the air.

This means keeping your mission in mind at all times, and hitting people is more important than anything else.

Scoring goals is secondary, today the main thing is to beat people up!

Bodog's chest was so tight that he felt like his ribs were almost broken.

The dog bared his teeth, Wayne was going to kill him as soon as he got up!

But it doesn’t matter, it’s my turn to take action next!

The Bucks attacked, and James Jennings dribbled outside the three-point line and shot directly.

Jennings: Tactics? What tactic? Tactics are the ladder of human regression!

James' shot was full of confidence, but the basketball missed the frame.

When Jennings shoots, whether he scores or not depends on the sky.

Just as Wayne was about to jump up and take off the board, Bodog grabbed Wayne's jersey, causing Wayne to lose his center of gravity in the air and fall to the ground!

Seeing this scene, the referee was so frightened that he quickly blew the whistle.

Everyone in the Trail Blazers also rushed towards the crime scene in an instant.

Goute raised his arms innocently and retreated behind the referee, pretending to be pitiful.

Tony threw punches, but because he was blocked by the referee, none of his punches hit.

The game had just started the second round, and a conflict broke out between the two sides!

This time, the originally lifeless Bradley Center was in a state of carnival.

If there is a group fight, who will watch the ball?

Wayne stood up from the ground. Not only was he not angry, he even opened his hands to Dog: "That's it? My daughter is tougher than you!"

The best way to humiliate someone is to treat him with disdain.

Seeing Bogut actually attacking Wayne as soon as he came up, Hardie couldn't sit still at that time.

Good guy, you're in trouble, you're in big trouble!

Is it Wayne you moved? You are touching my brothers with different skin colors!

The referee gave Bogut a technical foul, but this did not have any curbing effect.

The story of Wayne's brave dog fighting has just begun.

In the subsequent games, Dog became the most active person on the court.

Since the rest of the Bucks played very loosely, it felt as if the entire Bucks team, from players to coaches, were all watching with their arms akimbo.

Of course, Goute's positivity today was all directed at Wayne.

As long as Wayne has the ball, he will actively fight for it.

Although he didn't grab a few balls, he played many dirty tricks on Wayne.

In the sixth minute of the first quarter, Reed was defended by Tony and scored a three-pointer.

Goute rushed forward aggressively again. Do you think he was going to rush for the rebound? No!

He didn't even look at the ball. Instead, he saw the right moment, grabbed Wayne's arm, and gave it a hard squeeze!

Dog's special meaning. Lock the elbow and remove the single arm!

This time, Goute used very strong force, aiming directly at the useless person.

To be honest, even if the lock technique is used in a pure fighting game, it will not be directed at the useless person.

The purpose of using locks in fighting matches is to make the opponent surrender because he cannot bear the pain.

Therefore, after locking the opponent, gradually increase the strength. While ensuring the safety of the opponent as much as possible, challenge the limit of the opponent's endurance and make the opponent surrender.

No one would use all their strength to break someone else's arm or twist someone else's neck.

But this time, Goute attacked with all his strength from the very beginning, with the purpose of directly breaking Wayne's arm.

With Goute's twist, Wayne suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain.

But because Goute did it extremely secretly, the referee didn't even notice it at the first time.

Still seeing Wayne standing there in pain, covering his arm, the referee finally blew the whistle.

"This is an unsportsmanlike foul! How could Bogut do this!?"

Director Zhang, who was commentating on the game, was stunned. Everyone knew that dogs were very dirty, but this was beyond the definition of dirty.

It should be said or not, Director Zhang seems to be an amateur.

He actually stood up for sportsmanship in front of Bogut.

As we all know, there are two people in the world who are the least sportsmanlike.

One is Korean and the other is Bogut.

Wayne's arm was in severe pain and he was probably severely dislocated.

Normally, a serious dislocation will require you to miss 4-6 weeks.

That was a serious injury, so the Man of Steel badge quickly came into play.

After a while, Wayne recovered, but by this time Dogt had also backed away.


Wayne cursed secretly, "You're just fighting guerrilla with me here!"

Run away after the vaginal discharge! ?

The referee gave Bogut a foul this time. Bogut didn't care, but Wayne was more nervous than him.

Because if Goute is sent off early, there will be no chance to beat him.

In the confusion, Carlisle took Wayne off the field.

The team doctor immediately performed a simple examination on Wayne, and the whole team became nervous.

On the other side, in order to protect Goute, Boylan also replaced him.

The smell of gunpowder between Wayne and Bogut has spread throughout the venue, and the scene where Bogut just removed Wayne's arm was replayed over and over again on TV.

Hard Te's veins were now popping out. He couldn't allow anyone to treat his teammates and brothers like this!

But it's a pity that when Harder came on, Bogut was on the bench.

So Hard Special didn't get a chance to retaliate.

After the start of the second quarter, although Wayne said time and again that he was completely fine, Carlisle was still worried.

After all, the way Gout removed his arm just now was really cruel, and Carlisle did not dare to take the risk of letting Wayne play with an injury.

Therefore, the starting No. 4 position in the second quarter is still a hard special!

This time, Hardte finally met Bogut.

He took the initiative to get close to Gasol and asked his sister-in-law to switch defenses with him.

As soon as he got close to Bogut, the old wolf started chattering.

"What's going on? Are you acting wild here? Let's get to know him, the head coach of the Portland Trail Blazers, Wei Wei.

bodyguard, Mr. Hanage. "

Bogut was already very angry, and it made him even more irritated when he kept nagging in his ears.

He ignored the tough guy and just pushed Garnett to push the lunatic away.

"Oh, you don't accept it, right? I was young and frivolous, and I was a famous werewolf in Minnesota.

A few dance parties and a few fierce battles in the Minnesota area, those are all my main events.

If you step back from the brink, I guarantee you will come back to the bottom.

If you persist in your stubbornness, I will definitely make you suffer endlessly.

Where to go, give me an explanation! "

The hard one was still chattering endlessly, making Bogou Te upset.

The angry Goute leaned on Hard and raised his hand for the ball.

Dogte thought to himself, I even took care of Wayne, but I can’t take care of you?

After Goute caught the basketball, he slammed back and his big elbow was bent.

The tough guy was immediately beaten to the point where he couldn't even speak harsh words. Damn, this bitch was so cruel!

After pushing away Garnett with an elbow, Bogut turned and hooked.

But Harder also didn't let Bogut get what he wanted. He jumped up and grabbed Bogut's arm, causing Bogut to fall heavily.

The referee blew the whistle again, and the fans could no longer remember that this was the first time the referee had stopped the game in this game.

The tough guy stood in front of Bodog and roared condescendingly at him.

"Are you still rude? Are you still arrogant? I'll scratch you, I'll scratch you!"

It's so hard that it feels completely comfortable.

Ever since he angrily criticized DeShawn Stephenson in the last game, Hardy has no fear of anything.

Are you going to get up and hit me? You hit me?

With Brother Wei's backing, let's see what you can do hehehehehehehehehe!

Just as Hardy was feeling proud, Bogut suddenly got up and punched the Wolf King on the right side of his face.

The Wolf King was stunned at that time, wasn't he?

The gentleman who has promised to speak will not do it! ?

The ferocious expression on Jiute's face disappeared instantly. Now there was no cold-blooded wolf, only Erha in a daze.

Before Harde could react, Bogut punched him again.

Hard's legs suddenly softened, and he stumbled and fell to the wooden floor.

Minneapolis' famous werewolf dies!

Needless to say, as a former famous werewolf in Minneapolis, the Wolf King's fighting record is disgraceful.

Let's put it this way, it can basically be summed up in one sentence: no one can win.

Only a happy baby like Howard would be brutally punished.

The moment he sat on the ground, he was completely confused.

I rode a horse. I was beaten! ?

How unreasonable!

It was as if he had not been beaten that time before.

Seeing this, Wayne rushed from the bench to the court in one stride.

Wayne certainly knows how severe the penalty will be for a substitute player to rush onto the court without permission.

But I can’t control that much now, this is the last chance!

Because Bogut just made a move on Hard Special, he will definitely be sent off the field next.

If we don't do it now, the education plan will completely fail!

Wayne was very fast. He rushed in front of Bogut and grabbed the dog's collar.

But at this time, players from the Bucks had also arrived, trying to separate the two.

But Wayne didn't care so much. As the Bucks generals pulled him, Wayne accurately hit his head with a backhand punch.

Goute was a little shaken at that time, and a big bump immediately bulged on the top of his head, as if he had turned into an old man.

Seeing this, Ilyasova wanted to stop him, but was roughly pushed away by Wayne.

Seeing Ilyasova fall, everyone on the Bucks didn't dare to stop him.


As if it had nothing to do with them, they all stood and watched the dog being ridden and beaten by Wayne.

"Ouch, I'll wipe it, ouch, ouch, it hurts just looking at it!" Zhan Nings did not forget to sigh.

"Zoukai, let me come!" At this time, people heard a loud shout.

After he stood up again, he got rid of his teammates and rushed towards Goute.

Upon seeing this, Wayne hurriedly got out of the way, but little did he know that the dog lying on the ground kicked off his foot like a reflex, and his kick hit the old wolf's little wolf.


Suddenly, the wolf king transformed into a husky and was knocked down for the second time today.

He was covering his legs hard, with tears in his eyes.

Wayne was speechless. You can be knocked down by this, you're a master!

What can I do to save you? ?

Wayne sighed, then mounted again and received another beating.

While fighting, you also have to torture your soul.

"Are you still talking about the Chinese team?"

"No more, no more!"

"Are you still sending NMSL?"

"Stop posting, I was wrong!"

"Then I will teach you how to speak Chinese correctly, remember it!"

After that, people couldn't hear what Wayne was mumbling, and could only hear Bogut's screams.

Ben looked at it and said he was very embarrassed. This feeling of being ridden and beaten seemed like it was yesterday.

"Let him go, I'm here again!" Hardy stood up again holding his wolf's balls, and he and Wayne fired their bows left and right, dealing a heavy blow to Bogut on the ground.

Good guy, the hard guy finally has the upper hand in a fight!

At this time, the scene was completely out of control. Although the Bucks players dragged Dog out, the Trail Blazers players were still trying to control Wayne and Hard.

But Wayne and Harder rushed too hard, chasing Bodog and running around on the court.

"Happy New Year, brother and sister-in-law, I am your son and you are my father!" Bodog could only shout loudly the Chinese words that Wayne had just taught him.

Although he didn't know what it meant, he knew that it might save his life!

Finally, Bodog ran directly into the tunnel in a panic. Wayne and Harder still wanted to chase, but now the security personnel built a human wall directly at the entrance of the player tunnel.

Only then did Wayne and Harder finally stop their pursuit.

At this time, the entire stadium was in a mess, and you could even vaguely see some blood stains on the floor.

This scene was like a reenactment of the great brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills.

No, the Brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills was about fighting each other.

Today's case is a one-sided defeat.

The fans in Milwaukee were cheering wildly, and yes, instead of being angry, they were cheering.

Although one of his players was beaten,

This horse riding is simply the most worthwhile ticket this season!

Wayne and Garnett created the most brutal beating scene in NBA history. Before the start of the season, people joked that Wayne and Garnett would fight in the locker room.

Who would have known that they were completely in sync with each other.

This pair of tough-guy brothers undoubtedly caused an uproar.

"What!? Garnett and Wayne teamed up to beat Bogut!?" Joke was quite surprised when he received the call.

Join forces to beat?

What kind of operation is this!

If you know the tough guy, you will probably die laughing. Yes, after scoring 63 points with Wayne last time, today he scored 63 points with Wayne again.


Wayne and Hardy were escorted into the tunnel, and Garnett's hands were still shaking with excitement.

With this step on the horse, my old wolf is now a famous werewolf in the Rose Garden!

I finally took part in a serious fight!

Wayne next to him had a relaxed look on his face, taking care of the small scene. I've done both rough and tumble, let alone just chasing.

But let's face it, today's scene was more exciting than Wayne imagined.

Moreover, he rushed from the bench to participate in the fight.

Plus now it’s the jokes that rule.

In this way, Wayne estimated that he might need to take a good rest this time.


who cares!

Being able to give a dog a good beating is more practical than anything else~

As for the record during the period of absence from the game.

There’s nothing to worry about. How big of a hole is it that Godway can’t fill?

Sorry, I'm late today, and this is the only chapter. I had insomnia yesterday. I went to bed at 5 a.m. and woke up at 8 a.m. I'm very sleepy, but I can't fall asleep after riding a horse, which makes me in a very bad state today. I can't even write much now. I really want to sleep now. The 5,100 words I owe today will be made up evenly over the three days of the 29th, 30th and 31st. I don’t want to ask for votes anymore. I’m too embarrassed to ask for them. I’ll wait until I make up the votes on the 29th, 30th, and 31st before voting. I’m begging for forgiveness~

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